Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1048

If the immortal in the fairyland would have some ideas, after all, Gu Qiong had a lot of experience. He quickly replied, "I'm willing to report to you, master!"

With that, Gu dome would kowtow.

Xiao Hua stopped him again and said, "guqiong, it's still a difficult thing to worship me in the gate of creation."

"Master, please tell me!" Gu Gong asked.

When Xiao Hua said the poison oath, Gu Qiong hesitated.

Seeing this, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "guqiong, don't be embarrassed. Since you have the clue left by the Taoist alliance, you might as well go and have a look first. Xiao can give you the common skills of the fairyland, and even a thing that should be cultivated..."

"Ha ha!" Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Gu Qiong's mind was clear. He said with a laugh, "I have a master in my heart. I will never betray him. Moreover, my master's cultivation is heaven and earth in my eyes. I can kill my disciples in one breath. This is a poisonous oath To put it bluntly, it doesn't make any sense at all! "

With that, Gu Qiong finished the poison oath word by word, and said with nine regular kowtows: "named disciple Gu Qiong, kowtow to the master!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua caressed his hand and said, "since you are a disciple of our Chuanghua sect, you will be instructed by the master of our Chuanghua sect in the future."

"Master Chuangong?" Gu Qiong's eyes were full of splendor. He really didn't expect that for decades, the gate of fortune had been so prosperous in the fairyland!

"But this is not your time to practice..." Xiao Hua looked up at the void and said, "you have to give me directions. I'll go and see if I can find my Chuanghua disciples nearby."

Then Xiao Hua came out of the quiet room with Gu Qiong. When he heard that Gu Qiong had bowed to Xiao Hua's door, Xiangqing and others all congratulated him. As the elders, they each gave Gu Qiong a meeting gift. Gu Qiong accepted it with a smile and said thank you again.

The direction of the ancient dome is similar to the direction that Jiang Meihua sensed the disappearance of Linglong dragon, so the immortal boat did not stop and still flew forward.

On the first day, Xiangqing could only fly forward according to the direction of the ancient dome. On this first day, he saw the white moon setting, the Jiaotu sun rising, and a fairy boat flying in the distance!

Xiao Hua has been using the technique of controlling yuan and transforming smoke for a long time. He knows that he is a female immortal, but he doesn't care. However, when the fairy boat flies near, he is stunned to see the familiar fairy boat.

Isn't this Zhuang Bi's Fairy boat?

Xiao Hua didn't see Zhuang Bi many times, and Zhuang Bi seldom used the fairy boat. The only time was near danfang in chenxiaohai. Xiao Hua went to danfang from fudaomeng and met Zhuang Bi halfway. Zhuang Bi invited Xiao Hua to listen to Tianxue and threw out the fairy boat. So Xiao Hua had some impressions of the fairy boat.

Zhuang Bi's Fairy boat here naturally shows that Zhuang Bi escaped from the secluded world. Zhuang Bi is arrogant, but he is very principled. Xiao Hua has a good impression of Zhuang Bi.

However, Xiao Hua still hesitated. After all, he didn't want Zhuang Bi to know his identity again. But when Zhuang Bi got here from chenxiaohai, he was very likely to meet Bai Xiaotu, and Zhuang Bi had seen Bai Xiaotu, so he couldn't help flying up into the sky to block the immortal boat and said with a smile: "this little friend, I don't know the owner of the immortal boat..."

She also saw Xiao Hua and others, and she was alert. But when she saw that the immortal boat was about to fly by, the other side was no different. Shen's heart was down again!

At this time, seeing Xiao Hua blocking the immortal boat, Shen Wu felt a little nervous, frowned slightly, and looked up and down at Xiao Hua. After Xiao Hua came out with the ancient dome, although he regained his height, it was not particularly prominent. It seemed that he was about 500 feet tall, almost equal to the strength of the five elements immortal. Hearing Xiao Hua ask Zhuang Bi, Shen Wu did not hesitate at all, "brush..." The neon around his waist is rolling up like a dragon towards Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry any more. He flew up in a hurry. He grabbed Shen's neon and said with a smile, "don't worry, little friend. I'm just..."

Shen Xun is the best judge of the situation, know that Xiao Hua and Zhuang Bi know each other, she did not listen to Xiao Hua, urged her body to rush out of the boat, toward the direction of the breeze.

Xiao Hua thinks that Shen Xun misunderstands him. In a flash, he pursues Shen Xun behind him. He raises his hand to send the neon to him and says with a smile, "little friend, your immortal weapon..."

"Boom boom..." Seeing that Xiao Hua's strength surpasses that of the five element immortal, Shen Chen has been a little flustered for a long time. Now Xiao Hua quietly pursues her back and raises her hand to offer a neon. She bites her teeth and pats the naxu ring. Qian leiling, Wan Leihai and Mo Yun leijin are sent out at the same time. With the blue light coming out of her mouth, these three powerful thunder weapons are about to explode!

Seeing the three immortals of Yulei clan flying out, Xiao Hua couldn't help thinking that many immortals had fallen, so he suddenly turned pale. His eyes were cold, and his big hand nailed the three immortals in the air out of thin air. He immediately yelled: "who are they?"

