Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1032

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, raised his hand to tear the seal of the immortal ban, and took out the ink immortal pupil. He looked at it a little, but he laughed secretly: "it turns out that Liu Yunshu was Shen Yangshu, a disciple of the Shen family! No wonder he is more alert than thunder and Lu Qing What's the meaning of the coin that he said in Mo Xian Tong? Is that what the Shen family wants? "

If it's any other ancient family, it's not easy for Xiao Hua to deal with it. Since it's the Shen family of the Archean fairy family, Xiao Hua takes the trump card out of the room with a little thought.

"Brother Jiang..." Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua, who had already accepted Kirin's Dharma, and asked faintly, "do you know the Archean shens?"

Jiang Meihua opened her eyes to look at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "if it's any other Archean fairy, I can't answer it. But I know this Shen family very well. What's the matter? Have they offended you? "

"Look at this..." Xiao Hua hands the ink fairy pupil to Jiang Meihua and says.

Seeing Mo Xiantong, Jiang Meihua was not surprised. He said faintly: "the Shen family is always restless. They reach out to the mending heaven team and send their disciples in. It's really normal. The Shen family is like this, and the Jiang family is inevitable! What about the rag? "

"Here..." Xiao Hua hands the cloth to Jiang Meihua.

Jiang Meihua looked at it for a long time, but could not understand it. She still gave it back to Xiao Hua and said, "take it. If I think about it later, I will tell you again."

"All right!" Xiao Hua took it, and Jiang Meihua said strangely, "these are from Liu Yunshu's trumps?"

"Well, yes!" Xiao Hua nodded, "I've broken some immortal prohibitions on it!"

"Oh?" Jiang Meihua was overjoyed and asked, "is there any military merit in it?"

"Military merit?" Xiao Hua was puzzled and said, "isn't the military merit within the seal?"

"After receiving it, it is in the seal, but if you want to deliver it, you have to put in the trump card naturally! Show me... "

Xiao Hua hands the card to Jiang Meihua according to his words. Jiang Meihua reads it and says with a bitter smile, "there's nothing in it!"

"The blood sacrifice of generals will do!" Xiao Hua reminded that, however, when the words fell to the ground, Xiao Hua came to realize that he could only use the essence and blood to refine the cards once. Of course, he removed the ban on immortals, but Jiang Meihua could not explore it.

"Strange, I can't see anything!" Jiang Meihua returned the trump card to Xiao Hua and said, "how can you get the ink fairy pupil inside? Is it because of the immortals you broke

Xiao Hua originally wanted to explore the space. When he heard Jiang Meihua's words, his heart moved. Yannian swept into the trump card, which was not beyond Xiao Hua's expectation. What he saw was the same as before, only some written handwriting. But when Xiao Hua came into being, he said, "boom..." Xiao Hua only felt that when he was in front of him, Yuan Shen fell into another small space.

This space is like military accounts, military cases, seals and other things! In addition to the military case and the seal, Xiao Hua did not see anything else.

Xiao Hua has some insight. Xiao Hua's yudie is his own spirit. He broke the seal of immortal ban in the space, but outside the space, there is still part of the immortal ban. The original gods of other immortals may not be able to enter, but his own will certainly be able to enter. And this cave, this military case, this seal should be illusory by the immortal, so Xiao Hua can't see the jade die.

When Xiao Hua picked up the seal, all the messages were in his mind!

1.7 million military contributions?!!

Xiao Hua is very happy!

When he rubbed the seal, there was a mirror on the seal, and a faint voice sounded: "now there is no open fairyland. You can offer a reward for what you want to bid for! Before offering a reward, you should first confirm your identity... "

With the sound, there is light shining on Xiao Hua's face on the mirror. Xiao Hua looks at it and feels creepy. He sees a faceless man without eyes and mouth on the mirror!

Xiao Hua thought carefully, some understand that the immortal ban of the trump card has been erased by himself, and the owner of the trump card is Liu Yunshu. A trace of his spirit comes in, and he should have no identity!

Who knows, at this time the voice sounded: "verification passed, what do you want to reward?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua couldn't help laughing. He waved his hand and said, "I haven't thought about it yet. I'll talk about it next time!"

"Yes!" The sound disappeared, and the mirror and light on the seal disappeared.

Xiao Hua came back, opened his eyes, looked at Jiang Zibo and said, "1.7 million!"

"Well, quite a lot!" Jiang Meihua said with some regret, "it's a pity that this military merit is dead. We don't have Liu Yunshu's blood essence, so we can't use it!"

"I'll think of another way!" Xiao Hua said mysteriously, "what do you want to bid for with this military merit?"

"I haven't thought of it yet!" Jiang Meihua was excited and said, "wait till later! If you can really use these military achievements, we will be rich in the future! "

Xiao Hua is a money fan. He has long realized the inner meaning and nodded: "it is true. Military achievements are useful to the living immortal, but they represent the past glory to the fallen immortal!"

