Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1044

Shen Xun raised his hand to offer a piece of immortal ware. It looks like a transparent crystal ball, which is similar to the general view of the immortal of the Jiang family. With Shen Xun's breath of immortal, the crystal ball "dribbles" around. After a while, a lot of nine colored rays gush out and gradually turn into layers like pavilions. After that, the lower layer gradually precipitates, revealing a reddish blue luster.

The luster flowed like flowing water. After a few breath, it condensed down. Shen Fu's eyes swept, like the outline of the flame continent, and lost his voice: "Qingyan continent? Breeze, we How did we get to Qingyan? "

"Ah? "The mainland of Qingyan?" Qingfeng was also a little strange. He urged Xianzhou to rush through the fog and fall on a peak where the flame condensed. He said, "shouldn't we go to the enlightenment continent? How did you get to Qingyan? Even Isn't even Xianyu right? "

"Yes Shen also looked down at the immortal boat and said with a smile, "you are really powerful. You can cross the immortal kingdom in a short time!"

Qingfeng ignores Shen Yu, and waves his hand to sacrifice the eight trigrams. Another mouthful of blood essence sprays down. Brushing the eight trigrams reveals the mirror. Some thick water threads cover some contours like clouds, and the water threads on one of the flame like contours condense into a ball!

"It's right here!" Qingfeng looked at it several times and nodded in affirmation.

"Well, well, I see!" Shen fuzhang said, "what you are exploring is the cause and effect of that person. The cause and effect of that person here is very heavy. Even if he is not here, all the people or things related to him are there. As long as you stay in these personnel related places, you will find that person!"

Qingfeng pinched his chin and nodded: "it should be so! But... "

Looking at Qingfeng's desire for words, Shen fan asked: "but what?"

"It's ok..." Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it yet! If not... "

"Hee hee..." Shen Chu chuckled and said, "if you have nothing to do, then I have something to trouble you!"

"Oh? What's the matter? " The breeze is strange.

"Do you remember what grandfather asked me to do in Huang Zengtian?"

"Well, remember..." Qingfeng nodded, "if you want to go now, I'll send you by Xianzhou. It doesn't take too much time!"

"Ha ha..." Shen Yu suddenly laughed and said, "the place grandfather asked me to come to is Zixuan fairy land, Qingyan continent! Ha ha, we two happen to coincide. It's really fate! Are you surprised? "

Qingfeng was stunned. He also laughed and said, "what a surprise! Just don't know where you're going? "

"Hee hee, keep secret..." Shen Chen urged, "you drive the boat quickly, and I'll tell you when you get near."

There are so many happenings in the fairyland. Shenfu is the same as Qingfeng's destination. It's nothing. On the edge of Qingyan, another fairyland boat happened to come!

But the boat broke like frost and flew into the boundless mist. On top of the boat stood Zhuang Bi, merciless and Cui Yingying. As for Xiang Zhili, he sat in the middle of the boat with his knees crossed, and his whole body was full of light silver, trying to urge the boat.

"Ha ha, come on, salute..." Zhuang Bi looked at the immortal boat and laughed, "according to the method I taught earlier, the immortal boat will be able to fly out of the ice mist..."

"Yes, I understand!" To the ceremony is very important. Although the immortal body is trembling, he still insists on it.

It's a pity that people are sometimes poor. The light and shadow on Xiangzhi's body will flash away. The immortal boat will stop and fall to the depth of the ice along with the wind!

"Why?" At this time, Zhuang Bi suddenly raised his head and looked at the distance. He grabbed the boat with his big hand and said, "hum..." The fire ring overflowed around the immortal boat, and then the immortal boat burst into the deep ice fog.

Xiang Zhili took a long breath of relief, sat down, and cried, "Master Zhuang is really good. I admire you so much!"

"Hey, hey..." Zhuang Bi just smiles and doesn't answer, but stares at the front.

"Boom boom..." However, after a few breaths, the sound of fighting came from the distant ice and fog, and there was still light and fog near the ice and fog breaking.

When they got closer, they could see clearly that a dragon shaped monster was bound by two immortal ropes, and the monster was struggling. Not far away from the monster, the two immortals sacrificed their immortal utensils, and they also fought hard!

Merciless and so on, when he looked at the situation inside, the two fighting immortals also found the immortal boat. The two immortals stop and fly to both sides of the monster to protect it

"Oh? This is Linglong. It's very useful for me to practice divination... " After seeing Linglong, Zhuang Bi never left for a moment. At this time, he said, "how can Huang Zengtian have such a psychic monster?"

However, how could Zhuang Bi possibly export his inquiry in accordance with his usual practice?

"Wu..." As soon as Zhuang Bi patted the top door, he let out the sky's power. In the immortal trace, he let out the green and red sword light. He turned into a big hand and grabbed it out of thin air. In his mouth, he said, "you don't have to fight for it. I'll have to estimate Qian Jing and give you an equal share!"

