Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1055

This female immortal's whole body is powerful but not strong. It's like solidified magma. It's fierce.

Before the female immortal's figure could be revealed, the figure of an eight hundred year old general in front of Xiao Hua flew out one step earlier, bowed to the female immortal and said, "I've met Lord Buyao at the end of the day..."

"Step "Bu Yao?" Xiao Hua was so surprised that he didn't dare to neglect him. He bowed himself and said, "I've met you at the end of the day!"

"You should avoid it. I have a few words to ask Mr. Xiao!"

The female fairy's voice is dignified, which has an unquestionable meaning.

"Yes The battle will step back and the figure will disappear.

The fairy looked down at Xiao Hua and covered her with clouds and waves.

"Immortal Xiao..." The fairy said, "I ask you, you are a Qi fairy. Why are you not afraid of the celestial light in the color world?"

Xiao Hua was relieved, and said with a smile: "the end of the general is not clear, but after the fight, the end of the general recalled, as early as when the end of the general had not set foot in the leakage of immortals, he had experience in a dangerous place on the verge of annihilation in the enlightenment mainland. Before the danger was annihilated, there was a fairy light falling. After the end of the general was covered by the fairy light, he almost fell down, and then escaped by chance Come, it must be because of that chance that I am not afraid of the mysterious light of immortals

Chen Xian means a long time, and the danger of annihilation means that there is no evidence to check. It has to be said that Xiao Hua took great pains to deal with it. Unfortunately, Lord Bu Yao didn't ask him in detail. As soon as he changed the subject, he said, "it's reported that when you escaped through Senluo Road, you crossed the barrier of the two worlds many times. Is that true?"

Xiao Hua's eyes turned quickly and cautiously replied: "yes, the end general ran for his life at that time, but he also gave up, although the immortal body was damaged..."

"Yes, there are not so many explanations!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiao Hua's crisp answer.

"Sen Luo Dao neiduo is the demon Alliance Star Moon light pillar, can your immortal body withstand?"

Xiao Hua didn't understand what master Bu Yao was doing when he asked this question, so he had to honestly answer: "yes!"

"OK!" The fairy answered and said, "follow me!"

"What for?" Xiao Hua is at a loss, but he can't say much about it at all. The cloud waves that closed the arena before rolled Xiao Hua straight up into the sky.

It's just a few breaths, but Xiao Hua feels a flower in front of him, and there is more powerful pressure around him. "Boom boom" but listening to the thunder inside, Xiao Hua's immortal body is compressed a lot.

"Crackling..." In the sound, Xiao Hua quickly bowed his head, but a heavy spark splashed on the surface of juexian's body, which quickly spread from outside to inside and then slowly disappeared.

"Hoo..." Xiao Hua took a breath, a hot breath, mixed with a strong suffocating spirit, rushed into his heart and lung, "cough" Xiao Hua coughed.

"Stop pretending!" Fairy Light said, "fairy Xuanguang all into the body, how can you still be choked by fairy vitality?"

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed twice. He looked around and said, "this is the sky of nothingness!"

"Yes The fairy answered, and suddenly the clouds rose again, rolling Xiao Hua into the ground!

From nihilistic Yue Heng Tian to Qiyao Mo Yi Tian, it's just a matter of counting breath. The rules change very fast, and Xiao Hua's immortal body soars. If it's someone else, the immortal body might be torn. But Xiao Hua's body of the beginning light just makes a sound like a hungry belly, and then Then there's no more.

All this happened so quickly that Xiao Hua wanted to cover it up, but he didn't have time to move at all, so he had to look at the fairy and said, "my lord..."

"Your immortal body is a little strange!" There are two charming eyes on the female immortal's face covered by silver light. There is a faint purple light in the eyes.

Xiao Hua was cold, and his vest felt creepy. But a moment later, the fairy closed her eyes and said, "it's nothing different!"

"My Lord, it will be a natural talent at the end of the day!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Well, indeed!" The fairy nodded, lifted her right hand, took out a trump card, and said, "this general is the team, bu Yaoqian Yuhan. Our team is still short of a pioneer. Are you willing to take it?"

"No!" Xiao Hua refused even though he didn't want to, "the end general has promised Xiangqing to go to their team to be a tiger teacher, to fulfill Lei Minglei's unfinished wish of tiger teacher, to defend the boundary, to rush, to kill the demon clan."

"There are many conveniences to be a pioneer of the team..." Qian Yuhan didn't force him, but explained, "you are directly dispatched by the general. You can go in and out at will in the lust world heaven and the desire world heaven with the trump card. You have more authority than the ordinary immortal generals in the tianxianwei, and even the generals below Bu Yao have no right to dispatch you!"

"This..." Xiao Hua hesitated.

"Oh, and..." Qianyuhan then said, "you can set up your own vanguard team, and you can dispatch them by yourself. Except for the general, the team will not interfere!"

What a temptation! Especially the last one, Xiao Hua couldn't help but agree. But thinking about Xiangqing waiting outside the competition, Xiao Hua took a deep breath and said, "thank you, Mr. Bu Yao. I really want to agree. But Mo Jiang has promised Xiangqing that we male immortals are no better than you female immortals. Male immortals should be faithful, otherwise they can't have a foothold in the world... ""Bullshit!" Qianyuhan scolded, threw the card in front of Xiao Hua and said, "I forgot to tell you that the vanguard is not a military post, there is no seal, and it will not delay you to do tiger education!"

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua Mei opened her eyes and laughed. She quickly took the trump card and said, "my Lord, I said it earlier."

"Ben will give you orders through trumps..." Thousand feather cold suddenly facial expression a whole way, "you are ready!"

The voice is not falling, thousand feather cold whole body cloud wave a roll will rush to the sky and rise.

"Oh, my lord..." Xiao Hua woke up and cried, "what do you want me to do?"

"Just look at the trump card!" Thousand feather cold have no good spirit of reply, "remember to immediately sacrifice Lian general card!"

"Yes, yes, my Lord, I will know!" Xiao Hua bowed helplessly and said, "I'll send you to bu Yao!"

"Hum..." Qianyuhan's voice sounded in Xiao Hua's ear, "don't look down on female immortals. Female immortals are as faithful as their words. They would have been, like Gu shooting alone!"

"Boom..." Xiao Hua is like Lei Zhen, surprised to see a thousand feather cold has disappeared body shape, thousand feather cold is just a word, has revealed a lot.

Frost sword is in Xiao Hua's hand. Through Liu Yunshu's trump card and Qin Xin's report, someone in the team already knows that Xiao Hua has to be careful.

Qian Yuhan and Gu Sheqi are familiar, and whether they are enemies or friends is unknown. Of course, from now on, it seems that Qian Yuhan is giving Xiao Hua a trump card.

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The vanguard Trump's effect does not seem to go away!