Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1056

When Xiao Hua thought about it, the voice of the arena rang out again: "immortal Xiao..."

"The end will be here!" Xiao Hua hastened to salute.

"You have passed the competition of HuJiao. You can take the position of HuJiao..." Speaking of this, the voice obviously stopped for a moment. Fortunately, no one disturbed it. The voice then said, "which tiger sect are you going to take over?"

"I will take over the team of Lei Ming Lei Hu Jiao!"

"Good!" The voice said, "bring your army card!"

"Boom The tiger like shadow fell into Xiao Hua's military card, and the voice said, "your military card is already tiger education general's card, but the seal of Diqiao 240 team still needs to be granted by Qin Longqi. Now you wait in the city of the sky, and go to see Qin Longqi when the other two generals win!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiao Hua is respectful, and his figure is pushed out of the arena.

"How?" Xiao Hua flies out. Xiangqing and others come to inquire.

"No problem!" Xiao Hua said, "Xiao's military card has been upgraded to HuJiao general, but the command authority of Diqiao 240 team needs to be granted by Qin Longqi. We need to wait for the other two generals to come back."

"Hoo..." Xiangqing let go and said, "that's good. Xiao HuJiao, if you don't wait here, how about going back with your brothers and telling the other brothers the news? "

"Very good!" Xiao Hua nodded, and then whispered, "brother Xiang, my younger brother has just seen Qianyu hanqianbuyao, and her old man has another important task to appoint Xiao, so I need brother Xiang to work hard for the team. When I have a chance, my younger brother will recommend my elder brother to be a team tiger teacher."

Xiangqing was stunned for a moment. He was grateful in his eyes. He nodded and said, "brother knows!"

Seeing that Xiangqing had gone, Jiang Meihua, who had never spoken, said with emotion: "immortal Xiao, you You're a piece of shit

"Yeah, what's the matter with that shit?" Xiao Hua didn't look at Jiang Meihua angrily and said, "even your dragon can't compare with you!"

"Where do I know?" Jiang Meihua said, "I don't even know how long Xiang came here. Surely immortal Xiao knows?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua takes out two trumps as he talks.

"Why two trumps? Who did you kill?"

"Am I that cruel?" Xiao Hua drips out the blood essence to refine the card sacrifice, and asks lightly.

Jiang Meihua sneered and said, "if you kill me, I'm not surprised. If you don't kill me, you're on the battlefield How can we survive? "

Xiao Hua was interested in investigating trumps, but after listening to Jiang Meihua's words, he didn't have any reason to be upset. He was merciful. He didn't like blood since the beginning of the cultivation of the world, and even had the oath of becoming a God when he was young! But he didn't kill in the world, but he stepped into the battlefield in the fairyland.

Although it's the killing ground of the fairyland against the demon alliance, the demon clan is also a life!

Seeing that Xiao Hua doesn't speak and silently practices the trumps, Jiang Meihua doesn't stimulate Xiao Hua any more.

"This trump card has another use..." Xiao Hua refined the trump card and said, "it was given to me by an adult!"

"Well, I know!" Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "this is military affairs. You don't have to tell me so clearly."

"I need someone to advise..." Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua and said, "Xiangqing may be OK, but I'm not sure. After all, I can't see anything after several battles!"

Jiang Meihua shook her head and said, "like me, Xiangqing is more than enough to be a general, but it's not enough to be a strategist for thousands of miles..."

Xiao Hua suddenly thought of Li Moyi. If only Li Moyi were here!

Unfortunately, don't mention Li Moyi. He doesn't know where Bai Xiaotu is.

"Fortunately, there is Zhou Xiaoming..." Xiao Hua said in secret, "you Chongquan and Chang Yuan should also become. They have fought in the world of ten thousand demons. They should have some experience!"

"I have to go to Huang Zengtian..." Xiao Hua looked around and said to Jiang Meihua, "are you going?"

"Xiangqing took the star boat away..." Jiang Meihua said, "I'd like to go, but I don't have a star boat. There's some trouble in the lower bound!"

Xiao Hua thought about it for a moment, and quickly took out the vanguard trump card. Sure enough, after the trump card, there was a star boat which was much smaller than the star river. It seemed that it was specially for Xiao Hua to break the boundary.

Xiao Hua took out the star boat, which fell in the air, "hum..." There was a slight vibration and twisted texture around the boat. The faint light lines on the boat overflowed like water, and the inexplicable marks were all over the surface of the boat, big and small as stars.

Jiang Meihua looked at the star boat, there are stars flowing, Yannian swept the star boat was extremely smooth, Yannian had a kind of can't fall feeling, he couldn't help praising: "good baby!"

Xiao Hua is also very happy. He drips out the essence and blood for the sacrifice. The immortal formula is played. The star boat waves to let Jiang Meihua fly in with him.

"You take the boat!" Xiao Hua said, "I can't let you go in vain!"