"Hum..." Shen Shen snorted coldly and yelled, "of course, he died long ago! I'll be honest with you. I'm a disciple of the Shen family. Even if you kill me, my Shen family will tell you that you can find it immediately... "

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Xiao Hua looked up at the sky and laughed. In the laughter, he said sadly, "don't say that you are a disciple of Shen family. Even if you are a disciple of Tianzun, if you kill my disciple, I will never forgive you!"

With that, Xiao Hua's figure was in a flash, and he was already in front of Shen Xuan. The speed of escaping was as if the middle distance didn't exist at all! But Shen didn't have time to do any defense at all. Xiao Hua's right hand gave birth to thunder, "click" between Shen's eyebrows!"Ah Shen he screamed, and the immortal scar in the center of his eyebrows was already broken!

Then, Xiao Hua clenched his fist with his left hand and hit Shen Fu's abdomen with a "pop". He had already beaten the immortal baby and immortal body into meat mud!

"Xiao Brother Xiao... " Xiangqing came over with the flying General of the ancient dome and watched Xiao Hua kill a five element immortal. He was a little surprised, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Hua pointed to the three pieces of immortal utensils in the air and said, "this is the immortal utensils given by Xiao to my master, my adopted son and the daughter of my younger martial brother..."

"Not bad!" Gu Qiong looked at the three immortal utensils and nodded, "this is merciless, Xiang Zhili and Cui Yingying's immortal utensils! He They're afraid they've fallen! "

"Damn it Xiangqing also scolded, looked at Shen Xuan's falling body, and said, "how can she tell a few dust immortals the same thing?"

"I'd like to see it!" Xiao Hua grabs the broken immortal mark between Shen's eyebrows and says coldly, "what's the strength of the Shen family? Dare to kill Xiao's disciples!"

Xiao Hua took the immortal mark of Shen He, and his mind immediately fled into the space. However, a moment later, Xiao Hua returned to his original position. He rolled up his big sleeve and took away Shen He's body and other things. He pointed to Xiangqing and said, "go, don't stay in Huang Zengtian, wait for me in the two worlds first!"

"Ah?" Xiangqing said urgently, "don't look for Linglong dragon?"

"No need!" Xiao Hua turned his head to see where he came from and said, "it's urgent. I can't say more. Go quickly. If you slow down for a moment, you and I will die without a place to die!"

Xiangqing saw that Xiao Hua said it seriously, so he didn't dare to neglect it and hastened to urge Xianzhou to go.

"Ancient dome..." Xiao Hua sacrificed the Kunlun mirror and said, "go to Kunlun fairyland and wait!"

"Yes Gu Gong agreed in a hurry.

"By the way, you don't have to be surprised that there are some disciples of Zaohua sect in Kunlun fairyland..." Xiao Hua said a few words. Later, as if he thought of something, he said, "forget it, let's talk about it later!"

With that, Xiao Hua urged the Kunlun mirror to put the ancient dome into space, and the ancient dome suddenly entered the space, "brush..." The surrounding space immediately gives birth to gold wires flowing into the eyebrows of the ancient dome, while Xiao Hua, the jade die sitting in the distance, opens his eyes, and a ray of thunder goes across the sky to hit the place where the gold wires of the ancient dome have disappeared. The primary skill of stepping on the Shenque has been printed in the mind of the ancient dome!

"Thank you, master Chuangong!" Gu Qiong was overjoyed, prostrate and kowtow to thank him.

"Quick understanding..." Xiao Hua's voice sounded in Gu Qiong's mind.

Gu Qiong didn't dare to neglect it. At the same time, Xiao Hua's body flew down to the earth. Yan Nian spread out his mind and looked around. Immediately, he patted his eyebrow. The immortal trace in the starry sky opened, and a light and shadow of eight trigrams burst out. The eight trigrams were the condensation of strokes and water flow, and there were virtual shadows of River map and Luoshu where the light and shadow appeared.

As Xiao Hua raised his hands, inexplicable light and shadow converged into the eight trigrams, and the eight trigrams began to rotate rapidly. The river map and Luoshu rushed out, one turned into water waves, the other into thunderstorms. First, they washed out the space of ten thousand li, and then with the rotation of the eight trigrams, they involved everything in the eight trigrams. When the eight trigrams rotated for one big circle, they suddenly turned back After another big number of weeks, the eight trigrams flew down to Xiaohua's dingmen, and "boom" appeared on Xiaohua's body. Three hundred and sixty-five eight trigrams flew out from everywhere. After crazy rotation, they disappeared with Xiaohua's body.

Then Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes to see that the light escape disappeared!

Xiao Hua just left, where the sun fell in the distance, "whoosh..." The breeze drives the drop shaped fairy boat down like a meteorite!

But the fairy boat passed through the air and did not stop. It only flew hundreds of thousands of miles before it stopped. The breeze showed its figure on the fairy boat. He looked around and said, "this is the place! Why is there nothing different? "

After that, Qingfeng drove the boat around for a long time, and even took out Shen's teleportation device, but nothing was found.

Qingfeng's face became more and more dignified, and his vest gradually sweated. Finally, with a wave of his big sleeve, Tu Shanxiu came out! At this time, Tu Shanxiu looks no different from the previous, but if you carefully explore it, it is a little different.

Tu Shanxiu's eyebrows were more lazy, and his mouth was more smiling. His gestures were not only as tempting as before, but also more empty and secluded.

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Xiao Hua is finally on top of Qingfeng