Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1029

"The ancient family's divination is not false. Three or four of the ten divinations about petty fortune are also true. But how can we see the context clearly if we don't give up a few lives?" You old light explanation way, "you also don't think about, if Yan Zhen is a big luck person, home owner still need to put your marriage on?"

Liu Yanyu blurted out: "why is the owner of the family..."

"Alas..." You Lao sighed, "you may not know that our Liu family has always been the leader of the ancient aristocratic family, but recently the strength of the clan is weakening..."

"So..." Liu Yanyu realized something and said in a low voice, "marry a child first. Seeing that the marriage has no effect for the time being, she just Fake the air carrier? "

"It's all for family status!"

"Well, I understand!" Liu Yanyu didn't bother about it any more. The prosperity of the family was really higher than the happiness of the individual. Liu Yanyu knew in her heart that she was a little surprised and said, "but in that case, why do you tell the child at this time?"

"If there were no immortal sanshuai, if there were no strange fortune for Yan, I would not tell you. I would only bring this secret to Jiuquan!" You old man looked at the fairy palace in the distance and said, "it's a pity that I'm going. Yan didn't know. You I'm not sure your mother is still like that. If I don't tell you, if you don't look at Yan, she She doesn't even know how she died! "

Yes, Liu Yanzhen was possessed by the devil and lost his soul. Apart from the tension between himself and youlao, even the stupid Taoist was not particularly afraid. Other people didn't even come to see him, because they believed that Liu Yanzhen was an atmospheric transporter. Since he was an atmospheric transporter, how could he fall easily?

"Special..." Youlao then said, "Yan's opportunity is strange, even I can't see through it. I can't divine any more, but every time I think about it, I feel creepy. So I have to tell you that you must take good care of Yan, and don't let her die in vain!"

"Well, I see, you Lao!" Liu Yanyu thought about it and finally said, "don't worry, Yan Zhen is my sister. I will protect her well!"

"Hoo..." You old long mouth air way, "this I rest assured."

"But..." Liu Yanyu said, "can you tell me what happened to forgetting Sichuan?"

"What do you remember?" he asked

"There's nothing, just some weird rhythms..."

"I don't know!" You Lao shakes his head, "I am also a living soul. I will come back in a moment..."

Speaking of this, you Lao looked up and said: "Lao Si is back..."

Then, without waiting for Liu Yanyu to say anything more, she raised her hand to remove the immortal ban.

It was not only stupid Taoist who came back, but also followed Huang Xiaoxiao. Stupid Taoist was a little displeased and said, "Yan Yu, Xiaoxiao wants to see you. She says she has something important to tell you."

"Little?" Liu Yanyu said strangely, "what's the matter with you? Why didn't you just say... "

"Yan Yu..." Huang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "just now, when I think of it, you have already returned to chaotianque. At this time, it has something to do with the old immortal sanshuai, and I dare not neglect... "

"Ah?" Liu Yanyu was shocked and said, "you Say it

"The best elixir to stop youlao should be the holy lotus seed of Buddhism..."

The stupid Taoist coldly said: "this doesn't need to be said..."

"Yes, yes..." Huang Xiaoxiao just wanted to say a few more words to Liu Yanyu, but he was robbed by a stupid Taoist, so he had to make a long and short remark, "but I also know that there is a kind of little holy lotus seed, which can also prevent the three failures of immortals!"

"Little lotus seed?" Don't mention Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist, even you Lao has a look of Na Han.

"What kind of elixir is this? Why haven't you heard of it? " You old strange ask a way.

"It's a kind of elixir sold by business alliance in Chenxiao Haixian fair!" Huang Xiaoxiao explained, "it's the first time for me to see it, but I saw with my own eyes that an elder stopped the immortal's three failures by virtue of this little lotus seed..."

"Come to business alliance? Where is it? " Liu Yanyu said anxiously, "I'm going to find it now!"

"I don't know where the business alliance is..." Huang Xiaoxiao said, "our Huang family and Feng family are allied with Bai Xiaotu, the leader of the business alliance, and Li Moyi, the deputy leader of the business alliance. But since their master Xiao Hua fell to the secluded world..."

"You What did you say? " Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist took a look at each other. Surprised, they interrupted Huang Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiao Xiao Hua

"Yes Huang Xiaoxiao was stunned and nodded, "it's Xiao Hua. Oh, it's also called Ren Xiaoyao? Does the fourth uncle know him? "

"Is it a fairy baby whose strength is comparable to that of Yan Xian?" The stupid Taoist asked cautiously.

"No..." Huang Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "the strength should be comparable to that of the five element fairy."

"That's it!" Liu Yanyu nodded, "he Did he fall

"It should have fallen!" Huang Xiaoxiao replied, "he was chased and killed by the two two immortals, zhanglv palace and penalty palace, and fled to the secluded pole of Chenxiao sea. Later, the secluded pole was annihilated. Neither of the two immortals survived, and he could not live.""Oh, what a pity!" The stupid Taoist sighed.

"Then..." Liu Yanyu felt inexplicable sadness in her heart, but at this time, she had no time to think about other things, so she quickly asked, "what about his two disciples?"

"Rong'er and I saved Li Moyi, the deputy leader, but I didn't dare to reveal my identity. As a result, he suddenly disappeared when other disciples were following him..."

"That big What about the big palm head? " Liu Yanyu's voice trembled.

Huang Xiaoxiao said: "I was rescued by someone else. I don't know who it is..."

"I don't know who it is. What are you doing here?" Stupid Dao is in a hurry.

You old smile way: "old four, how can say so small?"? They have told us to come to the business alliance in an endless stream. "

"Little brother..." Liu Yanyu laughed and asked, "isn't there any news about Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi?"

Huang Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "the clan has sent people to find Li Moyi, but there is no news for the time being. As for Bai Xiaotu, some people in the clan infer that it may be Yu Xian or Xieyu palace..."

"Go to Yuxian first and buy Xiaosheng lotus seeds!" Then, I'll go to Xieyu palace

"I'll go with you!" Huang Xiaoxiao said hastily, "I know who it is!"

"Yan Yu, let me go!" Stupid Taoist said, "your mother and your father just said they would take you to other places..."

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Xiaosheng lotus seed, how much does Xiao Hua want there! Unfortunately, they can't find Xiao Hua