Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1047

"Ha ha, no need!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "we all come from the dust fairy. We also know the hardships of the dust fairy. When you are successful in your cultivation in the future, if you are in the situation of today's first day, just reach out and help, Xiao will be satisfied."

"Immortal Xiao..." There was a clever immortal general beside him, who had already agreed with him and said, "you are so compassionate. You are the only one in the life of the last general. I'm very lucky to follow you in the future!"

"Xiao Immortal Xiao The young immortal was trembling. Looking at Xiao Hua, he said, "you You... "

Seeing that the young immortal's expression was different, Xiao Hua was suddenly surprised, and his eyes were golden. At this time, the young immortal also asked tentatively, "do you know the old man gudome?"

"You Are you the old man of gudome? " Xiao Hua came to realize that the young immortal's eyebrows were not the old man's appearance?

However, Xiao Hua's heart suddenly changed, and he said: "Gu Qiong, my name is immortal Xiao at this time. I must not call my real name."

The old man didn't understand. He fell down on his knees and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'd like to meet you."

All the fairies were surprised, but Xiangqing caressed their hands and said, "brother Xiao, when you meet an old friend in the fairyland, Congratulations!"

"Well, well!" Xiao Hua was also full of excitement and raised the ancient dome to the public, "yes, yes, this is Xiao's old friend before he ascended to the fairyland. I didn't expect to see you here on the first day of this year!"

Old friends?

Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua don't think much about it. The other seven immortal generals mutter that although they are old friends, they may also forget their new year's friendship, but the difference in cultivation is too big, right?

One is Chen Xian and the other is Ju Yuan Xian. This This is not the distance of an old friend!

"Elder brother Xiang..." Xiao Hua looked at the small old dome and said, "Xiao met an old friend for the first time. There are some things he wants to ask. Let Mei Xianyou and his brothers know about the search for Linglong."

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Xiangqing is full of promise. Xianjue urges a quiet room to be born in the river of stars.

Xiao Hua took Gu Qiong to Dejing room and put down the immortal prohibition. Seeing the light around him, it seemed that the whole world was changing. Gu Qiong asked softly, "master Xiao, you What is your present state? "

Xiao Hua looked at the ancient dome, raised his hand and patted his own top door, "buzz" but listened to the roar of Xiao Hua's body. The huge object in the eyes of the ancient dome slowly shrank. When it could be locked to more than 100 feet, Xiao Hua heard it and said faintly: "in fact, there is no essential difference between the theory of the realm of fairyland and the four continents. We can see the realm from the height of the immortal body, but in fact, it's different To kill an immortal is not the only way to get better than his height! If it is Xiao's realm Think of me as juyuanxian

"Get together How can we get together When Gu Qiong first entered the fairyland, he looked like a country boy who had never seen the world. He thought Xiao Hua was a five element immortal, but he never thought that his imagination with wings still didn't catch up with Xiao Hua's practice!

Gu Qiong could not help but hold his hand to his forehead and said, "even if there is no cage disaster, I'm afraid I can't reach the neck and back of the elder!"

"Cultivation is just a matter of lifting one's hand. There's no need to elaborate at this time..." Xiao Hua asked with concern, "what does the disaster of the cage mean? What about the disciples of the fortune gate, Xiao

"Well, it's really weird..." Gu Qiong sighed, "the elder stepped into the fairyland first, and the younger also felt the gate of the fairyland. However, the aura of heaven and earth changed in the four major continents, and the outline of the gate of fairyland could not come into being. Later, the predecessors connected the space nodes between the four major continents and the world of ten thousand demons. I also believe that the disciples of the tianmeng and daomeng of the mainland moved into the world of ten thousand demons after the Chuanghua gate and the friars of the four major continents! "

"Of course, the world of ten thousand demons is not a good place. The Xuanmeng army was destroyed in those years, but this time, with the elder's disciples and two masters of the Zaohua sect guarding, our friars can move in safely."

"I'm ashamed to say that I've just made a modest contribution to our people, and I feel that the gate of fairyland in the world of ten thousand demons is less than three times stronger than the four continents. The younger generation dare not neglect, carefully prepare, and finally through the baptism of thunder robbery, set foot in the fairyland! I've calculated that I'm only a thousand years away from Lei Jie, which is less than a lifetime of the fairyland! "

"But as soon as I came out of the Xiling pool, before I could see the face of the Jieyin emissary, I was imprisoned by the thunder lock and put into the dark cage. I didn't even have a chance to ask!"

"Since then, a silver immortal official has asked the younger generation several times, and the questions are all baffling. The younger generation dare not hide them. They all tell the truth, especially the elder's contribution to saving the world. The younger generation also tried to explain it, but then the younger generation was thrown into the cage again, and never asked again!"

"Until Two generations ago, the younger generation was suddenly released. The immortal officer threw a Mo Xiantong to the younger generation, and some Qian Jing didn't even explain. The younger generation wanted to ask the reason, and was afraid of being imprisoned again, so they left in a hurry... "

"Well, I've spent 36, 58000 years since then. I've wasted so much. I'm a Juyuan immortal, but I'm still a dust immortal. In these two lifetimes, the younger generation has assiduously learned the skills. Unfortunately, their entry is limited. They almost fell when they met a fairy beast... "Xiao Hua's heart was full of mixed feelings. Needless to say, the ancient dome must have been affected by himself. After listening to Gu Qiong patiently, Xiao Hua asked, "where are my disciples of the Chuanghua sect?"

"Master..." Gu Qiong was embarrassed and said, "I'm supposed to be the first one to ascend to the immortal world after my predecessor left. I don't know if the disciples of Zaohua sect will ascend to the immortal world. But I've heard from the immortal official that all the immortals who ascended after me have been imprisoned. And I've seen many immortals killed by immortal animals and birds all the way here..."

"Damn it Xiao Hua's heart didn't feel anxious.

Slightly restraining his anxiety, Xiao Hua asked, "Gu Qiong, what are your plans now?"

Gu Qiong looked at Xiao Hua, fell down on his knees and said respectfully, "I want to find an immortal gate to worship, or I want to find them according to the clues left by my Taoist League predecessors. But now I meet the elder. The elder has the support of the younger, and the elder's cultivation is even more heartbreaking. If the younger does not worship under the elder's gate, the younger is really eyeless!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua had a good impression of the old man. He nodded and said, "it's normal for you to have this idea, but now Xiao I really don't have time to instruct you in your cultivation. Of course, in the fairyland, there are also outstanding disciples of our school. Xiao can accept you to practice in the school! And Xiao can guarantee that with your qualifications, there is absolutely no problem in cultivating to be a real immortal! "

After all, before he ascended, although he was inferior to Xiao Hua, he was also in the highest position in the world. But after he ascended, he didn't even have the qualification to be Xiao Hua's disciple.

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This old friend There's a big difference in strength!

there's a big difference in strength