Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1045

Xiang Zhili thought that the immortal boat had rushed out of the void, and before the twisted light outside the immortal boat could return to normal, Xiang Zhili heard a surprise voice from a distance: "Linglong? This How is that possible? "

Immediately, "buzz..." The voice of "roar..." The scream of Linglong, a little sharp, rises again!

"Damn it..." Xiang Zhili looked at the ruthlessness beside him and exclaimed, "I don't know if it's Linglong's provocation this time, or if it's really captured by other women's immortals!"

"Wuna fairy..." Xiang Zhihe's eyes brightened. When he saw the dazzling sunshine, he also heard Zhuang Bi's arrogant scolding, "this is something I've been chasing for a long time. It's been injured by me. You get out of the way now..."

"Hum..." The female fairy's arrogance was not inferior to Zhuang Bi's, and she snorted coldly, "do you think you hurt yourself? This Linglong dragon has been captured by me, so it belongs to me

Looking at the ceremony, he saw another fairy boat in the sky. The boat was a little strange, like a drop of water. On it stood two immortals, a man and a woman. From the body shape, they were much shorter than Zhuang Bi. Were they Qingfeng and Shen?

At this time, Linglong was locked by Shenhe's neon, lying on the immortal boat, and the ten scorching sun above the immortal boat was like Zhuang Bi's arrogance!

Zhuang bi was angry, but he had been chasing for a long time. Although he vaguely felt that Linglong was using his tricks again, he had no time to think more in the face of the arrogant Shen He, and growled: "are you sure?"

"Sure, sure and sure!" The neon in Shen's hand shakes, and Linglong wails again, and is put into naxu ring by her!

"Damn it! Dare to fight with some family... " Zhuang Bi didn't even want to think about it. He raised his hand and grasped the emptiness Ten swords light out, burning the sky and destroying the earth, stabbing Shenhe with a strange track!

Seeing that the ten day Yao sky completely shrouded the immortal boat, not to mention the ten sword lights, even one of them could not escape. Shen fan's face was pale, and his figure retreated quickly, saying: "Qingfeng help me!"

Qingfeng seems to be a little absent-minded. He was frowning and thinking about something in the middle of the immortal boat. Suddenly, an exquisite Dragon flew out, and Shen Bi brought Zhuang Bi in as soon as he made a move. Zhuang Bi's arrogance made Qingfeng unhappy. Seeing ten days under the sun, Shen He would be seriously injured. Qingfeng felt his anger from his heart. He raised his hand to touch the bluestone and cried, "where's the madman? Can't the fairyland hold you? "

"Brush..." The blue stone rises and the light of the sword is broken. The blue stone easily penetrates the light path of the ten day Yaotian sword and strikes Zhuang Bi's eyebrows!

"No!" Seeing that the bluestone had gone into the world of no one, he flew directly into front of his own eyes and turned into a giant of heaven and earth. Zhuang Bi's soul flew out of the sky.

There was no room for Zhuang Bi to escape. Qingshi hit Zhuang Bi in the middle of his brow with lightning!

"Pa pa..."

The immortal mark on Zhuang Bi's eyebrows was broken by two sounds. On one side of the immortal mark, another immortal mark that Zhuang Bi never showed was broken at the same time!

"Ah Zhuang Bi turned over and fell into the immortal boat with a scream. Different from Tu Shanxiu, Zhuang Bi's immortal body fell down, and strands of green silk spread rapidly from the broken immortal scar. Before Zhuang Bi's corpse fell 100 Zhang, his corpse had been cut into tens of thousands of small pieces by green silk, and disappeared with the wind.

Xiang Zhili, merciless and Cui Yingying look at all this. In their eyes, Zhuang Bi, who is almost invincible, is killed with one stone!

Xiang Zhili didn't intend to run away, because they were dust immortals after all. In the eyes of such fierce people, they were all mole ants. However, when he saw Shen Xuan's sweeping eyes, a very familiar look came out of his eyes!

"Let's go..." To the ceremony low roar a way, "they want to kill!"

With that, Xiang Zhili couldn't wait to activate the immortal boat, and each of them sacrificed immortal utensils to the sky!

"Hum..." Shen Chen snorts coldly. The neon that just captured Linglong shakes slightly. It has closed the sky all around!

The three primary schools of yuleizong were used to fighting together. At the same time, they urged qianleiling, wanleihai and Moyun leijin to attack one place The sound of neon entering was hit a flaw!

"What an immortal tool!" Shen Chu's eyes gave birth to a surprise, "I can't imagine that if I catch Linglong dragon, I can still get an extraordinary immortal weapon!"

With that, Shen Yu grabs it with a big hand, and the space around him is immediately imprisoned. Shen Yu holds it without even a chance to struggle.

Shen Jue Xian's power moved, and when he saw it, he was about to knead the merciless, Xiang Zhi Li and Cui Yingying into a pulp. Qingfeng coughed softly and said, "jue'er, they are just dust immortals. Why do they have to be like this?"

"Hee hee..." Shen Chu's eyes turned and said with a smile, "you're right. This exquisite dragon needs to be looked after. You might as well let them be the children watching the dragon!"

"Well, that's the best way!" Qingfeng looked at the naxu ring, armor and other objects falling in the air, waved his sleeve and sent them to Shen He, saying, "this is the thing of the two Qi immortals. You take it. This guy has some details. His things are much better than the three thunder weapons!"

"Hee hee, thank you very much!" Shen Xuchong, Qingfeng, smiles and brings things and gifts into the empty ring!

Qingfeng watched Shen he finish cleaning up. His face was as heavy as water. He said faintly: "let's go...""That..." The fairy boat flew up. Shen he hesitated slightly and said in a low voice, "Qingfeng, I'll discuss with you..."

"What's the matter?" "What else can I do for you?" said Qingfeng

"Things in Qingyan mainland involve the secrets of my Shen family..." Shen fan's face was covered with a smile, but he just said a word. Qingfeng immediately woke up and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter, you go yourself, I'll wait for you here!"

"Breeze..." Shen Chen hugged Qingfeng's arm and said, "I don't mean to compare with others. I I will give you anything It's just a secret within the clan. I can't disobey it... "

"Ha ha, it really doesn't matter!" Qingfeng said with a smile, "go ahead. I'm just going to explore this cause and effect artifact again. Recently, I always feel a little uneasy."

"Well, well, good!" Shen Tian smiles and sacrifices Zhuang Bi's immortal boat. He jumps up and says, "I'll go!"

"Go and come back!" Qingfeng smiles brightly.

But when Shen fan drove the boat away, the smile on Qingfeng's face disappeared like water. He looked around and drove the boat straight up to the sky. A moment later, there was a gauze curtain offering sacrifices to the stars and elites. The gauze curtain covered all the breath!

Qingfeng sits in the gauze tent with her knees crossed. Her face is uncertain. The gauze tent is one of its own. There are stars on her head and blue sky under her body!

After a long breath of incense, Tu Shanxiu sends it out from inside

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Alas, Zhuang bi!