Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1046

Although Tu Shanxiu was in a coma, the convex and concave lines covered by the light yellow robe and the pure white face fell into Qingfeng's eyes. Qingfeng couldn't help swallowing and whispered: "Mo Is it true that the legend of Qingqiu mountain mentioned by the third master is Is that true

While talking, Qingfeng reaches out his hand and rubs Tu Shanxiu for a while. Then he takes a deep breath and raises his hand to Tu Shanxiu's eyebrows!

"I'm sorry..." Tu Shanxiu has not yet opened his eyes, and his mouth and nose have already made a voice that Qingfeng can't resist. Qingfeng can really feel some fire in his eyes!

However, breeze still light said: "in front of me do not have to repeat the old trick!"

"Ah?" Tu Shanxiu opens her eyes and sees Qingfeng. She screams and retreats. Then she holds her arms and looks at Qingfeng in panic.

"Don't look at me like that!" Qingfeng said coldly, "since you are captured by me, if I want to do something, I have already done it. Why wait until now?"

"Big My lord... " Tu Shanxiu trembled and said pitifully, "I don't know how to offend you. You are so hard at destroying flowers. That The Shen of the Shen family is a jealous woman.... "

"Hey, hey..." Qingfeng said with a smile, "don't think about it. I have nothing to do with the Shen family, but I met Shen Xun occasionally, which has some cause and effect..."

"Cause and effect?" Tu Shanxiu had a strange color in her eyes, but she didn't dare to ask any more. She just nodded and said, "since you know, that's the best, concubine There are some grudges with the Shen family, so they want to kill them all... "

Qingfeng interrupted Tu Shanxiu's words and asked, "what's the relationship between Tu Shanshi and Shen family in Qingqiu mountain?"

Tu Shanxiu's face suddenly changed. She looked at the breeze, the stars and the blue sky around her. She suddenly realized something and said in a low voice, "you have a history..."

"Look at this!" Qingfeng raises his hand, Qingshi sacrifice is in the air.

Seeing the bluestone that destroyed his dark mark, Tu Shanxiu turned pale again, and there was fear in his eyes. But this time the bluestone did not fall, but in the mid air a slight shock, "Hu" sound, without warning of a hundred times larger!

"This This is... "

Looking at the blue stone, there are hundreds of millions of names, hundreds of millions of Taoist characters, hundreds of millions of Qi, Tu Shanxiu was completely stunned.

"Do you know what this is?" Qingfeng asked haughtily.

"No..." Tu Shanxiu shook his head instinctively, but he just said a word. He immediately woke up and nodded, "or Maybe... "

"Can't say!" Qingfeng immediately stopped Tu Shanxiu's voice and said, "here we can say Qingqiu mountain, Nine Tailed Fox, and any secret of fairyland, but we can't say those three words!"

"Yes, my lord..." Tu Shanxiu's face was flushed. He flew over and crawled in front of Qingfeng's feet and said in a low voice, "I understand!"

"You..." Qingfeng tries to resist the impulse in her heart. Her fingers brush Tu Shanxiu's eyebrows and feel the greasiness of her fingertips. Qingfeng's voice trembles. "Is it still painful?"

"Pain..." Tu Shanxiu is just a word. He has the effect of penetrating the heart with an arrow. Qingfeng feels that his heart hurts too.

"Don't worry, I This will help you repair... " Qingfeng raises his hand and points to the bluestone. There is a green light on the bluestone

"My Lord, please take pity on me..." Tu Shanxiu closed her eyes slightly, and her eyelashes trembled slightly, just like the wings of a dragonfly.

"Well Well... " The shaking of the breeze is even more serious, and Tu Shanxiu's pale yellow robe is becoming transparent in the blue light

At present, does the fairyland have a more powerful backer than Moban mountain?

No! Absolutely not!!

Tu Shanxiu's quick decision even surpasses jiuxia!

Unfortunately, Tu Shanxiu can only see in front of her eyes. She can never see the future of fairyland!

Xiangqing doesn't care about the future of fairyland. He just wants to protect a corner of fairyland and resist the invasion of demon alliance. At this time, he is urging the Star River to burst into Huang Zengtian from the interface barrier of yuwantian!

Looking at the darkness around him like mountains and rocks, Xiang Qing said with a smile: "brother Xiao, Xiang Mou chased the wolf clan here to get Huang Zengtian. Who would have thought that he had the same experience with brother Xiao at that time? Now he has a chance to meet again and go to Huang Zengtian again to catch the psychic monster!"

"Yes Xiao Hua looked at the Star River under him and sighed, "I didn't expect to meet elder brother Xiang, and the Star River is well repaired."

The seven generals who are protecting the Star River have heard Xiangqing talk about Xiao Hua for a long time. Now they have come all the way. They are very happy to see Xiao Hua is approachable. They know that they will have a bright future with this HuJiao. Although they don't speak, they all look at them with a smile.

Instead, Jiang Meihua sat cross knee in the middle of the river, with dragon patterns around her body, and the dragon was slowly circling, as if she was exploring the whereabouts of Linglong dragon.

