Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1038

"The bearing is a little poor, the sense of propriety is excellent, but the strength is too poor..." Xi Cheng watched Mo Fei rock disappear and said in a low voice, "but the strength is a P in my eyes!"

In other words, the golden light in the hall of the barrier "kappa pa" collapse, countless bamboo like from the golden light, side is hovering, side is turned into upside down funnel-shaped.

Xicheng gets up and flies. The funnel-shaped golden light rushes up into the sky. With the sound of "boom", the bamboo knots that penetrate into the sky above the main hall also begin to collapse. With the golden light rotating, they gradually disappear.

Xi Cheng stood with his back in the golden light, looking at the distorted light and shadow around him. His brow wrinkled tightly, and he saw that there was a thick dark light on his head like a sword. Xi Cheng's eyes turned slightly, and his big hand patted in the air, "Ka..." The golden light condenses and all around is in chaos.

"This is between the two worlds. With the protection of the immortal in my palm law palace, there should be no immortal exploration!"

Xi Cheng secretly leaned out his left hand, but saw that Xi Cheng had a purple gold ring on his little finger. Looking at the purple gold ring, Xi Cheng saw a ray of unspeakable complexity in his eyes, and said in his heart: "this is a lot of trouble! From the memory of the flying stars and the moon, only she and Xu Zhi knew that Shenmin Jian was immortal. In all probability, Xiao Hua would fall into the secluded world, and the last road would be broken. Today's plan is still Let's find Xu Zhizhi. I have plenty of time. Of course, Xiao Hua's fall is not a bad thing. He is also the last one who may know the whereabouts of Shenmin Jian. From then on, no one in the fairyland will know where Shenmin Jian is, let alone Xu Zhi of the penalty palace in my hands! "

Xi City around to see, separated a wisp of Yuanshen, the Yuanshen fell into the purple ring disappeared.

When Yuanshen becomes a charming fairy, she is in a space! But I can see that the space is quite large, with thousands of miles. The edge of the space is Hui Xiaofan in full bloom, and the red and gorgeous flowers swing in the wind and slowly float to the center of the space.

In the center of the space is a suspended Island, surrounded by gurgling water, waterside corridor, and over the island, there is more rays condensing into tassels. The flowers floating in the wind are scattered in the water or the eaves, and more of them fall on a copper platform like a swallow in the center of the island!

On the bronze platform, there are 7749 bronze men with a clear face. These bronze men are all around. There are inscriptions of inscriptions on the bronze people's bodies, and the whole copper platform is covered by ancient copper colored light wires.

The flowers are falling, the light only slightly trembles, does not stop the flowers, flowers all over the copper platform, a man in a green robe sitting on his knees, in front of him a table, there is wine!

But seeing that the male immortal's eyebrows were slanting and his eyes were shining like stars, the unspeakable Shenjun appeared on the face that even the female immortal was jealous of. Wasn't it Gong Xu Zhi?

The body shape of the female immortal transformed by the primordial God of Xicheng falls on the copper platform. After squinting at Xu Zhi for a long time, she steps on the flowers and says with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I'm here again. Can you think clearly?"

Xu Zhi looked up at Xi City and asked, "where are the stars and the moon?"

"The stars and the moon are naturally near!" Xi Cheng said with a smile, "as long as you tell the whereabouts of Shen Min Jian, you can see her!"

"Alas..." Xu Zhi sighed and said, "a certain family doesn't know what you are talking about. What is Shenmin Jian?"

"Ha ha..." Xi City Fantasy Fairy laughed, eyebrow is quite charming, she said, "why is Mr. Xu so? Since I can imprison you and Xingyue, I naturally know something. If you want to get together with Xingyue and get out of here, you'd better tell me where Shenjian is early! "

Looking around, Xu Zhi's expression remained unchanged. He asked, "I don't know where the fairyland is. It's rare for fairies to find such a elegant place. A family has been wandering in the fairyland for a long time. It's just the place where they need to retreat. Thank you very much."

"Master Xu..." The fairy closed her smile and said, "don't think that I don't know who you are. This nearly 100 years is enough for me to find out the identity of you and Xingyue. If I announce the relationship between you and Xingyue, can you and Xingyue still live in the fairyland?"

"A certain family is nahan!" Xu Zhi turned his eyelids and said coldly, "how can you be in the forbidden area of zhanglv palace? If you are not an immortal official of zhanglv palace, do you dare to make it known to the public? "

"Hee hee..." The fairy chuckled and said, "it seems that the stars and the moon still tell you the secret of zhanglv palace."

"Stars and moon..." Looking at the fairy, Xu Zhi hesitated and asked, "has it fallen?"

"No!" The female fairy throws the ground to have a voice way, "I still want to keep her to look for the God to enlighten, how can be willing to let her fall?"

