Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1028

"If you don't want to say anything else, look at the mountain where my elder sister just went for a retreat." When Huang mengxiang saw that he was bluffing the two immortals, he pointed to the peak of Liu Yanzhen's fall and said, "the peak of shuojin mountain Can ordinary immortals stay

"Oh, yes..." Wang Yuebai nodded and said, "when Shizu asked us to come in, he also said," don't fly around! "

"That's right!" Huang mengxiang said, "if you don't listen to me, I dare to let Huang Xiaoxiao drive you out of shuojin mountain, or even yingtianque!"

Wang Yuebai and Sisi are frightened. They look at each other and bow to each other in a hurry. They say, "Yuebai and Sisi have seen elder sister!"

"Ha ha, get up!" Liu Yanzhen was so happy that he lifted them up and said, "from then on, you and I are sisters. You are popular with me and drink spicy food!"

"Big Elder sister... " Si Si got up and said, "what is a popular drink?"

Liu Yan was stunned. He waved his hand and said: "don't worry, it's good to follow elder sister. Come on, this is you Four younger sisters

"Little sister Huang mengxiang met two little sisters..." Huang mengxiang hastily saluted and said, "if you can worship two immortals to be your sisters, my little sister will laugh in her dreams..."

"Hee hee..." Wang Yuebai and Sisi also laughed and quickly picked up Huang mengxiang.

"Come on, come on..." Liu Yanzhen, who was the eldest sister, was very happy. He took out a wine pot and said, "this is immortal wine. You and my four sisters will have a drink..."

"Elder martial brother said that we are female immortals. We can't drink casually..." Si Si quickly waved his hand, "it will be taken advantage of by male immortals!"

"Elder martial brother? Who is it Liu Yanzhen said displeased, "is it more powerful than me?"

"No No... "

Sisi whispered and carefully took the wine cup. The four female immortals didn't dare to drink more, one for each. Then Liu Yanzhen said, "Sisi, what's the matter with the Dragon man robbery you just said?"

Sisi and Wang Yuebai did not dare to neglect, but quickly told the story of the Dragon man robbery. Unfortunately, before she finished, Liu Yanzhen had already jumped up and said, "what? Xiao Hua, Xiao Zhenren?? You Is Xiao Hua the immortal whose strength is close to Yan Xian's high level

"Ah?" Huang mengxiang almost lost her voice at the same time, but her voice and action were much smaller than Liu Yanzhen's, and Wang Yuebai and Si, who were shocked, didn't notice it at all.

"What's the matter, sister?" "Is that Xiao Hua? His strength is not only Yan Xian, but also Wu Xing Xian. In the waste beast mountain, he can easily defeat Bixia beast... "

"Damn it Liu Yan scolded, "how can he practice so fast?"

"Big Do you know Mr. Xiao Wang Yuebai understood and asked in a low voice.

"Well, I don't know him. I saved him in my lifetime! At that time, he was just a baby fairy who was not even a dust fairy... "

Huang mengxiang was relieved when she heard about Xianying. In her heart, her Xiao Lang was drinking cold water. How could she be reduced to Xianying?

"And then?" Huang mengxiang asked in a low voice.

As soon as Wang Yuebai was about to speak, there was another movement outside shuojin mountain. When Sisi and Wang Yuebai just turned around, Liu Yanzhen had already flown to the high mountain and continued to lie down and pretend to be in a coma.

This time it was Huang Xiaoxiao who flew in. The three immortals didn't dare to neglect them and quickly bowed to salute them

while Huang Xiaoxiao lifted them up and flew to a high place with a smile. Looking at Liu Yanzhen, he said with a bitter smile, "Oh, Yan Zhen, stop making trouble. There's something important in chaotianque. Your sister has come to pick you up!"

Liu Yanzhen's eyes turned around, but he didn't open his eyes. He wanted to muddle through.

"You Lao appears immortal three decline..."

"Ah?" Before Huang finished his novel, Liu Yanzhen immediately jumped up and yelled, "Huang Xiaoxiao, why didn't you say that earlier?"