Seeing that Jiang Meihua didn't move, Xiao Hua asked: "elder brother Xiang, how can the sky outside the color world be the battlefield between the demon League and my fairyland? I can't even dream about it. No wonder you didn't tell me the origin at that time! "Xiangqing thought for a moment and said, "why is the sky outside the color world a battlefield? Don't mention me. Even Lord Longqi and Lord lielei may not know. What we can do That is to kill the demons as much as possible and prevent them from entering the fairyland. "

"Immortal Xiao..." A nearby immortal explained, "I have thought about this before, but it's because the two barriers collide with each other, and the space between the fairyland and the demon alliance overlaps. This leads to JieChong. JieChong has the spirit of the fairyland and the brilliance of the stars and the moon. It's easy for the demon clan to invade our fairyland from here."

The immortal general wants to call Xiao Hua an adult, but Xiao Hua thinks that he can't be regarded as a tiger teacher now, and the immortal general is also Changkong. It's really inappropriate to call him an adult, so the immortal general can only call Xiao Zhenren.

"The law of demon alliance is different from that of our fairyland. Can they live comfortably in our fairyland?" Xiao Hua asked.

"This..." The immortal general shook his head. How could he know the difference between the two laws!

"Immortal Xiao, I heard that the power of the demon alliance is furious!" Another fairy general replied in a hurry, "and there are many battles between the demon alliance and the demon clan. Where is my fairyland so peaceful?"

"By the way..." Thinking of this, Xiao Hua asked, "can we use our bunianxianwei in JieChong?"

"Most places are unusable!" Xiangqing shook his head. "We can only supply before the war. Of course, if we can find a place where we can use it, it's lucky..."

Speaking of this, Xiangqing looked at his head and said, "I'm going to go out from the heaven..."

"Don't worry..." Jiang Meihua, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said, "go on, I feel as if there is dragon blood in the distance..."

"No, no!" Not to mention Xiao Hua, but Xiangqing and others were also surprised. They thought it was the most difficult task, but they didn't expect to get Huang Zengtian's clue.

"That's right!" Jiang Meihua nodded, "senior Xiang got a drop of exquisite dragon blood in the fairyland before. Although the breath in front of him is weak, he can't be different!"

"Yes, yes, ten military contributions are not in vain!" Xiangqing couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

After another wisp of incense, shexinghe stops, and Jiang Meihua's Dragon pours out. After hovering for a moment, she raises her dragon claws to tear the void.

"Linglong must have escaped from here!" Without waiting for Jiang Meihua to speak, Xiangqing said, driving the Star River out of the void.

At this time, the moon in Qingyan mainland is like gauze, which is light and fine. Jiang Meihua can't see more beautiful scenery around. She points to the previous direction of Shenhe's flight and says, "there!"

"Go..." The river of stars flies up and goes straight away. Standing on the immortal boat, Xiao Hua looks up to the sky. The moon, the soul of the laurel, hangs there affectionately, looking a little shy.

"Strange..." Xiao Hua pinched his chin and said, "how can I feel a little uneasy?"

However, Xiao Hua can't bear to think about it. He has been flying tens of thousands of miles across the Xinghe river.

"It's broken!" Jiang Meihua suddenly stood up, looked at the distance and said, "the trace of Linglong dragon has disappeared!"

"That's normal!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "if Linglong is captured by us, won't Xiao Fan and Chang Yue cry to death?"

"Ha ha, too!" Xiangqing was more worried about gain and loss than Xiao Hua. At this time, he said with a smile, "since that's the case, I'll wait until I go there first!"

After another meal, a cry for help came from the burning mountains in the distance.

Xiaohuayan read a scan, already saw a young dust fairy was caught by a flamingo, flamingo sharp as the beak of a flying sword, easy to penetrate the body of the young fairy, biting and devouring!

"Whoosh..." All the fairies want to fight. It's Xiao Hua's flying star sword that flies across the night sky to kill the Flamingo and bring the young immortal back!

When the young immortal saw the people who were several times taller than himself, he knew that they were all the elders. He knelt down and kowtowed. Xiao Hua lifted him up and said with a kind face: "don't be too polite. We still have something important to do. We can't delay. You should take the elixir to cure the wound, and then go by yourself."

"Late There is no elixir The young fairy answered shyly.

"Trouble..." Xiangqing looked at the immortals and said with a bitter smile, "we are not suitable for dust immortals!"

If you think about it, the worst of all immortals are Erqi immortals. Who can have the elixir taken by CHENXIAN?

"Ha ha, Xiao has it here!" Xiao Hua laughed, took a few crystal bottles from the space, and handed them to the young fairy, "give them all to you!"

"More Thank you The young immortal is very happy. Be careful.

"You don't even have a purse, do you?" Looking at the young man, Xiao Hua was even more strange.

"Cough, yes..." The young fairy had a fever on his face.

Without saying a word, Xiao Hua took out a bag and handed it to the young immortal: "here you are!"

"Thank you, master!" The young immortal hesitated for a moment, took the bag and bowed, "I hope you can give me a name. I'll stay in the future..."

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