Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1050

Qingfeng doesn't know that he has caused such a stir. He only feels that he has met a chance. With Tu Shanxiu's recognition and qingqiushan's assistance, even though he is scared by Xiao Hua's causality, he slowly stops the boat after flying for a million miles. He asks in a low voice, "Xiuer, who do you think killed Shenhe? Why does that man cover cause and effect? "

"Thank you Tu Shanxiu, sitting beside the breeze, was beautiful. She replied softly, "the Shen family is very powerful in the fairyland, but they are forbidden to interfere with Huang Zengtian. Shen Xun does not obey the heaven's order to enter the forbidden area alone. To put it mildly you deserves it! If someone else attacks and kills him, he will not shield the cause and effect. Since there is such a powerful immortal, he will give a warning to the Shen family. As for who The idea of the Yinu family should be the Jiang family. "

"Well..." Qingfeng held Tu Shanxiu's catkin and said in a warm voice, "what Xiuer said is the same as what I thought. The Shen family is too arrogant. Shen fan thinks that I have to rely on the Shen family. She is a little forgetful. Just before I left, she forced me to kill a Er Qi immortal. She is also responsible for the end. "

"So..." Tu Shan Xiujiao said in a voice, "before, I said you helped the tyrant, but you were cruel and didn't care for me at all!"

Qingfeng was embarrassed and whispered, "I I'm new to the fairyland. I don't know much about it. I'm just blinded by the Shen family. Besides, how can I get you without the Shen family? "

"Don't worry Tu Shanxiu said with a smile, "I have given you all the corollaries, and you will be the most important one in the future. Just now I thought about it. Shen was killed and had nothing to do with what you want to do. Just be Shen's wild flower. You don't have to pay more attention to it. You'd better hurry to do what you want to do."

"Xiuer is better!" Qingfeng's face is full of tenderness. She embraces Tu Shanxiu in her arms and says, "I will not fail you!"

"Well, well..." Tu Shanxiu gently nestled in the breeze and nodded, "I don't worry."

After a while, Qingfeng said with some regret: "unfortunately, the previous hexagram has been diluted by the new one. I can't explore the cause and effect at any time. Although you help me, I can't explore the cause and effect in a short time..."

"Isn't that easy?" Tu Shanxiu raised his small face and said, "you can find the previous memory to explore. It's like traveling. When you get there, you can activate the immortal tools. I'll help you."

"Yes, it's a tour!" Seeing Tu Shanxiu's trembling lips blooming like flowers, the breeze said vaguely and lowered her head

Xiao Hua is about ten thousand miles away. Without knowing the false alarm, he is hiding on a high mountain. He looks around warily and sees that several hours have passed without any abnormality. Xiao Hua reveals his figure. Suddenly, Xiao hei and Xiao Huang fly back from all over the place. Fifty two immortal babies also fall from the void. After about half a cup of tea, more disciples of the school of nature leave the void Fly out of the empty space and fall into the Kunlun mirror where Xiao Huaji is in the middle of the sky.

"Mother..." Seeing all the ambush disciples returning to the space, Xiao Huang said in his heart, "the child inquires about you, and there is no abnormal sound. Mother can rest assured."

"Ha ha, that's good!"

Xiao Hua already knew that he was all right, but he still looked at the sky star array hidden in the void around him. Instead of collecting it, he connected his fingers, and the stars on the sky star array rotated, bringing Xiao Hua and others into the void.

Xiao Hua takes out Shen's naxu ring, and Yannian sweeps it inside. A smile appears at the corner of his mouth. A little finger is on it. The three figures of "brush brush brush" fly out from inside. Aren't they the unconscious merciless, xiangzhili and Cui Yingying?

"Ha ha..." Xiao Huang couldn't help laughing and said, "did the three of them fly up? It seems that their strength is too weak! "

But Xiao Hei, with a smile, spat out a word: "good!"

"It's daybreak. Get up and pee!" Xiao Huang flew to the front of the three and cried out, "if you don't get up again, the sun will shine on your ass!"

Xiaohuang naturally moved his magic power, and Yulei Zongsan climbed up from the sky. Looking around, his face was filled with ecstasy, and he said happily: "righteousness Adoptive father, is the child dreaming

"No!" Xiao Hei is also happy and can't help but promise for Xiao Hua.

"I've seen my adoptive father!" He fell to his knees in a hurry.

Cui Yingying hesitated. She didn't know whether to kneel down or not. She looked at Xiao Hua mercilessly and said coldly, "your magic power is amazing, but you don't have to tease me. How can my elder martial brother have your strength?"

"You child!" Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "do you believe that I have to tell you all about your bed wetting when you were a child?"

"That's no use!" He shakes his head mercilessly and calmly. "You are the elder of fairyland. You have endless means. It's easy to get some information from the spirits of the younger generation!"

