Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1033

No matter Cui Yingying or Xiang Zhili, his feet are also shining with thunder, which is also the art of Leidun of yuleizong!

But intentionally or unintentionally, mercilessly fly faster, body shape fell to the other side of the ceremony, with Cui Yingying opened the distance.

Seeing that he was flying far away, he didn't see huopeng coming to chase him. The speed of the three little soldiers was a little slower. Xiang Zhili looked at him mercilessly and said with a bitter smile, "little martial uncle, you are just a huopeng. You and I are so embarrassed to chase you and me!"

"Alas..." Heartless head also does not return, sigh a way, "yes! You and I are nothing but mole ants in the eyes of this immortal bird. It's only with the immortal tools sent by elder martial brother that we can startle him. When we wake up, we will be furious! "

Speaking of Xiao Hua, the bitterness of Xiang Zhili disappeared like the wind. He raised his right hand to show a mountain of thunder and said, "yes, the adoptive father is really great. The magic weapon he gave us in the world is so powerful in the fairyland! I don't know where he got the fairy ware from

"Yes, yes!" Cui Yingying also said in a low voice beside him, "all my magic weapons were smashed by the thunder robbery. Only this Moyun leijin is safe, and after the baptism of the thunder robbery, it becomes more and more like an immortal weapon. I can't imagine that without this Moyun leijin..."

With that, Cui Yingying peeked at the ruthlessness, and her voice gradually disappeared.

Xiang Zhili shook his head helplessly, looked at the ruthlessness, and said, "little martial uncle, just now your Yingying was even more fierce than me..."

"Shh..." The ruthless expression does not change, low voice reminds a way, "in front seem to have fairy beast again!"

"Hide first!" Xiang Zhili didn't even think about it. He fell into the stone under his body with the sound of "Wu". He took a merciless look at Cui YingYing and rushed into another stone.

Cui Yingying hesitated for a moment, nibbled her lips and ran away behind her.

"Roar Roar... " After about half a cup of tea, some two headed fire beasts came leisurely. They were surprised and turned around a few times. Then they flew away slowly.

"Granny's!" After waiting for Huoqi beast to fly away, xiangzhili flew out of the rocks, jumped to the back of Huoqi beast, and scolded, "it's just some monstrous Huoqi beasts. They frighten me so much. Look, when I find my adoptive father, I won't cut you into meat kebabs to eat!"

"Elder martial brother..." Cui Yingying also flew out and reminded, "keep your voice down, don't disturb them!"

"Well, all right!" Xiang Zhili, sitting in the air, looked in one direction and cried, "adoptive father, where are you? Can you give me a dream? "

"Elder martial brother Xiao is practicing Yuanying and is soaring in the West Sea. If there is no accident, his old man's leading pool should be in Mingdao fairy land. There are eight continents in Mingdao fairy land!" Merciless light said, "even if his old man is Tuomeng, the distance is too far, right?"

"It's strange, too!" Xiang Zhili's spirit suddenly came, and he said, "how can you and I fly up to the land of Zixuan fairy and Qingyan? It's not only different from the adoptive father, but also different from the jieyinchi where the disciples of the Chuanghua sect ascended. "

"It's not weird!" Cui Yingying covered her mouth and said with a smile, "the weirdest thing is that when I appeared in Jieyin lingchi, the Jinxiao sect's Jieyin disciple was weird!"

"Yes Xiang Zhili nodded and said, "that guy was trying his best to preach how famous jinxiaozong was. He invited me to join jinxiaozong, but suddenly his face suddenly changed and he left with an extremely strange look on his face. It took him a long time to turn around and gave me a sign that looked like lightning. Let me go to the penalty palace..."

"I'm half an hour!" Mercilessly light said, "that lead to see I don't want to worship jinxiaozong, all want to use strong, who knows after I immortal weight plastic, he with see ghost general, send me the same brand, also invited me to use their jinxiaozong transmission immortal array..."

"I'm the shortest!" Cui Yingque said, "only half a cup of tea..."

"That's it!" Xiang Zhili said angrily, "there are two in a row, and then there's another oil bottle. It's no surprise that they are quick!"

"What kind of oil bottle!" Cui Yingying said angrily.

"When I was waiting for you in jinxiaozong, I also knocked around!" They don't know what the sign is. They only know that the sign will come out automatically when there is a corresponding sign! So they asked us to go to the penalty palace and ask... "

"Can't it be martial uncle?" Cui Yingying quickly agreed.

"I don't think so!" Merciless did not look at Cui Yingying, but said, "in terms of the age of fairyland, elder martial brother Xiao's rise to fairyland is just Sixty years ago, take ordinary immortals as an example. Elder martial brother Xiao has never been to the Liuxian Temple yet... "

Xiang Zhili was unconvinced and said, "my adoptive father is a genius in heaven. How can I look at him with ordinary eyes?"

"Well, elder martial brother is really powerful, so he should be an immortal now!" He nodded mercilessly and said, "but even if he is a Louxian, he is only a low-level disciple in jinxiaozong. The vision in jieyinchi is not his old man's work!"

Cui Yingying said in a hurry, "that's qianyun Shizu of my Yulei sect!"

"Can't you use your head?" Merciless beautiful stare at Cui Yingying, "how long does qianyun master ascend? He can't be a real immortal. He can't influence jinxiaozong! "Although she ridiculed Cui Yingying mercilessly, Cui Yingying was still sweet in heart. She said with a smile: "the worst is our qianyun Shizu, who is also an immortal official in the penalty palace!"

"What officials do I fear most?" Xiang Zhili shook his head and said, "I don't want to go."

"Go to find elder martial brother first!" Mercilessly said, "it's a pity that we don't have any money crystal in our hands, otherwise it's best to take advantage of sitting and transmitting the immortal array."

"There's a gale boundary on the edge of Dongjiang continent, and it's hard to pass the immortal array!" Xiangzhi cried and howled, and looked up to heaven and said, "adoptive father, how about a dream? I want to kill you... "

Not waiting for Xiang Zhili to finish, "hum..." The earth vibrated, and the mountains nearby fell like sand piles, and the flames rolled up into the sky. The three little people were shocked. They stepped on the thunder light and flew out. But just after flying out of the mountain, there was another fire wave. He quickly sacrificed his immortal qianlei mountain, and the thunder light turned into a mountain to protect him.

Merciless is about to soar into the sky, but seeing Cui Yingying's body shaking, he dare not think much. He raises his hand and grabs her arm and flies out. Cui Yingying's face turns red. He quickly sacrifices Mo Yun leijin to protect himself and merciless.

"Poof poof" flint out like a meteor, see to tear the thunder cloud, mercilessly hasten to open his mouth, "poof" a tilt of thunder water fall, is merciless fairy ware ten thousand thunder sea!

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The three primary schools of yuleizong, which are extremely powerful in the four major continents, are now becoming shriveled