Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1043

Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua and said with a bitter smile, "no way! If the situation is not stronger, more generals will come to harass him. Xiao has to spend more energy... "

"By the way, there are eight generals left in the arena, including Xiao. We each lead a mission. Xiao's mission is to kill a psychic monster in Qingyan mainland of Huang Zengtian. Would you like to join Xiao?"

Jiang Meihua said with a smile: "if it's nearby, a certain family dare not speak in vain. Qingyan mainland can be regarded as a familiar place for a certain family. If a certain family goes, it can certainly help!"

"OK, I'll go back to Xingzhou first..." Xiao Hua looked around and asked, "what about Ji Mu?"

"After being forced out of the arena by you, I have no face and turned back to the star boat long ago!"

"Alas Xiao Hua sighed, "this fight is really boring!"

"Boring, are you still so fierce?" Jiang Meihua sneered, "is that the general standing with you, your old acquaintance?"

"Yes, his name is Xiangqing..." Xiao Hua explained as he flew, "it's the assistant tiger teacher under Lei Ming Lei Hu Jiao. He saved me when I was a Yanxian!"

"Is he frightened by your ferocity, too?"


While speaking, Xiao Hua has already flown to the left of the star boat. He can see clearly. On the star boat, Ji Mu stands on the edge and looks at himself coldly.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Xiao Hua stood outside the star boat and looked around. He said strangely, "has Xiangqing turned around?"

There was enough time for a bag of smoke. Opposite the star boat, Xiangqing flew in at the right time with seven generals. He cried all the way, "brother Xiao, I'm coming!"

Xiao Hua met him and stood still with each other. After Xiangqing's death, the seven generals bowed and said, "I've seen Xiao HuJiao..."

"You are welcome, brothers." Xiao Hua quickly lifted the crowd up and said with a smile, "Xiao has not yet got the HuJiao seal, which is not appropriate!"

"Hey, hey..." Xiangqing smiles a little and says, "xiangmou has just talked about brother Xiao's affairs and supernatural powers. We brothers are all happy. They have already determined that brother Xiao is the tiger teacher of our team. No one else can sit down!"

With that, Xiangqing raised his hand to sacrifice the Star River and said, "brother Xiao, it's not too late. Let's get on the star boat first. Xiangmou is familiar with Huang zengtianji. Let's get to Qingyan first and say it's not too late!"

"Well, thank you so much Xiao Hua is not polite, and takes Jiang Meihua to the boat.

Xiangqing urges shexinghe to fly away from the city of the sky. Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua greet each other with the other seven generals. The five generals are on the edge of shexinghe. The two generals pick up Xiangqing's boat. Xiangqing comes quickly and says, "brother Xiao, show me Mo Xiantong!"

After seeing Mo Xiantong, Xiangqing looks sad and says in a low voice: "brother Xiao is strong, but his luck is not good."

"What do you say?" Xiao Hua is a little surprised.

"After Xiang quit the competition, he has got some news..." Xiangqing said, "in addition to Xiao Fan, there is another female immortal named Chang Yue, who is comparable to Juyuan immortal. These two immortals will be the biggest rivals of Xiao brothers. Xiang came late to find out where they were. They both went to JieChong to hunt the demon clan. Only brother Xiao went to Huang Zengtian! "

"Are psychic monsters hard to hunt?" Xiao Hua asked.

"It's hard to hunt psychic beasts!" Xiangqing explained, "it's more difficult to hunt the psychic beasts hiding in the fairyland!"

"The so-called monsters are different from ordinary demons. They have more primitive blood of demon alliance. If it's called "channeling", it's a kind of unspeakable supernatural power. This supernatural power is more powerful than the wisdom of the human race. Oh, some of it is similar to what we often say as the prophet! "

"This It's so powerful Xiao Hua was a little stunned.

"Even if it's a psychic monster, it can be divided into three levels!" Xiangqing nodded slightly and explained, "the inferior have meinujiao, shallow language heart, the middle have jieyuhua, Linglong, the superior have mengfanqing, xuanmo mandrill. This exquisite dragon is known as the dragon family, but in fact the demon body is very small, but it is more than 100 Zhang. If it hides in Qingyan mainland, it is impossible to find it. "

"I'll go. That's a trouble!" Xiao Hua's heart was more and more chilly when he heard that Linglong was a supernatural beast. Even if it was an ordinary beast, he could not find it in a short time!

However, as Xiao Hua spoke, he glanced at Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua has been in the formed dragon space. She has absorbed the dragon spirit, so she must have some feelings about the exquisite dragon?

It has to be said that this is also a way for Xiao Hua to keep a low profile. In fact, as early as Xiao Hua saw Mo Xiantong, his first reaction was to invite Jiang Meihua to go with him. However, he did not explain, and even encouraged Xiangqing to explain. This does not mean that Xiao Hua does not understand, but that he is willing to listen to other people's opinions and suggestions.

Sure enough, Jiang Meihua laughed and said, "if the Linglong dragon is a dragon, brother Xiao doesn't have to worry. Mei can help brother Xiao!"

"Ha ha, it depends on Mei Tongling!" Xiao Hua laughed, looked at the generals and said, "as for how to cross the boundary of desire, I'll give it to you.""Don't worry, Xiao HuJiao!" The officer in charge of the boat said with a smile, "we are used to walking in the world of desire. Where the interface barrier is weak, we are clear, otherwise xiangxianyou would not have asked us to come."

Not to mention that Xiao Hua was full of confidence and sneaked into Huang Zengtian through the boundary barrier of the celestial world. Just to say that a fairy boat broke out of the air in a rolling fog in Huang Zengtian. In the fog, thousands of cloud like beasts roared and rushed to the fairy boat. From time to time, lantern like flames spewed out from the fairy boat. The flame burst and ignited the beast. The burning beast howled and collided around, causing other monsters to die The beast ignites, and soon the mist is covered with fire!

"Gege..." Shen Yu's voice sounded from the immortal boat, "Qingfeng, you are very powerful. Let alone shut up for a few months, even if I shut up again, I can't do it..."

"Hey, hey, it's nothing..." Qingfeng, standing in the bow of the ship, looked at the outline of the mainland in the mist with a smile and said, "I have many means."

"Is this the mainland of enlightenment?" Shen Chu got up, looked at the distant mainland, and asked with a smile.

Qingfeng hesitated for a moment and replied, "I'm not sure. I just got here according to the immortal's Guide."

"Gege..." Shen Yu said with a smile, "look, I'm just a little closed for a while, and you've gone wrong. It seems that you can't do without me!"

"Yes, yes!" Qingfeng's eyes flickered, and he looked at the flame in the mist in the distance.

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Will Qingfeng meet Xiao Hua?