Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1030

"Where to?" Liu Yanyu blurted out.

"Ask your parents yourself!" Stupid Taoist didn't scold, and then to Huang Xiaodao, "Xiaoxiao, you follow me to Xieyu palace!"

"OK, ok..." Huang Xiaoxiao's mouth is bitter and astringent, as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis.

Looking at the stupid Taoist taking Huang Xiaoxiao away, Liu Yanyu comforted you in a low voice: "you Lao, you can rest assured that the fourth uncle will bring Xiao Sheng Lianzi back!"

With that, Liu Yanyu looked outside and sighed, "Alas, it's a pity..."

"Is this Xiao Hua the grindstone you found for Yan Zhen?"

"Yes Liu Yanyu nodded and said, "this little fairy baby is really a genius. When Yan ran into him, he was still a dust fairy. No, he wasn't even a dust fairy. He should have just gone through the robbery. He was a scattered baby. Yan saw that he was poor and gave him the magic ring given by his fourth uncle. Who knows that when he saw him again, he was already a leaky fairy and had more strength than Yan. When I see him for the third time, he is actually Yanxian's middle level strength, far more than Yan Zhen's, otherwise how can Yan Zhen be forced to go crazy? According to Huang Xiaoxiao, he has been in the middle stage of the five elements in such a short time. He is really a genius in heaven

"It's the genius of heaven that makes it easy to die young!" You old light said, "he is too sharp, just provoke two gas fairy, was buried in you extremely!"

With that, you took out the broken hairpin from his arms and handed it to Liu Yanyu, saying, "your mother may want to use the power of you to build the original remnant. You can take it and save your life at the key time!"

"What What do you mean Liu Yanyu said strangely, "isn't fourth uncle talking nonsense?"

"It's not your fourth uncle talking nonsense!" Youlao looked at Liu Yanyu lovingly and said, "your father and mother didn't make any contribution when they went out last time. Later, they came to me to inquire about your cultivation of Zhuyuan remnant. It seems that you have to use Zhuyuan remnant to get in."

"Well, I know!" Liu Yanyu took the hairpin and hid it carefully.

Liu Yanyu and others thought that Xiao Hua had fallen. At this time, he was sitting in the military tent with his knees crossed and comprehending the queyin chapter of Yuanxing spirit chapter, which was about the cultivation of the soul. Xiao Hua didn't dare to fake the immortal baby.

During the ten odd yuan day, there were many immortal generals outside the military tent, all of whom were blocked by Xiao Hua. Seeing that the understanding of queyin chapter was finished, Xiao Hua hurriedly explored the cultivation of Yuanshen. Although this skill was obscure at the beginning and difficult to make progress, with Xiao Hua's separation of Yuanshen, the operation of this skill became more and more smooth.

However, in the light and shadow of the scorpion in the Niwan palace, the eccentric spindle rotates with 365 flat circles, on which a layer of red light and shadow rises and falls like the tide, and the whole spindle is like the moon, missing the full moon. Looking at the light and shadow swaying around, like the wind blowing, Xiao Hua can't help praising: "the clear outline of JISE, the full moon in autumn, the overlapping edges, the rolling clouds and hills! This skill is not called "full moon!"

"Brush..." Xiao Hua's voice has just landed, and the seal on the military case gives birth to light and shadow. Xiao Hua raises his hand a little, and Jiang Meihua's voice comes from it: "have you finished your cultivation?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua asked casually.

"It's OK. What are you bidding for in jiangpai Xianwei?"

Xiao Hua's cultivation has always been self-sufficient. He has no chance to use Xianwei. He said with a smile, "I haven't seen it yet."

"You're good!" Jiang Meihua said, "I always thought I was a disciple of my family. I've seen a lot of things, but I didn't know until I got into the jiangpai fairyland that I was an arrogant man!"

"Nothing!" Xiao Hua said faintly, "it's just to mend the sky and push the application of some fairy arts to the limit. The immortal is not lack of intelligence. As long as he has the heart, these are all handy."

"You don't know, I participated in a small fairyland a few days ago..." Speaking of this, Jiang Meihua stopped and said, "you can open the immortal ban. I'll go there. Since the day before yesterday, there are fewer immortal generals to visit."

Xiao Hua is also curious about how Jiang Meihua took part in the fairyland. General Zhang Xianjin opened it and let Jiang Meihua in.

"Come on, taste the wine of demon League..." As soon as she entered the tent, Jiang Meihua took out a fist sized object. The object was gray and black in color, and the Qishan mountain was more effective in carving.

Xiao Hua took a drink, and a strange sharp acid fell down his throat like a knife. His whole body trembled with acid, but it was so hot that it poured into his stomach and rushed to his mind!

After half a cup of tea, he fainted a little, and a layer of sweat came out of Xiao Hua's forehead. Xiao Hua threw the wine to Jiang Meihua, and said with a bitter smile, "what kind of wine is this? You can't even reach master Lian's first grade liquor! "

"It's exotic!" Jiang Meihua quickly took it and said, "it only means that you don't know how to taste."

