Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1051

"And you?" Xiao Hua realized that the question he asked Cui Yingying was too stupid. He turned to ask ruthlessly, "listen to what you mean, do you want to go to the penalty palace?"

"I think so!" He nodded mercilessly and said, "after all, I'm the leader of yuleizong. Although the leimo mountains didn't leave any instructions from my ancestors, since there are ancestors in the penalty palace and there are still keepsakes left in the Xiling pool, I naturally should go to find them."

"Then why didn't you look for it before?"

"Li'er and Yingying want to find elder martial brother. If you don't protect them, you won't be at ease!"

The merciless words didn't surprise Xiao Hua.

"Unfortunately..." Xiao Hua's words were unexpected. "I just killed an immortal official in the penalty palace. I have a grudge with the penalty palace. If you go to the penalty palace, I can't guarantee that your spirit won't be explored..."

"Yes, I understand!" Mercilessly stunned for a moment, a bitter smile appeared on his face. He bowed himself to offer the keepsake of the penalty palace and said, "if you don't go to the penalty palace, you can also worship the gate of creation."

Xiao Hua was a little bitter. He knew what he was thinking mercilessly, but it was a matter of his life and even the safety of the Zaohua sect. He didn't dare to be slighted. So Xiao Hua took the token from the penalty palace and comforted him: "don't worry, the Zaohua sect won't pollute your qualifications..."

"Martial uncle, I'm willing to join the gate of creation!" Cui Yingying is merciless to the horse, at this time will also bow to the keepsake.

"How nice that is!" Xiang Zhili smiles and says, "we're together again!"

With that, Xiang Zhili also handed Xiao Hua the punishment palace keepsake.

Xiao Hua takes three tokens of penalty palace, raises his hand a little Kunlun mirror, and Xiaolei and guqiong fly out!

"Boom..." Xiaolei pours out thunder light all over his body and pours on Sanxiao. After all, they have the blood of thunder beast. Xiaolei likes it very much.

Looking at Sanxiao's greeting with guqiong, Xiao Hua raised his hand a little more. A Moxian pupil flew out of Shenhe's naxu ring. Xiao Huayan scanned it and sneered. He said in secret: "of course, there is no name left in the Moxian pupil. Even in Shenhe's memory, the appearance of the receiving envoy is vague, but since you are in charge of the indirect lingchi, how can you escape from it ? Such mystification shows that the city is limited. Xiao was worried about Li'er's whereabouts, so he used soul searching methods. Otherwise, he didn't know that Gong Xianli had been bribed by the Shen family to do some deceptive activities. "

"Tianzun's house has a decree issued by Tianzun, asking for the release of the detained feisheng immortals. You are bold. You still imprison the immortals here and hand them over to the Shen family. If Xiao didn't come here, wouldn't Xiao's disciples all fall into the hands of the Shen family?"

"It is inferred that the Shen family must have noticed that the disciples they sent to the world of ten thousand demons were killed by Xiao, so they paid attention to the jieyinling pool corresponding to the world of ten thousand demons. Of course, the Shen family, the immortal official of the penalty palace, can't find too many. From what Gu Qiong said, I'm afraid there is only one here."

"As for Li'er, the mainland where they ascended was controlled by jinxiaozong. They had no contact with the Shen family, so there would be no other problems."

“…… That is to say, most of Xiao's disciples in the world should be promoted in the Zixuan immortal realm. Xiao needs to leave a message and take them back to the Huamen... "

“…… As for the real immortal who came down with Shen He, he was really powerful. Xiao could not see anything from Shen He's spirit. He could only vaguely know who he was looking for in Yujie heaven! This man was in the enlightenment continent, but I don't know why Zhenxian came to the Qingyan continent again. Although Shen Yu was closed during this period, it can be known from Shen's memory that everything related to the real immortal has been blurred. Even if Shen Yu was not closed, Xiao could not see anything from it... "

“…… Therefore, Xiao was not sure who the immortal was looking for. However, the only way to be sure is that this immortal should not be looking for Xiao. After all, Xiao has never been to Qingyan before... "

“…… I don't know whether Xiao's skill of cause and effect can shield the real immortal's exploration. After such a long time, the real immortal hasn't come, so it shouldn't come again. Hum, Shen He is really hateful. He let Zhenxian directly kill Zhuang Bi for Linglong's sake. Zhuang Bi is crazy, but he is also an immortal with principles. It's a pity that he died unjustly... "

“…… Zhuang Bi's remains are still in existence. Will Xiao send them back to Tianhong pavilion or give them to the disciples of Zaohua sect? Zhuang Bi's skill is really unique and has some reference value. It's all right. I'll talk about Zhuang Bi later. Let's see the chance. After all, Xiao has a military position now. It's not as easy as before to go to Tianhong Pavilion... "

“…… Although there are some difficulties and heartlessness, the penalty palace is not a place where ordinary immortals can be free and easy. Although our grandmaster Yulei Zong has some status in the penalty palace, his status is very small compared with that of Shenmin Jian. Give more opportunities for heartlessness, and he will understand later! Of course, since the immortal officials in the penalty palace have the background of Yulei sect, Xiao should go to see them if he has a chance. After all, it is not Xiao who can fight against zhanglv palace and rescue brother Xu and Xingyue fairy... "

Xiao Hua thought for a long time that the three little girls over there had already met Gu Qiong. The four of them looked at Xiao Hua without saying a word.

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "it's lively for you to wait for four people, but it's not enough. Let's see what I do...""Adoptive father..." Xiang Zhili laughed and said, "don't you reach into the world of ten thousand demons and drag all the disciples of Zaohua to the fairyland?"

"Ha ha, I don't have that ability now, but I have built another fortune gate in the fairyland. The scale may not be as large as that of the ordinary world, but..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly had a strange look on his face and said, "merciless, are you the master of Yulei sect?"

"Good to teach, elder martial brother knows!" Merciless quickly bow a body way, "the kid is to resist thunder Zong headmaster."

"That's good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said, "I'll leave the gate of fortune to you!"

"Elder martial brother is wrong!" Mercilessly shaking his head, he said, "I'm just a dust fairy. I'm afraid that what my elder martial brother's disciples fear is also a Yan fairy. How can I convince the public?"

"That's true!" Xiao Hua nodded, "the worst of their seven disciples is the primary level of the five element immortal. Your strength is really not good."

Although Xiang Zhili, merciless, Cui YingYing and Gu Qiong have ignored Xiao Hua's realm, they are even more shocked when they hear that Xiao Hua's disciples are already five element immortals. At the same time, they also have a happy look in their eyes

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It's a little bit of a transition. No one can guess what will happen next