Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1039

When he got closer and saw clearly, Xiao Hua was a little surprised, because he never thought that the city of the sky was a skeleton like arena!

This arena is different from other realms. There are no seats or places to watch. However, around the arena, there are columns of light that are brighter than the sun. These columns are filled with different colors of rays. When the rays roll, Xiao Hua can see clearly that they are the virtual human figures standing in armor. The shortest of these virtual human figures are more than a thousand feet high.

At first, Xiao Hua didn't think the arena was big, but when Xianzhou flew to the edge of the arena, Xiao Hua realized that the arena was incredible. Moreover, Xiao Hua flew out of the immortal boat with Ji Mu. His body shape just flew past the blue light like a thorn. Before Xiao Hua's eyes, there was a light filament floating like a mist. Immediately, he saw that there were countless squares in the empty arena!

These lattices are like beehives, arranged together in a mysterious form, with different colors of light and shadow in each lattice. At a glance, they look like stars all over the place.

"My Lord, this is the pass for adults to fight..." Xiao Hua and others stood still, and a flying General of immortal soldiers came and handed a red crystal skeleton to the immortal generals. "The space for adults to fight is 321. There is a gambling fight in that space, and it will be over in one more breath of incense..."

"Reality is more colorful than imagination!" Xiao Hua looked at the crystal skeleton in his hand and the bustle in the distant arena. He couldn't help muttering to himself, "if you add wings to Xiao's thoughts, Xiao can't imagine how the city of the sky looks like!"

"Boom..." In a space in the distance, the color of blood is flourishing. Then I see a pair of immortal generals flying out of the space, each holding bloody immortal utensils. When they fly out, the space behind them suddenly disappears, and a voice rings: "gambling on 321 ends ahead of time, and the immortal participating in the tiger education competition can urge the toll to register."

"Be careful..." Beside Xiao Hua, Jiang Meihua whispered, "if you can't fight, hide!"

"Ha ha, I know!" Xiao Hua laughs. He has seen the immortal generals all around him. At most, they are the high-level strength of Er Qi immortal. How can they be their opponents?

"Boom..." There had been some impatient immortal who would urge the pass, which turned into a rainbow and flew down the arena.

"Immortal Xiao..." Ji Mu said in a hurry, "you and I will step on Hongqiao together, so that we can appear in the same place!"

"Can two people step on the same Hongqiao?"

"Of course! You come with me... "

While speaking, Ji Mu injects Xianli into his skeleton.

"Boom..." Skeleton with halo rushed into the arena that just light and shadow annihilation space, a rainbow bridge through the sky fell at the foot of Xiao Hua and Ji Mu.

"Go..." Ji Mu reminds him that Xiao Hua and he push his body to fall on the Hongqiao bridge at the same time.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua and Ji Mu were rolled up by the Hongqiao bridge and fell into the fighting space immediately. As they fell into the battle, the more they fell into the battle, the more dazzling the space became.

When Hongqiao disappears, Xiao Hua is dumbfounded, because there is no Ji Mu around him. If there is no accident, he will be sent to other places by Hongqiao.

"This is the contract of life and death..." When Xiao Hua was about to look around, a loud voice sounded and a huge scroll fell down. "Your seal left your name on it. Today, the tiger teaches the army to fight. Life and death depend only on destiny!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua browed and looked at the scroll in front of him. He raised his hand a little. The scroll stood between the flashes of light and shadow. However, he saw that it was not as complicated as Xiao Hua thought. He only wrote a line of big words: "as you enter the city of the sky, life and death depend on destiny"!

"Ha ha, that's interesting!" Xiao Hua laughs, takes out his long sky seal and puts a cover on it. With a loud bang, the scroll rolls up and rushes into the sky. The flickering light and shadow on the scroll falls down and protects Xiao Hua.

"Dong Dong..." When the beating of drums began again, it was even more intensive. It was like going on an expedition. Xiao Hua's blood was boiling with the sound of the drums.

"All generals obey orders..." In the drum, a voice louder than thunder sounded, "after ten breath, the fight of HuJiao begins. This time, 1432 people will take part in the fight, and the remaining ten people will finish the fight. If you don't take the initiative to admit defeat, if you don't annihilate the immortal body, if you don't fall, you can't quit the fight!"

The voice fell, and there was no other voice. After about ten breath, "boom..." Xiao Hua was surrounded by light and shadow, and a strange dreamland appeared in front of him.

But I can see that this is a place like a mountain forest. The big and small peaks flash blue phosphorescent light, straight into the sky. There are many strange rocks on these peaks, which is quite rebellious.

In the high sky, there are some dim starlight, and the clouds cover most of the night sky. Occasionally, some sharp calls come from the distance, which sounds very creepy.

Xiao Hua took a breath and felt the strong power of the stars and the moon in the space. He knew that this dreamland was a demon alliance.

Xiao Hua's figure fell on a high mountain. He didn't let out his thoughts. He just pinched his chin and looked at the place where the silver light flashed in the distance, thinking to himself. There are 1432 immortal generals competing for the military positions of three tiger generals. If one tiger generals can recommend one general, there will be 1432 teams under the Dragon cavalry. Of course, if one tiger generals can recommend two generals, there will be 716 teams. Except for those recommended by the Dragon cavalry adults like Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua prefers one or two teams under the Dragon cavalry Tiger education team with the number of big weeks.There are three military positions in HuJiao, but now there are ten in this fight. Obviously there will be another fight. Of course, Xiao Hua doesn't think it's better to compete next time. If so, there's no need for a second match.

Knowing this, Xiao Hua knew clearly that when he refused the military post of HuJiao on the first day, Qin Xin was relieved that his contribution was not enough to serve HuJiao and convince the public.

All of a sudden, Xiao Hua felt a surge of fighting spirit in his heart. It seems that the fairyland now belongs to his own fairyland. The way of cultivation now is the way he should go!

The feeling of raising one's eyebrows and exhilarating is by no means comparable to that of hiding one's head and tail before!

"In that case, let's fight!"

Xiao Hua laughed a few times and flew out of the mountain. He raised his hand to offer up the Ruyi stick and yelled: "Changchang..."

The five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff also feels Xiao Hua's joy. In the sound of the earthquake, the five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff rises rapidly!

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Hu Jiao fights for life and death