Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1040

Xiao Hua patted himself on the top door, and after the two immortals released their power, he raised his arms and said, "boom..." With a loud noise, Xiao Hua inserted the Ruyi stick into the mountain below him!

But when he saw the earth shaking and the mountain collapsing, Xiao Hua fell on Ruyi stick and cried: "long, long..."

"Boom boom..." Ruyi stick once again, carrying Xiao Hua into the sky!

"Who dares to fight me?"

Xiao Hua's eyes were burning, and he swept all over the place. His silver light turned into a roaring thunder, shining the night sky!

Originally, there was an immortal who swept Yannian and was ready to fly here to fight. Seeing Xiao Hua so fierce, he had already turned around. No one would come up and tear up with such a fierce life!

Just a moment later, the night sky around us was as gorgeous as fireworks, roaring and shouting, and the battle of 1432 immortal generals began

It's only half a cup of tea, and more than a hundred Taoist thoughts have swept through Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua doesn't care at all, but stands there with his hands on his back like a stone sculpture.

It's also weird. Xiao Huayue is like this. The more the immortals dare not challenge rashly.

After another incense burning time, the shining light around began to fade. Xiao Hua squinted at the deep night sky and said with a smile, "those who should come will come. The generals who can take part in such battles are not fools!"

"Buzz..." Xiao Hua's voice did not fall to the ground. There was a beep in the sky in the distance, and then a shadow like a haze quickly came over. Xiao Hua's mouth was smiling, and he could see that it was dozens of immortals who would pass by.

The dark clouds and clouds stop on Xiao Hua's head like ghosts. At first, a general flies down from the clouds and clouds. Behind him, there are strands of dark blue clouds coagulated into wings.

The general threw down his fists and said, "Xianyou, this battle is about fighting. We can see that Xianyou is powerful. If you don't join our team, you'll have to defeat all the other teams. How about we decide the last ten generals?"

"No need!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "I'm used to fighting with each other!"

"Hey, hey..." The general smiles and says, "if Xianyou don't join our team, we dare not let Xianyou..."

Xiao Hua roared, and his silver light flashed like thunder. He instantly reflected all around him. He roared: "if you fight, why bother?"

"Kill..." After the generals, there are already generals in the main battle, cold orders!

"Hum..." The wind roars again, dozens of immortals will fall from all around in the blink of an eye, and the clouds will cover Xiao Hua for thousands of miles!

In front of Xiao Hua's eyes, the light of the sword fell from the night sky like snow, and the sound of the sword was very harsh.

Seeing that the light of the sword fell and turned into thousands of immortal soldiers, Xiao Hua raised his hand, thundering and thundering, and the thunder sword shot out of thin air!

"Xiao has no intention of killing you Fairy Friends..." Xiao Hua is still standing on the Ruyi stick, steady as a rock. At the place where the thunder sword is waving, every immortal soldier is killed and becomes a decadent sword light. Xiao Hua says faintly, "if you feel invincible, please give up and quit!"

"Ha ha ha..." A voice rang out over Xiao Hua's head, "Xiao Xianyou has been thinking a lot. Who can admit defeat when he enters the battle? Even if you have to fight for immortals, you have to have your own face

"Alas..." With a faint sigh, Xiao Hua's body suddenly soared up into the sky, holding his hands in front of his chest, and more than 3000 thunderlights roared out, condensing into a form of eight trigrams, and with Xiao Hua's sudden death.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the thunder broke out of the air, like the wind rolling residual clouds, and the falling knife light made a hole more than a hundred Li in size.

"Ah ah..." One after another, four immortals in the thunder show their bodies on the edge of the hole. Xiao Hua's blow is to break the small half of the four immortals.

There is no room for these immortals to struggle, "whoosh..." The four black lights flashed, and the immortal generals were drawn into the void.

The four immortals will withdraw from the battle, and the battle will be broken immediately. There will be spots and halos around the sword light!

"Kill, kill, kill..." Xiao Hua's hand pinches the sword Jue, is a little thunder sword again, "Ao..." Thunder burst out from the thunder sword and rushed to the nearest halo

"Damn it!" With a low roar, the immortal general had already urged the immortal weapon, "brush, brush, brush..." A troll hammer, a square tripod and a red flying sword flew out of the light of the sword and attacked Xiao Hua in a triangular shape.

The three immortals are not so powerful. The light and shadow on the giant devil's hammer, which are like magic marks, circle out and corrode the void with layers of blood. The square tripod has the power of suppression and directly covers Xiao Huaxian's mark through the void. The red flying sword has no special light and shadow, which seems to be normal, but the sharp edge of the sword can't cover up the thunder light of the thunder sword!

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "although the immortal weapon is good, how can the messenger be weak?"