"The past glory is not as good as the real value, but also can make us progress faster!""Ha ha ha..." Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua looked at each other and laughed shamelessly.

"Lord Changkong..." Just as he was laughing, a voice came from the outside of his uniform, "the fight between tiger and teacher is about to start. Please follow me to the city of the sky!"

"The city of the sky?" Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua did not know where the place was. They got up in a hurry. There was an immortal soldier outside the tent, waiting with an arrow in hand.

Xiao Hua asked. Knowing that he could take Jiang Meihua with him, he followed Xianbing to the camp!

Outside the camp is an immortal boat, which is seven points similar to the star river.

Not to mention that Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua set foot on the immortal boat and went to the city of the sky, let's just say where a mountain peak stands on the mainland of Jiangjiang in Zixuan immortal region. This place is quite strange. The mountains are formed by the condensation of flames. Some of them are thick and solid, straight into the sky. Some of them are surrounded by flames on the outside, and the rocks in the middle are crystal like. Some of them are only in the shape of mountains. The inside is full of flames, and occasionally there are some huge stones rolling inside!

"Ga..." A huge fire Peng flies out from a flaming mountain peak, spreads its wings and rushes to the sky with a clear sound. Behind the fire Peng, a large flame flows out of its plumes and drops into the air.

However, huopeng is just flying high. Suddenly, red light flashed in his eyes, and he turned around and rushed straight to the mountain in the distance!

"Boom..." The sharp claws of huopeng have already crushed the summit of the mountain.

"Damn it In the burst of rocks, an angry voice sounded, and then the thunder of "boom boom" sounded. A young man in green robe flew out of the mountain. The young man was only fifty or sixty feet in size, much smaller than the claws of huopeng!!

The young man just flew out, "ga..." Fire Peng a scream, wings fan hurricane, open mouth toward young people peck!

The roar of the fire ROC pierced through the clouds and rocks, shaking the young man's figure. He covered his ears with his hands, and his face was pale. The hurricane rolled up, and the young man's figure was like a dead leaf rolled up, and he was about to hurt himself in the mouth of the fire ROC.

All of a sudden, on another mountain, another young man in Xuanyi flew out like a flash, "hit" with a roar, like an immortal weapon in his hand, "boom" with a heavy thunder and lightning, like clear water falling, towards the tail of huohuopeng!

At the same time, the easily rolling young man gave birth to thunder under his feet, and his body suddenly flew up. With the same low roar, there was a mountain like lightning and thunder in his sleeve, hitting huopeng's eyebrows!

The fire ROC was afraid of lightning. First, it was shocked by the underwater thunder light, and then it was shot down by the mountain thunder light. Although the thunder light was weak, the thunder was so fierce that it scared the fire roc "Ga......" With a cry of surprise and a flash of body shape, he flew towards the sky.

The young man in green kept his figure in the hurricane caused by huopeng. Seeing huopeng fly away, he was overjoyed. He yelled at the young man in Xuanyi: "little martial uncle, let's go..."

And he himself flew into the mountain.

However, just as he was flying thousands of feet away, the little martial uncle in Xuanyi suddenly said, "Li'er, flash!"

This young man in green is a gift to him!

Then, the little martial uncle in Xiangzhi's mouth is merciless!

Is Cui Yingying still far away?

Hearing this, Xiang Zhili was shocked. Before he looked up, a fierce and extremely powerful force came down from the sky. It was the frightened huopeng who came back and hit him with anger!

"Hum..." Just as Xiang Zhili's body was plummeting, another Jiao Chiu sounded from the distance where Xiang Zhili was flying. Then he saw a cloud of thunder rising from the mountain and facing the fire Peng.

"Yingying, run away!" Although Xiang Zhili was unstable, he still yelled, "you are not his enemy!"

"Yingying, run away..." The ruthless man in black clothes also gave birth to thunder light, shouting and rushing to the past!

Isn't it the technique of Leidun of yuleizong?

Seeing the merciless flying, Cui Yingying's mouth turned slightly up and her face was bashful. Her heart was filled with fighting spirit!

"Fight..." Cui Yingying's low roar is similar to ruthlessness. She sees thunder rushing out of the thunder cloud like thunder in the leimo mountain range. There are blood colored water threads surging among the bullies of the thunder group.

The bloody water silk fell into huopeng's eyes. Suddenly, some inexplicable light and shadow appeared before. There were white bones and sea of blood in these light and shadow, "Ga......" Huopeng screamed again, trembling in panic, leaving several flaming plumes and running away.

He waved his hand to Cui Yingying, pointed to the distance and said, "there are mountains and forests there. Let's go quickly!"

"Good!" Merciless and Cui Yingying nodded at the same time and rushed to that place with Xiang Zhili

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Feisheng's old friends and disciples will appea