Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1052

"Uncle..." Cui Yingying was a little excited and couldn't help whispering, "you How do you train your disciples? Can they cultivate into the five element immortals in a short time? I was in yuleizong that day. I racked my brains and couldn't speed up the cultivation of my disciples! "

"Their starting point is different from yours!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "you'll know when you're ready. Well, merciless, although you worship the gate wall of my creation, I allow you to reopen Yulei sect in the fairyland. What do you think? "

Heartless ecstasy, he quickly knelt down and said: "the child set up a school, the elder martial brother is the founder of the school!"

"Go, go..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "it's almost the same to let your father be the founder of Chuang Pai!"

Xiao Hua did not mean to say a word, but the scene was still. After all, helpless, Zhuo Ming%% Hui, Xiang Yang, Yan Qinglian, Cui Hongshen and Dui Qi's dream had fallen.

"My father, my mother, and my elder martial brothers are all the disciples of wanlei valley. Let's worship them as the ancestors of Yulei sect in the fairyland." Heartless tone a little lonely, said softly.

"Well, that's good!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"That elder martial brother..."

"Listen to you!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'm also your father's disciple!"

"Thank you, elder martial brother!" Heartless exultation.

Xiao Hua said, "but now you are weak. You and Yingying need to practice hard and stay together Er Qi Xian, think about it again! "

Cui Yingying blushed instantly, and her voice was as small as a mosquito and fly

Mercilessly, he solemnly said, "but at the command of elder martial brother!"

"Adoptive father..." To the ceremony urged the way, "you old and put the words fork, what is your old means?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughs. He takes out a copper ring from Shenhe's corpse in the space. The copper ring falls in the air and gives birth to a light ray!

Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and the sound of "crackling" was broken.

"Come out!" Xiao Hua also breathed a breath of immortal Qi. The copper ring was full of earthy yellow light and shadow. A round shape like a door came out, and then more than a hundred dust immortals flew out of it!

"Ah? Teacher Master? " You Chongquan was the first one. He looked at Xiao Hua inconceivably and exclaimed, "how How can you be an old man? "

"Shifu, Shifu, Youlang..." After you Chongquan, Chang Yuan flew out, crying with tears on her face, "brother I never thought that I could see my master again! "

"Disciple kowtow to master Zhang Jiao!" There was ecstasy on the faces of nearly 100 disciples behind Chang Yuan. They all knelt down and kowtowed!

At this time, there were more than ten immortals standing in the air, some of them looked at Xiao Hua, who was a god of heaven, some of them hesitated.

Seeing this, Gu Qiong asked in a low voice, "master, they are not the disciples of Zaohua sect. I'm afraid they are the disciples of tianmeng and daomeng..."

"Well, you can explain..." Xiao Hua said with a smile.

When Gu Qiong flew up, he patted the top door, and the light and shadow of his whole body changed. He still turned into the image of Gu Qiong old man and said with a smile, "old man, you are the disciples of Dao Meng and Tian Meng?"

The ten immortals were overjoyed. They bowed and said, "the elder is the first person of our Taoist alliance and tianmeng. We all take the elder as an example of cultivation. Now we are lucky to see him

"Ha ha, you wait!" The ancient dome accepted the illusion, lifted up the immortals, and said with a smile, "this is the fairyland. Now you and I are all dust immortals. There is no need to mention anything about the fairyland. Fortunately, I have already begged immortal Xiao to pay for the fortune gate. If you like, you can also ask immortal Xiao to show mercy! "

Seeing Gu Qiong saying so, where do these flying immortals not know to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages? One by one, they fell on their knees and kowtowed, "I beg you to be merciful and accept us as the disciples of the fortune gate!"

If it's normal, Xiao Hua may not give these immortals a chance to choose. Unfortunately, it's too important for Xiao Hua to be careless. He lifted the immortals up with a smile and said, "since they all came from the four major continents, I will naturally help you. What's the situation in the fairyland? You haven't had a chance to explore it yet, but what's the prosperity of the four major continents and the ten thousand demon world I can assure you that I will never regret the choice you made today! "

"Thank you Ten disciples quickly bowed to thank.

"Ancient dome..." Xiao Hua shocked the Kunlun mirror, and the green light covered the disciples and the ancient dome. Xiao Hua said, "you already know how to worship your teacher, and these disciples will be handed over to you!"

Gu Qiong was overjoyed. Knowing that Xiao Hua had given him power, he quickly bowed himself and said, "I understand. I'll take them to see Master Chuangong."

The Kunlun mirror brings these disciples into space, and Xiao Hua looks at the rising disciples of the gate of creation.

In the eyes of these disciples, Xiao Hua is their heaven and their God. Therefore, looking at Xiao Hua's attitude towards heaven and earth, they have nothing but reverence and belief.

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua glanced at all the disciples and said with a smile, "you will finally arrive at the fairyland after experiencing life and death, but the fairyland is not the paradise you think. There are thirty-three heaven in the fairyland. There are differences between the Qi immortal and the real immortal, and the top of the heaven and the Immortal King. You wait to climb the peak of cultivation in the mortal world. When you get to the immortal world, you still have to maintain the momentum and climb the peak! ""Yes, I understand!" Hundreds of the disciples agreed in unison, which was quite shocking!

