Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1042

"I'm leaving now?" "Is it because they all have the surname Xiao?" he said

"Of course not!" Xiao Hua said, "it's because he's not sure of winning!"

"Brother Xiao..." Xiangqing turned to look at Xiao Hua and said, "I didn't expect that you have entered the country like this! Xiangmou admires... "

"Alas Xiao Hua sighed, "it's a pity that Xiao escaped all the way, but he didn't finish what elder brother Xiang asked him to do. He didn't deliver a tomb bell!"

"It's not that easy!" Xiangqing thought for a moment and said, "although you have come to the team, your strength is far beyond me. You'd better take those tombstones. By the way, if I also fall, please give me my bell Send it back

"Well, brother Xiang, don't worry!" Xiao Hua's face turned, and he said, "I've agreed to this!"

"Brother Xiao had better find a tomb bell as well..." What else does Xiang Qing want to say, "whoosh, whoosh..." In addition, there is a sword light flashing in the direction, and there are hundreds of generals flying on the sword light.

Xiao Hua frowned and said in a low voice: "brother Xiang, it's strange. Since the generals in the tiger education competition are from different teams, they should use different immortal weapons. There are so many flying swords It looks like a fight with Xianmen! "

"Hey, hey..." Xiangqing said with a smile, "mending the sky is not a pure land. Brother Xiao will know later."

As the sword array flies to the front, a fairy in white bone armor glances over Jinglei sword, and his eyes look strange. He taps the beast swallow on his left shoulder, and the whole sword array stops.

The general said coldly: "thunder sword, you can automatically withdraw, or destroy your immortal body!"

"Sick!" Xiao Hua scolded, a finger top thunder sword, "boom boom" thunder sword, thunder roar again to stab the general!

"What a sword The general's eyes brightened and his big hand grasped in the air. Ten sword lights flew out of the sword array and condensed into a roaring down!

"Boom..." The two swords collided and roared. Ten flying swords were smashed and turned into fireflies. The thunder sword was also knocked upside down.

"Well?" Xiangqing frowned, because the power of Xiaohua's thunder sword was weaker than before!

In the thunder sword thunder roar broken, "whoosh..." Another star burst out like a snake, and "poop poop poop" sounded softly. Like a star, the sword light easily penetrated the immortal general's armor, causing the dark light to roll!

Looking at the flying star sword returning, Xiao Hua said faintly: "there is more than one good sword, your life Only one

"Kill Inside the sword array, there is another voice of majesty!

"Well, that's good, kill!" Xiao Hua also gave a cold smile, jumped up and said to Xiang Qingdao, "brother Xiang, step back a little!"

Xiangqing thinks that Xiao Hua wants to urge two flying swords. He doesn't know that Xiao Hua's arms fall on the wishful stick that looks like the pillar of heaven. With the sudden formation of stars around Xiao Hua and the condensation of alien stars on his body surface, Xiao Hua's arms turn into Phoenix claws!

"Roar!" Xiao Hua a low roar, Ruyi stick like a mountain like Xiao Hua raised!

"Boom..." With a loud sound, Ruyi wand came down with a surge of fighting spirit. Seeing the wand fall, more than ten whirlpools like wind tunnel were born out of thin air in the sword array, and the great power was born around the wind tunnel. Even more than ten generals with the strength of Er Qi Xian could not escape the fate of being strangled by the power. A series of dark lights came out and forced them away!

Soon Ruyi stick really hit dozens of flying swords, "click..." All the flying swords are broken, without exception!

The cold light in Xiao Hua's eyes flashed and he growled, "come again!"

"Wu..." Like a mountain, Ruyi stick rises again.

"I'll go..." Xiangqing was stunned and exclaimed, "just now he said that Xiao Fan was a fierce man. Now it seems that Xiao Hua is not easy to let him. Is it because Xiao Hua's surname is very powerful?"

Look at Xiao Hua again, but three sticks have already annihilated the sword array. There are only a few generals left to watch Xiao Hua shivering.

"You can go later!" After all, Xiao Hua didn't kill everything. He said coldly with a wave of his hand.

"Brush..." With Xiao Hua's voice falling to the ground, several generals who had been beaten by Xiao Hua were not in the mood of staying in the arena for a while longer. They took out their seals one by one and took the initiative to quit!

"Boom!" Xiao Hua once again put the stick on the ground, and the earth vibrated again. Then Xiao Hua accepted the magic power, clapped his hands and said faintly: "people who know how to live longer!"

"Ha ha..." Xiangqing also caressed his hand and said, "brother Xiao is powerful. Before, Xiang really lost his eye. I didn't expect that brother Xiao's stick was so powerful..."

"It's OK!" Xiao Hua's figure still fell on the Ruyi stick. He looked down and said with a smile, "this thing does have some origins, but Xiao can't give full play to its power!"

"The flying sword that can be nearly a hundred and two Qi immortals is broken, and its power has never reached the limit?" Xiangqing was also a little surprised.

