Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1031

Back in the army tent, General Xiao Hua's Zhang Xianjin was excited. Looking at Jiang Meihua, he asked, "can there be Jiang's disciples in this group?"

Jiang Meihua hesitated for a moment and replied: "previously, I thought that the disciples of the Jiang family would not stoop to join the team, but these days, when I look at the strange Bunian fairyland, I think that the Jiang family It's very likely that there are disciples in the team! "

"Are you sure you won't be discovered by the Jiang family in your life?"

"I'm not sure!" Without hesitation, Jiang Meihua shook her head.

"Since you're not sure, why do you want to leave the Jiang family?"

"I I've found a shortcut to practice. You can be immortal in a short time Jiang Meihua hesitated a little and replied, "and after I get to Zhenxian, I'm sure I can protect myself. Even if the Jiang family finds me, what can I do?"

"Do you think it's you who make the Jiang family afraid, or a team that makes the Jiang family afraid?"

Jiang Meihua understood Xiao Hua's meaning and nodded: "naturally, it's a team!"

"Yes Xiao Hua said with a smile, "before, like you, I also wanted to join the team, which was full of people, sneaking in and not being found. However, no matter where you and I are put, you and I will stand out sooner or later, and will be discovered sooner or later. It's better to take advantage of this great opportunity to have your own power earlier! The strength of a team is always stronger than a person! And a team that works together can better hide you and me! "

"And as you can see, the team is not a happy place. It is even more competitive. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not enough! Even if we want to hide our strength, it's impossible. Instead of doing so, we don't want to fight them directly! "

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua caressed his hand and said, "if that's the case, I'll follow the words of Changkong."

"Ha ha, it seems that you understand too!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I am Changkong, and you are the commander. If I don't take the post of HuJiao, you and I will listen to others. You You may not be able to stay with me all the time. Brother, you and I must work together to break the gold. "

"Yes, master tiger!" Jiang Meihua Gongshou road.

In fact, there's one thing Xiao Hua didn't understand with Jiang Meihua. Taoist wizard and Tianren understand that there are many disciples in the world of ten thousand demons. Although the fairyland is big, there's still time to meet. Moreover, Xiao Hua's own strength and skills are outstanding, so he has no reason to let his disciples worship in other people's fairyland.

If Xiao Hua is based in the team, he can let his disciples gather under his command.

As for the disciples of the inner creation of space, they have long been designated as the Legion of the team by Xiao huanei!

After that, Jiang Meihua didn't return to his army tent either, so he closed his eyes on the side of Xiao Hua's army tent and began to swim orderly. Xiao Hua knew that Jiang Meihua didn't shy away from himself.

Xiao Hua didn't deliberately practice stepping on the Shenque, but the skill of stepping on the Shenque is just like the current of water, slowly improving the realm. Watching Xiao Hua's eyes slightly change, the light and shadow in the space around him are distorted, and the darkness is scattered into the void like the outline of a human figure. Jiang Meihua can't help but wonder. He really can't think of any skill in the fairyland.

Xiao Hua thoroughly understood the last point of queyin and non poison. He was just about to cultivate others. Suddenly, his mind moved and fell into the lower elixir field!

"Wuwu..." As if the wind roared, the 52 fairy babies' understanding condensed into wisps of light, shadow and waves, and rushed into Xiao Hua's mind, either the art of alchemy, or the art of casting utensils, or the way of refining runes, which made Xiao Hua itch!

In fact, when it comes to enlightenment, Xiao Hua is much better than the 52 immortal babies. However, Xiao Hua's understanding of the way of heaven is quite different from Xianying's.

Xiao Hua's understanding of the way of heaven is the most profound truth of heaven and earth. After his understanding of the way of heaven, Xiao Hua himself needs to understand it again to practice. In other words, Xiao Hua's understanding of the way of heaven, whether Fengwu or wudaoren, can accept it, but after accepting it, he still needs to understand it again to become his own thing. Xianying, on the other hand, is different. Their understanding is the understanding of the human race. After their understanding, as long as Xiao Hua's slight understanding, they can turn into Xiao Hua's own things.

Even the practice of casting utensils, alchemy and making talismans can be regarded as Xiao Hua's practice.

After receiving the experience of the immortal babies, Xiao Hua danced a little and began to think about the fight in a few yuan days. Xiao Hua had many means to kill, but he didn't have many means to fight. He thought a little and looked up at the quiet Jiang Meihua, and his mind went into the space.

There are many things left by Zihuan state. Xiao Hua sweeps many ink immortal pupils, and then his eyes fall on an ancient copper scroll that looks like lightning.

Xiao Hua picked up the scroll and read it carefully. He was overjoyed. It was an archaic method of thunder cultivation, chaos thunder!

Xiao Hua began to practice the art of thunder from yuleizong. Later, he met Xu Zhi and taught some of the art of Gong Lei's cultivation. It can be said that he was confused with Lei Xiu.

When he got to the fairyland, Xiao Hua understood the law of thunder, but there was no further improvement in the art of thunder. Now when he saw the ancient chaotic thunder art of Zihuan Kingdom, although it was less killing and punishment than the hand of punishment palace thunder, it was more powerful and powerful, which was quite in line with Xiao Hua's mind.Then Xiao Hua took the scroll and was about to get out of the space. At this time, he accidentally saw Liu Yunshu's trump card in the void.

This trump card was asked by Xiao Hua from Qin Xin, the Dragon Rider. As a kind of memorial, Xiao Hua didn't plan to use it for anything. He didn't even take a look at it. At this time, Xiao Hua raised his hand and held the card in his hand. His eyes swept, but he was stunned and frowned secretly.

In Xiao Hua's eyes, jiangpai is naturally different from Qin xinyannian's. because of Liu Yunshu's leading down, the closed Xianjin is just a layer of separation, and some of the marks erased by Qin Xin also fall into Xiao Hua's eyes.

There was a lot of light and shadow in front of Xiao Hua's eyes. The light and shadow fell into the trump card, and the words erased by Qin Xin gradually became clear.

"Hum..." Xiao Hua saw the jade ultimatum, but he didn't feel cold. "I thought that if I didn't mention the frost sword, no one in the team would know. Who knew that Liu Yunshu died and sent this message to the Qin Xinjun case."

"Qin Xin didn't mention it at this time. Who knows if he will mention it later? I have to guard against her! "

"Oh? There is also a ink immortal pupil sealed by the immortal ban? "

When Xiao Hua was more wary, he naturally looked inside the trump card. The trump card in Liu Yunshu's hand is similar to Na Xuhuan. Naturally, there are other things. At this moment, Xiao Hua discovers some secrets

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What's Liu Yunshu's secret? Tomorrow will break down