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Xu Zhi laughed, tears dripping from the corner of his eyes. He raised his hand to the fairy and said, "at this time, do you still cheat someone? If the stars and the moon were still there, you would have searched for the soul of a certain family! Since you have entrusted a virtual snake to bargain with a family, you even have a trial. The end of the moon and stars Do you still need to say? "

"Brush..." The fairy's face changed greatly, her heart moved, and the free copper light in the sky fell rapidly, which imprisoned Xu Zhi!

Xu Zhi didn't resist, but looked at the female fairy and said, "don't worry, a certain family will never die, a certain family will live, kill you personally, and avenge the stars and the moon!""Want revenge?" There was a chill on the fairy's face. When she raised her hand, a red light and shadow fell between Xu Zhimei's heart. Seeing a drop of blood dripping with the light and shadow, the fairy said fiercely, "I'll kill you now!"

"You don't want divinity?" There was disdain on Xu Zhi's face, and he said coldly, "if you kill a certain family, I'm afraid you'll never find a mirror."

"Ha ha, didn't you say that you didn't know the lesson of God?" The fairy laughed, "now I finally admit it?"

"Some family may or may not know..." Xu Zhi replied, "if you have the ability, you can search the soul!"

"Pa..." The fairy could not help her anger. She slapped Xu Zhi in the face, which made Xu Zhi's head rotten. However, a ray of light rushed out of Xu Zhi's neck in the blood and flesh, and soon repaired his head.

"Hum..." The fairy snorted coldly and said, "don't think that you are the only one who knows Shenmin in the fairyland. I already know Xiao Hua's rise. It won't be long before I can find him!"

"Xiao Hua?" Xu Zhi was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, his brow showed and he said with a smile, "yes, and he knows. Go and catch him quickly!"

"Ha ha, you want to deceive me Me The fairy almost lost her words when she laughed, and quickly covered up, "if you say he knows, then he certainly doesn't know..."

Xu Zhi squints and stares at the female fairy, which makes her hair stand on end.

"Look at you, you should have captured Xiao Hua!" Xu Zhi said, "what did you find?"

"How do you know I captured Xiao Hua?"

"Even some family and Xingyue are not your adversaries..." Xu Zhi said, "Xiao Hua entered the fairyland at the beginning of his life. He is not as good as the dust fairyland. How can he escape from you? Now that you have mentioned Xiao Hua, I'm afraid that your soul search has failed. Why don't you come to find someone? "

"Not bad!" The fairy laughed and said, "Xiao Hua has indeed fallen! But I didn't kill her! It's the punishment of your disciples! "

"Punishment palace disciple?"

Xu Zhi was a little surprised, but in the twinkling of an eye, he said with a smile: "I'm afraid you sent someone to capture Xiao Hua. My disciples of the penalty Palace found out that something was wrong?"

"Alas..." The fairy sighed, "Xu Zhi, Xu Zhi, although you are imprisoned here by me, you can infer so much from my words. If you go out, you will have a bright future in the penalty palace!"

"Why, you want to let someone go?"

There is a trace of ridicule in Xu Zhi's eyes.

"The premise is that you tell the whereabouts of Shenmin!"

"If a family tells the whereabouts of Shenmin Jian, can a family survive?" Xu Zhi chuckled. "I'm afraid it's the best way for a family to die."

"If you don't say it, you'll be dead as well!" The female fairy lost patience, the body shape flies up, stands outside the copper platform, ferociously says.

Xu Zhi ignored the fairy, nibbled his lips, watched the flowers fall, and whispered: "stars and moon, stars and moon..."

"Damn it The yuan Shen of Xi City returns to his original position and still urges his body to fly high. As he flies, he says in secret, "since Xu Zhi has guessed that the stars and the moon have fallen, it will be more difficult for him to ask Shenmin Jian. I have to find some tricks to avoid the ban of the penalty palace."

It has to be said that Xiao Hua's hiding in the team is really a wonderful move. No one can imagine that he has left the enlightenment mainland and won the title of seven Yao Mo Yi Tian.

Xiao Hua stood on the boat and watched the boat leave the camp. He didn't know where the so-called city of heaven was. At the right time, the sky is full of clouds, the wind is blowing, and the wind and rain are coming.

"Xiao Changkong..." Not far away, Ji Mu came over and said with a smile, "only you and I are under the command of Han Yu to participate in the tiger education competition. Moreover, there are three tiger education positions this time. You and I need to join hands to fight with each other."

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Xiao Hua couldn't understand Ji Mu's character, so he just said perfunctorily.

"Dong Dong..." Just then, there was the sound of beating the drum in the sky. Immediately, I saw more than ten shirtless warriors standing on the top of Tongyun with a huge hammer. With the sound of beating the drum, Tongyun was shattered, and the sun shot down like a sword!

In the center of the crowd, a blue shadow covered the sky.

Looking at the blue shadow, Xiao Hua asked, "is that the city of the sky?"

"Yes Ji Mu's face was excited, and he said, "it's the city of the sky, where tens of thousands of battle generals gather millions of stars and stones, and gather the corpses of thousands of demons to refine. All the battles of the sky are held in the city of the sky!"

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Xu Zhi is in the hands of Xicheng