Then Xiao Hua whispered something to Xiangqing, and there were no more generals around to challenge him.

Outside the arena, a lot of distorted golden lights and human shapes fall in the surrounding light columns. Their eyes are like electricity, watching everything in the arena, and there is a thundering sound, which seems to be discussing something.Half an hour later, the flame in the arena gradually disappeared, and there was no more fighting.

"Generals..." The cold voice sounded again, "there are 23 immortal generals in the arena. If you don't take the initiative, the arena will help you!"

Unfortunately, the rest of the generals were killed in blood, and no one wanted to take the initiative again. Seeing that the voice on the arena rang three times in succession, Xiang qingchong arched his hand to Xiao Hua and said, "brother Xiao, besides his own team, Xiang has never thought of any other team in the past, and Xiang is not willing to compete with brother Xiao for the position of Hu Jiao..."

"Actually..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "if you can, Xiao can take others..."

"Ha ha..." Xiangqing laughs, throws a message crystal Fu to Xiao Hua, takes out his seal, and says, "this is Xiang's message crystal Fu. After Xiao brothers win, they can send a message to Xiang. For other things, Xiao brothers still don't think about it..."

With Xiangqing whispering, seal flashing, black light out of thin air volume, Xiangqing disappeared.

Xiangqing just left, "brush..." This is the starry, cloudy sky, suddenly give birth to light, the light like a sword will penetrate the dark.

"What does that mean?" Xiao Hua a little puzzled, "how to help?"

But see that the light comes turbulent, but a few breath has already illuminated the whole arena.

"No..." The light fell on Xiao Hua. It was so hot and heavy that it was hard to say. Xiao Hua's body compressed rapidly. Xiao Hua's face changed and he said, "this This is the fairy light of the color world

"Pa pa pa..." Sure enough, the light was shining on the general who was closest to Xiao Hua, and the sound of inexplicable cracking was like fried beans in his body.

The general turned pale and exclaimed, "immortal Fairy Light

With the general's exclamation, he hastened to sacrifice the immortal weapon, trying to block the immortal light. Unfortunately, without waiting for him to sacrifice the immortal mark between his eyebrows, he couldn't bear the immortal light, so he burst first!

The general did not dare to neglect him any more, and hastened to take out the seal!

The general was lucky. He had just been swept away by black light, and there was "boom boom..." all around him The sound of a few immortals burst the immortal body!

The general named Xiao Fan sent out a "buzz" all over his body The sound of the sound, all kinds of big and small eight trigrams out of the body, "Pa Pa Pa Pa" eight trigrams burst out of light fog, the fog barely blocked the fairy dark light.

Not far away from Xiao Fan, a tall female monk raises a colorful neon shirt under her armor. The neon shirt also shows a colorful halo, which easily blocks the mysterious light from the body!

"Why?" Outside the arena, several thunderous voices sounded at the same time, "this man named Xiao Zhenren Why are you not afraid of the fairy light? "

Of course, only Xiao Hua himself knew that as early as when he ascended to the fairyland, Wang Lang, the leading envoy, urged the white light killing, which was exactly the baptism of thunder when Qi immortal entered the color world!

"There should be other opportunities..." Another voice said, "in that case, immortal Xiao should be able to make a great use of it!"

"It's just a little Juyuan fairy. It's far away from the main road. Let's see!"

"We've seen this competition, and we know it in our mind. Please arrange the test later."

"Boom boom" a few loud, some of the light column inside the twisted golden shape skyrocketed, but for a long time around has been cold.

"Generals..." At the moment when the voice sounded in the arena, the immortal dark light had disappeared, and the thin light cloud covered the sky. "Now there are eight generals left in the arena, and I have ten Mo Xiantong in my hand. You can choose one of them. According to the tasks recorded in Mo Xiantong, you go your own way. The first three generals who completed the task and came back here are the three new HuJiao. Specifically, which tiger education team should be in charge of, and who comes first has the priority to choose! "

With that, ten stars came out of thin air, spinning around the arena!

Xiao Hua didn't intend to be the first to finish the task, but he heard that the first to finish the task had the right to choose. He quickly grabbed a star that flew over his head and held it in his hand.

"KaKa" star broken, a ink fairy pupil appeared in the hands of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua Yan read a sweep, secret way, "how? Is there a psychic monster sneaking into Huang Zengtian

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua looked up at the other generals, each with a Mo Xiantong in his hand.

"Go Xiao Hua doesn't think much about it. He rushes out of the arena. There's a statement in his left and right Mo Xiantong that he can choose ten generals to go with him. What questions can he ask later.

Xiao Hua flies out of the arena, where is Xiangqing's figure? Facing Jiang Meihua, he said in a low voice: "brother Xiao, you You're showing off a little bit! "

Xiao Hua takes out Xiangqing's message and whispers a few words to urge Jingfu

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Xiao Hua is going to Huang Zengtian!