"Ha ha, work hard for a family..." Jiang Meihua takes over the star boat with a smile. She is familiar with it and says, "if you have a chance, don't forget someone!"Xiao Hua's eyelids turned, looked at Jiang Meihua and said, "Xiao eats meat, but does Mei Tongling drink soup?"

"Ha ha, that's good. Give Mei Changkong a mouthful of soup to moisten her throat."

When Jiang Meihua laughed, she was just about to urge the star boat to fly. As soon as an immortal would fly out, she yelled, "is the city of the sky where you are waiting for mischief? No military order, no flying at will... "

Xiao Hua handed out the vanguard card with a smile and said, "Xiao has something to do with Huang Zengtian!"

The immortal general took over the trump card, and Yannian's face changed slightly. He quickly arched his hand and said, "please, my Lord!"

Xiao Hua takes the trump card and signals to Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua urges the star boat to follow the direction of Xiangqing's previous landing.

"You're a great trump!" Jiang Meihua said with a smile.

Xiao Hua sat down on his knees, took out two trumps and said, "this is a military plane. Don't ask. If you want to drink soup in the future, it depends on your level. "

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua laughs, knows Xiao Hua to say to play, also did not care.

Xiao Hua first explored the vanguard trump card, but saw that there was an extra space in the vanguard trump card. In this space, there were military cases, flags and arrows, and the words "vanguard" were written on the flag. It looked similar to Liu Yunshu's military account, but there was no seal.

Inside the vanguard trump card, it was like a shop. Most of the handwriting in it was clear. Some strange elixirs and unknown skills appeared in front of Xiao Hua, but the number of military achievements behind these things was so big that Xiao Hua was stunned.

"It seems that we still need to accumulate military contributions..."

Xiao Hua thought, mind out of the vanguard trump card into tiger teach trump card.

Inside the HuJiao trump card, there are some small changes in the space of the shop, some of the handwriting is clear, but it is far inferior to the vanguard trump card. In addition, there is a small military account space in HuJiao's general card, but this space is only for military cases, and there is no flag or arrow. It is obvious that Qin Xin needs to wait for his seal to give him the post of HuJiao.

"Well..." Xiao Hua understood what, and his mind never quitted. He turned into a human figure and sat behind the military case. Looking at the empty military tent space, he said in secret, "although Butian is the army of daoxianjie to resist the demon alliance, there are too many forces in daoxianjie. Not to mention Xianmen, it's the archaic fairy family, the ancient aristocratic family. Well, now the aristocratic family, they must all reach into Butian. Ouch, I have forgotten what heaven is Of course, Xiao's strength is far from enough to contact Tianzun, but they must be making some arrangements to make up for Tianzun, right

"Xiao just took Gu's ice sword, which can attract the attention of some important people. We have to be careful in the future..."

Xiao Hua has made up his mind to improve his strength as soon as possible, so that he can have the value of being sheltered in the eyes of some big people. Of course, what we should expand is our own power. Think about a general who can command millions of immortals and tens of thousands of real immortals. Does the palm law palace dare to attack and kill itself easily?

Xiao Hua is thinking about it, his face is moving, and his mind is in a hurry to withdraw from the trump card. However, he sees Jiang Meihua taking the trump card and sending a voice to himself.

"Xiao Hua..." Jiang Meihua's face was blank and said, "a strange fairy will send me a message that he knows the origin of your number! However, the immortal will refuse to give his name, nor do he want to do military exploits, but only say that he wants to have a secret talk. "

"Secret talk?" Xiao Hua frowned. He knew that the so-called secret talk was that they applied for an independent space through butianxianwei. Only their Yuanshen could enter the space.

The key is that this space may not be confidential, and it costs a lot!

Knowing Xiao Hua's stinginess, Jiang Meihua said in a hurry: "the other side is willing to bear half of the military service expenses!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "you ask him to apply for the secret room and pass the pass token!"

Jiang Meihua was not surprised by Xiao Hua's reply. He said with a smile, "no problem, but you have to give me your military contribution."

Xiao Hua smilingly replied: "save first, and finally settle accounts together!"

But for a long time, Jiang Meihua took out a five-star chip from the military card and said, "that guy is also very anxious. He didn't wait for me to give him the military merit, so he passed on the pass token!"

"Are they descendants of Zihuan?" Xiao Hua took the chip and thought to himself.

While thinking about it, Xiao Hua takes out Liu Yunshu's trump card and falls into it. The chip is like a copper spoon in the sky mending fairyland. Xiao Hua takes it and uses the immortal formula to stimulate it in the trump card. The copper spoon bursts, and thousands of runes swim in the air, forming a five-star portal.

Xiao Hua looked down at his figure, which was still his true self. He took a deep breath and stepped into the door. He saw a light curtain falling from the door and covering Xiao Hua. He saw a human figure with the same silver light and shadow flashing around him

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The team of mending the sky is really hiding. Someone knows the mysterious number on the astrolabe