Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1037

"Boom Boom Boom... " With the falling of the rune and the flashing of the cyan light, the body of Mo Feiyan disappears one by one. About a cup of tea, Mo Feiyan's body is completely transparent.

Xi Cheng's eyes are like lightning, sweeping the body of Mo Feiyan. A moment later, he snores. The golden Rune stops falling, and Mo Feiyan's body condenses one by one.

Waiting for Mo Feiyan to appear all over, Xi Cheng asked faintly: "Mo Feiyan, what do you remember?"

Mo Feiyan's face was full of fear. He said carefully, "your honor, I'm despicable The spirit of despicable duty is damaged. There are not many things to remember. You If you've ever told me something, why don't you I hope you can say it

"Do you know what you are going to do with Yu Miao?"

"I don't remember that

"Well, look at this..." Xi City says, big sleeve a wave, a bamboo shape ink fairy pupil falls to Mo Fei rock top of the head.

Mo Feiyan didn't dare to get up. He picked up Mo Xiantong Yannian with both hands and cried in surprise: "what? Wei The fall of Lord Wei? "

“…… And situ Hong from the penalty palace? High High level inspector? Also "The two immortals?"

Mo Feiyan's face was shocked. He peeped at Xicheng and could not see anything. He had to continue to look down. After watching, he gritted his teeth and said, "thank you. I finally understand how Yu Miao died!"

"How did you die?" Xi Cheng is very interested.

"Despicable duty and punishment are not mutually exclusive!" Mo Feiyan said in a loud voice, "why did Qiong of the penalty palace send his men when he saw Yu Miao alone..."

"Idiot!" Xi Cheng scolded and said, "the Lord of this temple wanted to entrust you with a heavy task. You are so good that you are blinded by hatred as soon as you come up. How can you see through the truth? How can you help Yu Miao get revenge? "

"My lord..." Mo Feiyan still gritted his teeth and said, "I understand that Xiao Hua can't get away from killing Yu Miao. This guy's Secret cultivation not only makes me fall for my job, but also Yu Miao and Mr. Wei Shengwei are also involved. If If it's the first day of the year, I'm going to be a little tougher. If I don't comply with the orders of heaven, I'm going to be a little bit worse I will be able to help you capture Xiao Hua! "

"Well?" With a low hum, Xi Cheng sets up a chain in the surrounding space. The chain moves like a Lingjiao, and it encircles Mo Feiyan with its teeth and claws.

"What do you know?"

The sound of Xi City is as cold as nine secluded ice.

Mo Feiyan was still respectful and replied, "I don't know what I'm doing! But it was Yu Miao who revealed it before, and just now the adult said that he would reuse the despicable position. What did the despicable position guess? "

"Didn't Yin Yu tell you anything?"

"Lord Yan only said that it was an important task in the palace. We should do our best in our duty."

"Ha ha..." Xi City laughs, suddenly roars a way, "evil person, even words all don't say clearly, dare to pretend to be a God and play a ghost in front of the old man!"

"Boom..." With the roar of Xicheng, the blue thunder came out on the top of mofeiyan's head, and suddenly split into his head. Then the chains dancing around rushed into the immortal body of mofeiyan, which not only penetrated, but also bound him tightly, and saw the red blood flowing out!

"Ah Mo Feiyan yelled and fainted!

"Poof..." A golden light burst out of the mouth of the city and fell into the head of Mofei rock, turning into thousands of filaments.

"Strange!" After counting the breath, Xi Cheng said to himself, "is it true that the spirit of Mo Feiyan is not complete and has forgotten something?"

"That guy Yin Yu hid from me and didn't return to Xiangyu. Now he lost himself. Even Tang Ming of Linglun hall didn't find out his whereabouts..."

“…… If Yin Yu has fallen, it's OK to say. If he hasn't fallen, he still suspects that I'm the one who moved his hand. I'll have to do something to protect myself. My little secret May be known by others... "

“…… This Mo Feiyan is originally Yin Yu's direct family. He knows some secrets. If you don't let him go, it's best to find out the details. It's really no good. I have something to do in the enlightenment Mainland... "

“…… It's Yan Yu. He doesn't listen to my orders. He hands over my important things to others. He wants to hold other people's thighs. Don't be such a running dog! "

In my heart, Xicheng blows a breath of immortal Qi, and the gold wire that swam between the heads of mofeiyan suddenly condenses, turns into a small sword less than a few inches and hides in the mud pill palace of mofeiyan!

Waiting for Xi Cheng to raise his hand, the chain that bound Mo Feiyan broke inch by inch. Mo Feiyan opened his eyes with a groan and said in a low voice: "my Lord, I am wronged for my humble job!"

"Well, I'm wrong about you!" Xi City a tiny smile, already gave crystal bottle to fall in his in front of, "this is the wound medicine, you and took!"

"Thank you Mo Feiyan didn't dare to neglect. He took pills. It was the visible healing of flesh and blood. At last, he said, "boom..." One after another, forty-nine places in Mofei rock condensed into bamboo knots. These bamboo knots produced even smaller bamboo knots. These bamboo knots still condensed into chains and swam in Mofei rock. Every time the chain swam around, the flesh of Mofei rock would change!"My lord?" Mo Feiyan's face changed slightly.

"I just want you to do something..." Xi City Light said, "just your strength is too small, I have to help you!"

Say, two Mo fairy pupil a crystal bottle falls to Mo Fei rock top of the head.

"The two ink immortal pupils record a body refining skill and a secret cultivation skill, and the crystal bottle contains the elixir to be taken together..." Xi Cheng said, "you can see for yourself!"

"More Thank you, my Lord Mo Feiyan's voice trembled. He took over Mo Xiantong and Jingping and grabbed the tunnel with his head. "Despicable I'm willing to work for you. I'm willing to die. "

"Well, I know!" Xi City says, it is a Mo fairy pupil to fall to his in front of, "you see this again!"

Mo Feiyan takes over Mo Xiantong. Yan Nian sweeps it. His eyes shrink slightly. He says in surprise: "is Yin Yu missing?"

"Missing or hiding, I need a definite answer!"

Mo Feiyan took a deep breath and said, "there's only one deputy hall master in my eyes. I'll go and prepare for that!"

"Well, go ahead, I'm waiting for your news!"

Mo Feiyan was about to get up when he suddenly said, "I can't be more than Yan Xian. It's difficult to go to Xiangyu mainland alone. I want to go with someone..."


"Qingyang!" Mo Feiyan said in a low voice, "I'm a little younger martial brother of despicable position, but I don't know the strength of immortals."

"Well, I see. The one who goes to helanque with Yu Miao? Sure... "

"Thank you, my Lord!" Mo Feiyan kowtowed respectfully and left.

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"Mofeiyan" muddled through and began to stir up the muddy water in the penalty palace