"OK..." Xiao Hua also pointed to the Kunlun mirror, and the light fell down. He covered the disciples with merciless, Cui YingYing and Xiang Zhili, and said, "you've also met master Chuangong. You're going to march through the gate to cultivate the immortal skills!"

Seeing Yulei Zong's third primary school and other disciples of the Zaohua sect go, Xiao Hua's eyes fall on Chang Yuan and you Chongquan. Now the couple shake hands and stand together. It seems that they haven't seen each other for a long time.

Xiao Hua asked knowingly, "you Chongquan, you are the first disciple I saw in the fairyland. Are you the elder martial brother?"

"Master..." You Chongquan quickly let go and said with a smile, "aren't you a shy disciple? Even Chang Yuan has been promoted earlier than her disciples. If she is in the right order, they should be younger martial brothers. "

"Hee hee, no!" Chang Yuan also said with a smile, "master, I'm the fifth one to ascend. I'm the elder martial sister of you Chongquan!"

"Oh?" Xiaohua strange way, "then who is the first to fly up?"

"Master, guess..." Chang Yuan tilted her head and said with a smile, it seems that she is not the woman Jian Xiu in the world of ten thousand demons, but the girl under her knees.

"Let me see..." Xiao Hua closed his eyes for a moment and said, "is it brother Liu? He has the strongest foundation... "

"No, no!" You Chongquan said, "elder martial brother Liu, in order to help elder martial sister Jiang Hong get rid of the robbery, specialized in Buddhism, so he delayed his practice. He was the fourth one to ascend!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was "surprised" and said, "did Liu Yi go to the Buddhist kingdom?"

"Yes Chang Yuan nodded and said, "elder martial brother Liu's appearance of the Heaven Gate of the Buddhist kingdom when he was going through the robbery really surprised us."

"Jiang Hong's mind is too heavy..." Xiao Hua sighed and said, "before I ascended, she had a lot of blood on her hands. When she came to the world of ten thousand demons, she was killing and robbing all the time?"

"Not only elder martial sister Jiang..." You Chongquan explained, "we are laying a foundation for the human race in the world of ten thousand demons. Which one is not the hand stained with blood? And for the survival of the human race, I don't know how many monks gave their lives! "

"So the way of heaven is meritorious!" Xiao Hua said, "is Jianghong the sixth one to rise to the Dragon kingdom?"

"This disciple doesn't know!" Chang Yuan shakes her head and looks at you Chongquan.

You Zhongquan nodded: "yes, elder martial sister Jiang has risen to Longyu."

"The rest is Wang Kaifei and Fu Zhiwen..." Xiao Hua frowned on purpose and said, "they have similar qualifications. One is able to practice hard, and the other is gifted. It's hard to guess."

"Ha ha, there are times when master can't guess!" Chang Yuan said with a smile, "elder martial brother Yuanya is the first one to rise to Moze!"

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed and said with a wry smile, "I can't imagine that you're still flying up to the devil!"

"Yes You Chongquan sighed, "elder martial brother, in order to marry Tianyu's holy daughter, he practiced hard day and night. His seriousness is far beyond our comparison! Later, the two masters of Zhang Jiao made the decision. The elder martial brother broke into the sky rain world by himself, defeated all the experts of the Tianyu family, and finally married sister dai'er back in the Tianyu holy world! "

"That battle was not only the battle of our Zaohua sect, but also the turning point of our Terran standing firm in the world of ten thousand demons! In the whole world of ten thousand demons, from the great sage to the little demon, they all took part in the war, and their heroism and shock have never been seen in history... "

Although Xiao Hua has learned about the past from the wizard and the heaven, it is said by Chang Yuan and you Chongquan that Xiao Hua sighs.

“…… In fact, although sister dai'er helped to suppress the evil spirit in the elder martial brother, the elder martial brother was too strong, two The two masters didn't give a hand, so the elder martial brother finally had to find a place to meditate, hoping to spend more time with sister dai'er.... "

“…… Although the elder martial brother doesn't want to fight for the first place, the more he doesn't fight, the more chance he will find him. Before the second and third elder martial brothers show signs of rising, he will go through the evil robbery and enter the evil world first

Instead of asking Wang Kaifei and Fu Zhiwen, Xiao Hua said, "where's dai'er?"

"After elder martial brother ascended, elder sister dai'er cut off contact with us and practiced by herself..." Chang Yuan and you Chongquan both shook their heads. "Before we ascended, we didn't hear from her. I don't know if she ascended."

The great sage of Jiying is the result of the rise of the world of ten thousand demons. She can naturally explore the trend of the rise of the world of ten thousand demons. When the great sage of Jiying knows it, heaven and man will know it, so Xiao Hua knows it very well. However, seeing that Chang Yuan and you Chongquan don't know it, he can't ask any more, so he has to smile awkwardly: "it seems that who is the second elder martial brother, Wang Kaifei and Fu Zhiwen Guess? "

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Who is the second elder martial brother? It's hard to guess