"You silly child!" Xiao Huang couldn't help but slap the ruthless body with one paw, and beat the ruthless body in the air. "Your elder martial brother, you don't believe it!"

Xiang Zhili was also a little confused, but he looked at Xiao Hua and said, "I believe this is a adoptive father. This kind of feeling can't be counterfeited by others!"

After hearing this, Cui Yingying immediately fell on her knees and kowtowed: "I've seen my martial uncle!""Ha ha, you wait for two to get up!" Xiao Hua raised Xiang Zhili and Cui Yingying up and said lovingly, "I already know what you've suffered. It's rare for you and Cui Yingying to support each other. I'm very glad! Oh, this is the artifact of the three of you. Take it back! "

Then Xiao Hua sent qianleiling, wanleihai and Moyun leijin to the three men.

"Adoptive father..." Xiang Zhili took qianleiling, opened his mouth and swallowed it. He said strangely, "how did you get back the fairy ware? Do you always know that fairy? Or with the most powerful male immortal? "

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "they are after me, and I just know it!"

"You..." Cui Yingying was surprised. "You killed them all?"

"I'm not the rival of that male fairy yet..." Xiao Hua pondered for a moment and replied, "I just killed the fairy! That's how I rescued you... "

"Pavilion Sir, what is the state of mind? " Heartless did not collect Wan Leihai, but looked at Xiao Hua and asked.

"Gather Yuanxian high level!"

"Silk..." Heartless, Xiang Zhili and Cui Yingying took a breath of cold air and looked at Xiao Hua strangely. Then Xiang Zhili groaned, "adoptive father, you How do you always practice? This How long has it been? The child also said that when he arrived at the fairyland, the adoptive father just took one more step. At best, he lost the fairyland or developed the fairyland... "

"You children Xiao Huang couldn't help saying, "who is my mother? How can we measure her with ordinary eyes?"

Heartless a listen, in front of a bright, quickly kneel down and kowtow way: "the child has seen elder martial brother, the child is rude, also hope elder martial brother Haihan!"

Xiao Hua was surprised. He raised his hand and said mercilessly, "I can't say you just now, but now I believe you."

"Xiao Huang, of course!" Looking at Xiao Huang mercilessly, he said with a smile, "how can Xiao Huang not know that his elder martial brother is a male immortal? Even if other immortals can transform Xiao Huang by means of all means, he can't let Xiao Huang call him elder martial brother and mother! "

"I'll go!" Xiao Huang slapped on the heartless shoulder and said with a smile, "you can still tell!"

"That's the best!" Xiao Hua nodded, "I'm going to send out the ancient dome to testify to me!"

"Ancient dome?" Xiang Zhili was stunned for a moment, and said, "is it the old man gudome? He's the first person to rob after his adoptive father's rise! "

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded, "I have accepted him as a registered disciple!"

"And the children?" The salute comes at will.

"Ha ha, you are my children. Naturally, you can't be like them..."

"Elder martial brother..." Mercilessly asked, "where is the master of the child, real thunder?"

"I only know that he is in tianwuxianyu, and I have never seen him..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "after all, I have not been to the fairyland for a short time!"

"How does the adoptive father know his whereabouts?" It's even more strange to salute.

"Can't I feel something in my heart?" Xiao Hua did not have the good spirit to reply a way, "besides, you and so on must also know that the immortal who cultivates the yuan God mostly does not have the immortal domain in the sky?"

"My master is the one who practices yuan Shen?" Merciless confused, said, "the child also want to ask his old man to guide the child!"

"Wait for you to be a disciple of the fortune gate!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'll see the real thunder in the future."

"This..." Mercilessly thought of something, he took out a lightning like keepsake and handed it to Xiao Hua, saying, "elder martial brother, this was given to him by the leading envoy when he was flying up!"

"We also have..." Xiang Zhili and Cui Yingying quickly hand their keepsake to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua didn't have to take the keepsake at all. He was shocked when he looked at it. These three keepsakes are obviously the keepsakes of the penalty palace.

But Xiao Hua didn't have any other keepsake in his hand, so he couldn't tell the difference.

Xiao Hua took the keepsake and looked at it one by one. He still gave it back to Sanren: "what's the matter?"

When Xiao Hua finished his speech, he said with profound meaning: "in this way, the ancestors of yuleizong who ascended to the fairyland must be on duty in the penalty palace, and they still have a certain position!"

Heartless nod a way: "the kid also thinks so."

"So..." Xiao Hua squinted and said, "are you waiting to enter the penalty palace?"

"I won't go!" He waved his hand to the ceremony and said, "it's troublesome for me to be the leader of a hall in the world. There's no reason to be an immortal official in the world of immortals. There's nothing to be carefree about!"

"And you?" Xiao Hua looks at Cui Yingying.

Cui Yingying doesn't answer. She looks at the heartless

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Yuleizong three small, the situation is coming!