Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1054

As soon as Xiang Zhili saw that there was no one beside him, he quickly said with a smile, "adoptive father, what kind of self-respect can you give to your child?"

"There is something extremely important for you to do!" Xiao Hua said, "but it's dangerous!"

Hearing this, he quickly closed his smiling face and said, "what's the matter? The adoptive father is at your command

"The disciples of our Zaohua sect, eh, and the disciples of other sects in the world of ten thousand demons, most of them should fly to this Qingyan continent. I don't know about the disciples of other sects, but I don't think they will join other sects. They will look for the Zaohua sect in Qingyan continent or other continents in Zixuan immortal realm just like you. I don't know because of something extremely important I can stay here for a long time, so I want you to stay here and look for those disciples of the fortune gate... "

"No problem!" Xiang Zhili didn't have any hesitation at all. He said, "I'll leave it to my child."

"Don't be afraid, either!" Xiao Hua pointed to Xiao hei and Xiao Huang beside him and said, "I'll leave them to you. Ordinary immortals are not their enemies at all."

Then Xiao Hua said to Xiao hei and Xiao Huang, "listen to Li'er and protect Li'er!"

Xiaohuang said with a smile: "mother, don't worry, there is a child in, guarantee won't damage him a hair!"

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "good!"

After two hours, Xiao Hua still can't rest assured. He sends Yan Zhan out of the space. However, for more than a lifetime, Yanzhan had the strength of the five element immortal. As soon as Yanzhan flew out, he immediately bowed himself and said, "what can I do for you, master

There is no room for Yan Zhan not to respect Xiao Hua. It's really the shock of everything in the space to Yan Zhan! Not to mention the immortal body of heaven and earth, not to mention the mysterious and unparalleled skill of stepping on Shenque, but the improvement of the realm with wings made Yanzhan throw himself to the ground against Xiaohua.

"Yan Xianyou, you are welcome Xiao Hua picked up Yan Zhan and said, "I want to ask Yan Xianyou to be a guard for Xiao's adopted son for a period of time, so that he can find a disciple of Zaohua sect who will fly to the immortal world for Xiao!"

"Just a little thing!" Yan Zhan nodded and said, "Yan is willing to listen to the master's drive."

"Then there will be Laoyan FAIRY FRIENDS!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said to Xiangzhi, "don't you come to see Master Yan soon?"

Yan Zhan was respectful to Xiao Hua, but indifferent to Xiang's etiquette.

Xiao Hua was still not sure. He took out Chuanxi, which could not be refined before, and sprayed five colors of magic fire at his mouth to refine it again. Although Chuanxi had no real Chuanxi to transmit things, there was no problem in communication.

Xiao Hua gives the rhinoceros to Xiang Zhili. After looking at him, he tells him a few words. Then he accepts the star array and leaves in a hurry.

Xiao Hua intends to keep more disciples of the gate of nature in the Zixuan immortal realm, but their strength is too shallow, so he has to send another disciple to protect them. In this way, although there are so many people, they will certainly attract the attention of the Shen family. In space, the disciples of the gate of creation can be used, but they will not be easily believed. Xiang Zhili is his adopted son. As all the disciples of the Zaohua sect know, he is always smart. He should be protected by Xiaohuang, Xiaohei and Yanzhan.

Xiao Hua is going to leave the mainland of Qingyan. Many ghost festivals have fallen from all over the place where he has been before. Zhuang Bi is killed by Qingfeng, so his soul will fall into the place.

However, Zhuang Bi is obviously different from Xiao Hua. His wandering soul is broken by bluestone. Although he is still in human form, there are thousands of pieces of human form.

But Zhuang bi was not as shy as Xiao Hua. At this time, he was talking to a fairy who looked graceful and graceful: "what's the name of this fairy friend? I'm Zhuang Bi. My father is Zhuang Zhou, a famous sage in the world of Confucianism and immortality. Before I was born, I was a disciple of Tianhong Pavilion. I used 4685 years to cultivate myself to the level of Er Qi immortals.... "

"Cut..." Looking at Zhuang Bi's embarrassment, she said, "you must be too arrogant to be killed by others, right?"

"What How can I be arrogant? This is the fairy who robbed my Linglong dragon first... "

"Forget it, forget it..." The fairy waved her hand and said, "is it useful to say so much now? Even if you have no one before and no one after you, how can you cultivate Er Qi Xian in 100 years? I'm dead... "

"Alas..." Hearing this, Zhuang bi was a little dejected and muttered, "it's impossible for a hundred years to have no one before and no one to come. There has been an immortal for forty or fifty years, and he has been trained for two thousand years..."

Zhuang Bi is blind and poor with the female immortal, and walks towards the yellow spring. In the distance, where the blood color is gorgeous, an ink cloud appears strangely. The old man in Xuanyi looks at Zhuang Bi with surprise on his face.

Zhuang Bi's wandering soul is the condensation of fragments, but there is a blue stone mark between his eyebrows. This mark can't be seen by ordinary ghosts, but it is obvious in the eyes of old man forgetting Sichuan.

"Why, what's the matter?"

"How can they kill a fairyland by such means "Two immortals?"

"Is there anything special about this immortal?"

