Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1053

"Hee hee, speaking of the second elder martial brother and the Third Elder martial brother..." You Zhongquan said with a smile, "it's quite strange that they are soaring! One is coming to the fairyland, but he goes to heaven. The other is going to heaven, but he comes to the fairyland! "

"What?" Xiao Hua pretended to be surprised and said, "has Wang Fei come to the fairyland? Fu Zhiwen went to heaven instead? "

"Yes, yes!" Chang Yuan and you Chongquan said in a different voice, "it's too magical. Even the two elder martial brothers and the two master masters of charge don't know..."

"Let's talk about..." Xiao Hua is full of interest. Chang Yuan and you Chongquan are also very happy and tell the whole story.

Wang Kaifei and Fu Zhiwen had similar strength, and they almost triggered the thunder robbers at the same time. In order to avoid the mutual influence of the two thunder robbers, they went to the edge of the two Terran cities in the world of ten thousand demons.

At first, everything was normal. Above Fu Zhiwen's head, the door of fairyland opened. Above Wang Kaifei's head, the book door of heaven also opened. Then, in the gate of fairyland, the common thunder robbers fell towards Fu Zhiwen, and in the gate of tiantingshu, the five Qi thunder roared and poured out towards Wang Kaifei. All the people and demons in the world of ten thousand demons were surprised. After all, for a long time, there was no case of two people crossing the robbers and rising at the same time in the world of ten thousand demons.

However, just when Fu Zhiwen sacrificed the heaven and earth tower and Wang Kaifei sacrificed the immortal pen, a sudden change occurred. In the three colors of Qi gushing from Wang Kaifei's chest, a phoenix hairpin flashed out. Like a peerless flying sword, the Phoenix hairpin rolled up Wang Kaifei's body and rushed into the gate of the fairyland. The thunder of heaven and earth could not be resisted. Shengsheng was pierced by Phoenix hairpin!

Seeing that Wang Kaifei ascended to the fairyland so easily, everyone was stunned. At this time, Fu Zhiwen's heaven and earth tower also made a roaring sound, covered Fu Zhiwen and rushed to the book gate of heaven!

Of course, Fu Zhiwen's robbery is still normal, but these tests appear pale under the heaven and earth tower, and Fu Zhiwen flies to heaven without danger!

"In this case..." Xiao Hua pinched his chin and said, "Wang Kuai Fei, who came after him, became the second elder martial brother?"

However, as soon as these words came out, Xiao Hua felt that it was not proper for him to care about Wang's change. So he quickly frowned and said, "Feng Chai!"

"Yes You Chongquan said, "disciples and other martial brothers are also surprised. Where did the second elder martial brother get such a treasure that he could help him through the thunder disaster easily?"

"I know the origin of this thing!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "this is the secret of your second elder martial brother. You don't have to ask more."

"So master knows!" Chang Yuan suddenly realized, "that's normal."

"A normal P!" Xiao Hua whispered to himself about the origin of the Phoenix hairpin. Naturally, Xiao Hua knew that the Phoenix hairpin was obtained by Wang Xiaofei in the mainland when Xiao Hua was exploring the Shenzhou ruins. At that time, Wang said that he heard a female fairy whispering and asked him to go somewhere to save the female fairy. But when I got there, I found that there was no fairy, only a jade box, in which there was an antique book and a colored pen!

Both Xiao Hua and Wang Kaifei thought that the female fairy was out of trouble. They left colorful pens and books as souvenirs to thank the comers, so they didn't care. Wang Kaifei also took the colored pen to be used as an immortal pen. As for the use of the scroll, Xiao Hua never asked.

Now it is confirmed that Xiao Hua and Wang Xiaofei have been cheated. Not only did the fairy not get out of trouble, but she was hiding in the colored pen. The jade box was just a way to hide people's eyes and ears, which made people feel that the fairy had got out of trouble.

The fairy dormant in the pen, has been with Wang Fei side, until Wang Fei soared to heaven, she suddenly action, with Wang Fei rushed into the fairyland.

Xiao Hua can get to the wasteland one step ahead of Xiao Hua and break through the thunder robbery easily with Wang Xiaofei. Xiao Hua may not know who the female immortal is, but Xiao Hua has a general idea of the strength of the female immortal. The strength of the female immortal is far beyond his reach.

Xiao Hua was worried about Wang Xiaofei, but since the female immortal was willing to take Wang Xiaofei, it means that the female immortal has Wang Xiaofei's kindness in mind. If the female immortal recovers her strength a little, Wang Xiaofei will surely have many benefits.

"Alone?" Xiao Hua thought of something and asked in a hurry.

"As the Third Elder martial brother said before..." You Chongquan replied, "he will send her to the heaven and earth tower and take her to the fairyland. Now that the Third Elder martial brother has gone to heaven, they must have raised their eyebrows."

"Strange!" Xiao Hua frowned, "how come at this time, I haven't heard from Yu die Wen Qu? Did he really not know that Fu Zhiwen had risen to heaven? After all, Yu die Wen Qu has seen Yu die Tian Ren and Yu die Wu

Frown, Xiao Hua suddenly a Zheng, mouth born a mysterious smile. How did you get along with Fu Zhiwen? Others don't know that he is very clear. Wang's magical power is more strange than Fu Zhiwen's. It's true that female immortals hide in fengchai, but since Wang can hear the voice of female immortals, who knows how many sparks will be produced by the impact of the thoughts of single men and few women over the years!

Wang Kaifei will never suffer!

Then you Chongquan and Chang Yuan talked about the world of ten thousand demons separately, which was to give Xiao Hua the qualification to speak later. Finally, Xiao Hua asked, "after you two fly up, you will be imprisoned? Do you remember that man's face? "You Chongquan and Chang Yuan look at each other and shake their heads: "master, the man is covered with silver. We can't tell him from each other. The man's voice is strange, so we don't ask him any more. I'm afraid we can't find him again!"

"You don't have to ask more about this..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "the most important thing for you is to step up your cultivation. Don't think that you are invincible in the world of ten thousand demons, but this is the fairyland. It's impolite to say that any disciple of the nature sect can easily defeat you in the fairyland of Kunlun."

"Yes, I understand!" You Chongquan and Chang Yuan look at each other and bow to each other, saying, "it's really lucky for the disciple that they can meet again and worship under the master's door again. The disciple will make persistent efforts to create a brilliant fairyland."

"Well, so it is!" Xiao Hua looked at them and sighed, "under my door, Yuanya and Daier are separated, Liuyi and Jianghong are separated, but you two are still together. It's really rare!"

"Hee hee, master, there are three elder martial brothers, Fu Zhiwen and I!"

"I'm afraid they're in trouble!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "you, ha ha, yes, you've been through disaster again. You must have had a good time."

"I hope so!" You Chongquan looks at Chang Yuan and says with a smile.

"Hee hee, if there is no river rainbow around, the fairyland can be peaceful!" Chang Yuan wears a small shoe for Jiang Hong.

"Go ahead..." Xiao Hua pointed to the Kunlun mirror, on which a clear light fell, and said, "you can also find master Chuangong, and get ready to practice!"

When Chang Yuan and you are put into space, Xiao Hua hesitates for a moment and presents them

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You must know who the strange fairy is?