"Besides this so-called wine, what else have you changed?"

"Only you can't think of it. You can't do it without tianxianwei!" Jiang Meihua made her debut.

"As for it?"

"Of course! You'll know by yourself

Then Jiang Meihua took out a naxu ring and said, "look, I bought it from Xianwei, but it only cost 200 military exploits!"

"You bid with military merit?" Xiao Hua frowned."Isn't that bullshit?" Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "Xianwei recognizes military achievements, Qian Jing and so on It doesn't count

"That's a bit of a problem!" Xiao Hua wanted to go to Xianwei to have a look, but when he heard that Qian Jing didn't work, he gave up his mind. His military achievements were nothing. He couldn't bid for anything.

"What about the core of the fire water demon?" Jiang Meihua winked at Xiao Hua and said, "if you send that thing to the seal, you don't have to go through tiger education or dragon riding."

Xiao Hua also wants to give Xiaolei or Xiaoyin the core of the fire dancing water demon. How can he exchange it for military merit?

As for myself, what is lacking in cultivation now is time. If there is a real lack of Yuanxing deity to supplement tianxianwei, is the state of Dakun still used in Xuanyi?

"I can use that!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "let's make military contributions later."

"That is..." Jiang Meihua nodded and said, "I've heard others say that military achievements are everywhere, but there are big and small ones."

"What else do you know?"

"Bullshit, it takes military merit to ask a question. If I ask you something, I'll know later. Why do you spend military merit?"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "I have something to ask. What should I do?"

"A reward Jiang Meihua replied without hesitation, "there must be brave men under the heavy reward!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "you offer me a reward. You watch and give me the military merit. I'll give you the military merit after delivery."

"Why are you so polite, my brother?" Seeing that Xiao Hua was serious, Jiang Meihua quickly took out the trump card and said, "what do you want to ask?"

Xiao Hua said the number in the star lock, but he changed the middle 30% of the number beyond recognition.

"What do you mean by this number?" Jiang Meihua entered the trump and muttered, "ten military exploits should be no problem!"

"By the way, it must be explained that only after verification can we deliver military contributions to them!"

"Don't worry, I'm not a junior brother, and I don't understand that?"

Jiang Meihua's mind has not yet withdrawn from the trump card. His seal and Xiao Hua's seal flash at the same time. When he asks, he knows that Han Yu let them go.


Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua are both nahan. They can't imagine what Han Yu asked them to do.

However, when they enter Han Yu's army tent, they see that the two immortals standing under the army tent look at them. Xiao Hua has some insight.

Could it be that the immortals sued themselves in front of Han Yu?

After all, the trump card said clearly, the team fairy will prohibit all internal fighting!

However, after waiting for the two to stand still, Han Yu said the cause of the matter, and Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua were a little surprised.

It turns out that after the downfall of Lei Ming, Lu Qing and Liu Yunshu, their tiger positions have been vacant. According to the team management, these positions need to be taken out and contested by the team immortal.

As for which immortal will come out to fight, there are Longqi and HuJiao's recommendation, and Xiao Hua is one of the generals recommended by Qin Xinqin Longqi himself!

Hearing the news and looking at the envious eyes of the immortals, Xiao Hua could not help but shirk. After all, in his eyes, cultivation is the most important thing. If he had been a tiger teacher, where would he have so much leisure?

However, this idea is only a turn, Xiao Hua's hands are about to open.

Jiang Meihua quickly pulled Xiao Hua's arm and said, "don't shirk. Every military post has different privileges in tianxianwei."

"I never thought of shirking!" Xiao Hua answered in a low voice, then arched his hand and said, "thank you for your recommendation, and thank you for your acceptance. I'm willing to participate in the selection."

"Oh?" This answer is not expected by other immortal generals, but only Han Yu and the angular immortal generals in front of them are surprised.

After all, they both knew that when Yuanri was in front of Longqi, Xiao Hua didn't take the military post of HuJiao. Why did he change his mind after only a few dozen Yuanri?

So Han Yu asked curiously, "immortal Xiao, in front of Longqi, it was a wonderful opportunity. At that time, you didn't fight for it. Why do you want it now?"

"A gentleman doesn't eat what he comes from!" Xiao Hua said haughtily, "if someone else gives it to Xiao, he will disdain it. Xiao wants to let all the immortal generals who participate in the selection I'm convinced

"All right!" Han Yu didn't say much. He told him, "immortal Xiao, you and Ji Mu will join in the tiger education competition. The competition will start after the 10th day. I hope you can all win!"

"Strange..." Coming out of Han Yujun's account, Jiang Meihua said directly, "don't you like to say that you don't like to be a tiger teacher? How to listen to your voice You made up your mind long ago? "

"Let's talk about it later!" Xiao Hua looked around and said faintly.

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