Then Xiao Hua thought, thunder sword "click" into three sword light, "pop pop pop" directly pierced the light curtain of the three pieces of fairy ware, rubbed the fairy ware into the knife light!

"Ah..." Three screams, black light reappeared, and the three immortals disappeared immediately!

"Let's do it together!" Several voices rang out at the same time, "otherwise we will be killed by this fight!""Too late!" Xiao Hua roars and pats the immortal mark on his eyebrow. The four or forty-six light bands condense the eight trigrams, and the light and shadow rush out. It's on the Lei Jue that Xiao Hua pinches

"Get together "Juyuanxian" Several immortal generals were all surprised and said, "run away..."

Seeing the formation of the battle, Xiao Hua said with a low smile: "look at Xiao's thunder skill..."

Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, and dozens of ancient copper colored thunder lights came out like arrows The thunder light is as thin as an arrow, but the thunder light roars abnormally. Especially at the place where the thunder light falls, dozens of fairies in battle armor will show their bodies in mid air, and their battle armor will flash and shine one by one, and the sides of their heads will explode madly!

"Brush..." Looking at the flash of the dark light, the generals disappeared. Xiao Hua pointed a little and the thunder sword flew back over his head. Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed and said, "Xiao is like this Is it that some people use the big to bully the small? "

"Brush..." The thunder just disappeared around, and a familiar Yannian that Xiao Hua felt swept out of thin air!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua is very surprised. He looks at Yannian's place in a hurry. He really doesn't know who else is familiar in the arena except Ji Mu!

However, when he saw the comer clearly, he burst into laughter. Isn't Xiangqing the general who fled in a hurry?

As for Xiangqing, who was also familiar to Xiao Hua, was Ji Mu with four generals in Xuanjia.

When Xiao Hua saw Ji Mu, Ji Mu also saw Xiao Hua. When Ji Mu Yannian swept the Ruyi stick under Xiao Hua and the thunder sword on his head, he laughed and said, "it's Xiao Changkong here. Xiao Changkong is invincible. Ji has seen it all the way!"

Xiangqing fled from a distance. Naturally, he saw the fierce thunder here. He wanted to see if he could escape Ji Mu's pursuit. Seeing that Xiao Hua met Ji Mu, his face changed slightly. Seeing that there was no one nearby, he stopped.

Ji Mu raised his hand, and several immortal generals nearby immediately surrounded Xiangqing from all around. Ji Mu said with a smile: "Xiangqing, you'd better quit the fight. Ji Mou is still good at your leiming's tiger education. You're still the assistant of Ji Mou!"

"Sorry..." Xiangqing shook his head slightly, "xiangmou won't take the initiative to quit! Besides, Xiang will never be the same as you

Ji Mu said with a smile: "Xiangqing, I'm afraid you misunderstood Ji. Lei HuJiao had a lot of contacts with Ji before he died, and he appreciated Ji very much. Ji also admired the bravery of Lei HuJiao's generals, so he wanted to go through life and death together with Xiangfu HuJiao

"Hey, hey..." Xiangqing laughed and said, "Ji Xianyou is better to be close to each other. How can my adults make friends with you? He talked about Ji Xianyou before the military account Things before. Xiang might as well put his words here. Even if Ji Xianyou wins, gets the military position of HuJiao, and sits in my adult's military account, we can't be convinced! "

"Then..." Ji Mu sneered and said, "I'll beat you to your heart's content! On... "

With Ji Mu's command, several immortal generals also disdain to form a battle, but they just sacrifice the immortal utensils!

Xiao Hua had seen Xiangqing's magic power, and saw several immortal tools shining with great power. He knew that Xiangqing could not stop several people from fighting together.

Seeing that Xiao Hua didn't urge Jinglei sword, Ji Mu was a little displeased and frowned to remind him, "Xiao Xianyou?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua had no time to say, "what's the matter with Ji Xianyou?"

"You and I are all under master Han!" Ji Mu said, "naturally, you need to help me. Let's force Xiangqing out of the fight first!"

"And then?" Xiao Hua asked lazily.

"And then we will work together to push back the other immortal generals..." Ji Mu naturally said, "in the end, aren't there ten winners? Let's talk about it then! "

"If there are eleven generals left..." Xiao Hua asked, "will you quit?"

"We can work together to force another one away!"

"What if the other nine join hands to force you and me?" Xiao Hua asked, "will you take the initiative to quit?"

"That's not likely, is it?"

"Well, yes!" Xiao Hua nodded, then looked at Xiangqing and said, "Xiao someone can hold on to the end. Why should I join hands with you?"

"Forget it, forget it!" Ji Mu was too lazy to talk to Xiao huaduo. He raised his hand and said, "if you don't join hands, Ji will do it by himself."

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Goodbye, Xiangqing, each other has been different, Xiangqing afraid can't believe his eyes!