The old man thought to himself that Zhuang Bi had arrived at Naihe bridge!

Forgetting Sichuan old man slightly hesitated, after all, he still raised his hand, the hurricane set off, will still chatter zhuangbi away!Naturally, Xiao Hua didn't know that Zhuang Bi had another chance. When he flew over ten thousand li, he saw that there was nothing different around him. Just as he was about to perform his art of light escape, his eyes just swept a fiery mountain like a bell. Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. He could hardly believe his eyes. After looking at it again and again, he quickly took out the five tombstones in Zixuan immortal domain and found one. Sure enough, there was a simple image in the tombstone. The fiery mountain is called Huoqing peak!

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and still sent the bell into the space. After all, at this time, the military duty of tiger education is the most important. The gift of direction is here. He must come again!

Xiao Hua rushes directly into the sky to see that the immortal power is about to be exhausted, and a mountain of black and white light and shadow appear in front of his head.

Xiao Hua knew that this light and shadow should be the barrier of heaven between Huang Zengtian and Yu Wantian, and his figure fell into it. Sure enough, it was a strange space. Xiao Hua slightly adjusted his breath and opened his eyes to explore. It was easy to see a little light and shadow on the edge of his vision.

Xiao Hua's smile once again urges Guangdun's skill. In a moment, he will be near deshe Xinghe!

On the river of stars, Xiang Qingzheng anxiously waited for Xiao Hua. Seeing Xiao Hua appear, he quickly welcomed him and cried, "Xiao Xiaoyou, how about you?"

Xiao Hua went to the Star River and said with a smile, "I've got it. Let's go!"

"This So simple? " Xiangqing thinks it's incredible, but he only asks a question, and hastily urges shexinghe to rush into the deep of the two Heaven barrier and fly towards Qiyao Moyi heaven. He knows that Xiao Hua will not despise such things.

Seeing that Qiyao Moyi heaven was just around the corner, Xiangqing could not help but ask in a low voice, "is Linglong in the hands of that fairy?"

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua nodded and explained, "what a coincidence! The Linglong dragon was originally discovered by an old acquaintance of Xiao. In the process of chasing, Linglong dragon was discovered by the female immortal. The female immortal attacked and killed the old acquaintance of Xiao and captured Linglong. However, she used Xiao's old immortal boat to let Xiao see the flaw. After Xiao killed the fairy, he found the exquisite Dragon... "

"That's what it takes. It doesn't take much work." Xiangqing said happily.

Next to Jiang Meihua coldly said: "this is called the murderer's constant killing!"

"Well?" Xiao Hua looks at Jiang Meihua strangely and doesn't understand why he is so.

"The Jiang family and the Shen family have never dealt with each other. They are mortal enemies." Jiang Meihua said, "moreover, the Shen family is not allowed to appear in Huang Zengtian. Shen Xun deserves to die!"

"Oh? Do you know Shen

"It's all Qi Xian, the Shen family and the Jiang family There should be some impressions of each other! " Jiang Meihua explained faintly, "some family didn't pay attention at first. When she called herself a disciple of Shen family, some family recognized her. What did she do when she came to Huang

"I'm not sure..." Xiao Hua shook his head, "her spirit has been broken, and many places inside are fuzzy!"

"That's Shen's secret skill!" Jiang Meihua said, "since she came to Huang Zengtian, she is naturally ready. How can you know her purpose?"

When he spoke, he had already gone out of the gap between the two worlds and entered the Qi Yao Mo Yi heaven It is obvious that Xiangqing wants to take the lead and try his best to urge the Star River to shake up again.

Xiangqing was worried too much. When Xiao Huafei came to the arena, he took Linglong out and handed over the order. Even the voice was a little surprised: "this So fast? "

"Yes Xiao Hua looked around and said with a smile, "Xiao has robe Ze to help him, and his luck is excellent. As soon as he arrived in Qingyan, he found the trace of Linglong dragon, so he didn't spend much to catch Linglong dragon!"

"Yundao, yundao!" That voice also has some helplessness, murmur two voice way, "before luck way, any strength and realm are nihility! In that case, you have accomplished the task... "

With the sound, "brush" appears a virtual shadow like a fierce tiger in the middle of the sky. The voice suddenly says in a dignified voice: "immortal Xiao, take out your military card, I will teach the tiger military duty..."

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiao Hua respectfully took out the general card, and saw that the tiger like shadow was just about to fall on Xiao Hua's military card. Suddenly, a voice came from the sky, "slow!"

"Big My lord The voice suddenly became extremely astonished and respectful, and whispered, "you What can I do for you? "

"Hum..." Can't the sound of landing, the arena set off a magnificent cloud, the cloud congealed like a giant beast plummeted down.

In particular, after the beast, the immortal Xuanguang opened the sky and covered the arena where Xiao Hua was!

When the giant beast fell, the clouds scattered and turned into a flowery seat. A light and shadow with thousands of feet was exposed like the finishing touch of a paintbrush. After the colorful condensation, Xiao Hua was surprised to find that in front of him was a fairy in colorful armor.

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Zhuang Bi has another chance. Don't worry. What is this fairy in colorful armor for?