"Well, this This elder is really arrogant... "

Even when they saw Zhuang Bi's behavior, they couldn't help sighing. They didn't know how many arrogant things they had seen along the way. They didn't really match their predecessors!"Before Senior... " As soon as the two immortals were about to sacrifice their immortal utensils, they joined hands to resist Zhuang Bi. But when the immortal utensils burst out, they were struck by Zhuang Bi's big hands, and the light and shadow swayed. They could not help but tremble. They crawled in the air and cried, "but listen to the master!"

"Very good!" Zhuang Bi nodded and his big hand fell down to cover Linglong.

As soon as I saw it, I was bound by two immortal ropes. There were more than 100 bell shaped dragon patterns on the surface of the dragon. The dragon pattern forced the immortal shuttle to open, and the figure of the exquisite dragon "whoosh..." With a sound of falling, Sheng Sheng escaped from the Xiansuo!

Even Zhuang bi was unprepared. He only caught Xiansuo and Longwen, and let Linglong escape from him!

More than that, Zhuang Bi's hands just closed, "boom..." More than a hundred dragon patterns burst. In the roar, Zhuang Bi's big hand was broken and still turned into Dao Dao sword light!

"Damn it Zhuang Bi's face was not good-looking. With a low scold, he urged Xianzhou to rush to Linglong. He was relieved to leave and cried, "dare to pretend to be dead in front of Zhuang, and see if Zhuang won't kill you!"

"Elder martial brother..." Cui Yingying, standing on the immortal boat, felt unsteady. She quickly urged the immortal force to be steady and said to Xiang Zhili in a low voice, "this Since this dragon can break free from the immortal rope, why is it still imprisoned by two elders? "

"I'm not sure..." Xiang Zhili thought for a moment and said, "maybe this dragon clan wants to cause two elders to fight. Let's make profits by ourselves."

"Is the dragon in fairyland so clever?" Cui Yingying was a little surprised.

Looking at Cui Yingying mercilessly and disdainfully, she said, "is the Dragon more stupid than the Terran?"

Cui Yingying couldn't explain to her mercilessly. She retorted to Zhili: "this is a dragon. It's a monster, not a dragon family..."

"Shut up Zhuang bi was not happy. At this time, he roared, "this is the exquisite dragon of demon League, a kind of psychic monster. He was injured, so when he met the two five element immortals, he didn't want to use his magic power. He was captured by them on purpose, and then led them to fight. When they were both defeated, he suddenly had trouble swallowing the two immortal babies and traces! "

"Ah?" Cui Yingying could not help but cover her mouth with her hand and said, "this It's so complicated! "

"Master..." As soon as he turned his eyes to Li, he said with a smile, "it's still the wisdom of the elder. He can see through Linglong's trick at a glance. Linglong is doomed. It must be in the bag of the elder!"

"Not necessarily..." Zhuang bi was happy, but his face was calm. He replied, "the reason why Linglong dragon is named Linglong is not only because it has Yin and Yang bells on the surface, but also because it can detect the changes of yin and yang within thousands of miles. It is also because it is psychic in nature, which is comparable to the seven tricks of the immortal."

"Nature is psychic?" It's hard for him to make a sound. He asked, "no wonder this thing is useful for the divination of the elder generation!"

"Do you know why I am willing to take you as my apprentice and take you back to Xiangyu mainland?"

Zhuang Bi has said this before, but Xiang Zhili is clear. Now he can't say it clearly. He can't say that his predecessors have said it.

Sure enough, Zhuang bi was very sincere and said, "I was born after Zhuang Zhou. I was born with the ability of foretelling. I saw you because I had a sudden idea. I felt the fate of waiting for you. This sudden idea is by no means groundless. It must have a foundation. This exquisite Dragon's essence and blood are mysterious and can sense Yin and Yang..."

As soon as he said this, Zhuang Bi's face changed and he said, "where can I go, villain?"

Then the fairy boat "buzz..." It turns into a spiral twist and rushes into the void. It is obvious that Zhuang Bi talks about Linglong's essence and blood, which makes Linglong feel that Linglong is trying to escape.

Linglong is not only psychic, but also proficient in space evasion. With Zhuang Bi's ability, if Linglong had not been injured, he would never have been able to catch up! Seeing that the figure of Linglong's escape is getting slower and slower, and the place where Linglong's escape flies is still slightly bloody, Zhuang Bi's mouth is smiling.

"Poof..." In the void, Linglong dragon's tail burst. After a cluster of blood fog emitting black light spewed out, Linglong dragon screamed and squeezed out from the space.

"Where else do you want to go

Zhuang Bi laughed, raised his hand and saw the immortal mark on his eyebrows. A sword light flew out. The sword light suddenly entered the void and immediately turned into ten pieces. Each sword light had different colors. All of them were bright, more dazzling than the sunlight.

With the arrival of Zhuang Bi's mind, the ten swords burst out of the void like ten suns rushing at Linglong!

"Great Seeing that Zhuang Bi finally performed his ten days of glory, he couldn't help but wonder. He said in secret, "if this move is put in the ordinary world, I'm afraid it will destroy a continent!"

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There are so many happenings that you can't make a book!