With that, Liu Yanzhen flew down and said to Huang mengxiang, Wang Yuebai and Sisi: "I'll go back to chaotianque first. I'll come back to you when I have time..."

"Hee hee..." Wang Yuebai, Si Si and Huang mengxiang all covered their mouths and said with a smile, "good bye, sister!"

"Elder sister?" Huang Xiaoxiao was stunned, but for a moment, a smile came from the corner of her mouth. There were three Fairies in the Huang family who made friends with Liu Yanyu's sister. Could they miss the chance to see Liu Yanyu?

"Sister..." Liu Yanzhen flew out of shuojin mountain. Seeing that Liu Yanyu was in a trance, he called out, "you old she..."

"Go back first!" Liu Yanyu didn't say much, but urged Liu Yanyu.

"Xiaoke sent two fairies..." Huang Xiaoxiao said eagerly beside him.

"Well, thank you, little brother..."

A "little brother" heard Huang Xiaoxiao's bones and muscles, he repeatedly waved his hand and said: "you're welcome, you're welcome!"

When he had to send Liu Yanyu and Liu Yanzhen into the teleportation array, Huang Xiaoxiao suddenly woke up and said, "Yan Yu..."

Liu Yanzhen followed Liu Yanyu back to chaotianque and saw Liu Yanyu fly directly to biyutian. Liu Yanzhen said, "sister, how can you be in biyutian?"

Liu Yanyu was sad. She took Liu Yanyu by the hand and whispered, "Yanyu, the master also advised you to go back to your cave, but But you said She doesn't want you, she She wants to watch our Liu family carry the burden of the Liu family and the ancient family... ""You Lao..." Liu Yanzhen couldn't help but shed tears and flew into biyutian before Liu Yanyu.

Biyutian is still so cold and desolate, and there are not many immortals. When Liu Yanzhen flies back, he just meets some old immortals. Liu Yanzhen flies into them in a hurry, and meets you Lao with the same smile on his face, talking to the stupid Taoist accompanying him.

Looking at the silver wire between you's eyebrows, like a broken firefly, Liu Yan can't help flying over, just like a breast swallow returning home.

"You Lao..." Liu Yanzhen cried out and burst into tears.

Looking at Liu Yanzhen, you hesitated, hugged her, rubbed her hair with his hand, and said with a smile, "silly boy, what are you crying for?"

"I I... " Liu Yanzhen even said, "if it wasn't for the child's willfulness, it wouldn't make you forget Sichuan to save the child. It's all the child's fault!"

"You silly child!" You old still smile kindly, "you are the great carrier of our family, the leader of our ancient family, your life is more important than me..."

"I..." Smelling the unspeakable smell of you Lao, Liu Yanzhen cried even more.

"It's no use crying..." You Lao patted Liu Yanzhen and said, "if you want me to go at ease, you should practice hard and bear the burden of the family. Only in this way can I rest assured..."

"Yes, yes, I know!" Liu Yanzhen's face was full of tears and nodded.

"Don't worry too much..." Stupid Taoist said in a hurry, "step by step!"

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanzhen raised his head and asked, "is there any elixir to stop the immortal from declining?"

"It is said that there are holy lotus seeds in the Buddhist kingdom..." Stupid Taoist Fen said, "but the holy lotus seed is too scarce, even Yuxian dare not agree. Oh, Yan, the master and other sacrifices have been here for a long time, and they have figured out a way..."

"Buddha, well, I know!" Liu Yanzhen brightened his eyes and nodded.

Liu Yanyu was also weeping. At this time, she felt that Liu Yanyu's tone was different. She looked at the stupid Taoist quickly.

The stupid Taoist didn't mean to say it and didn't care about it.

"You Lao..." After a while, Liu Yanzhen got up and said, "I'm going to practice. You can rest assured that I won't let you down!"

"Well, go, go!" Youlao nodded happily, "I'm here to protect the Dharma for you! I want to see our Liu family air carriers become real air carriers with my own eyes

Looking at Liu Yanzhen's departure, you thought for a moment and said to the stupid Taoist, "old four, you Go and avoid it. I'll tell Liu Yanyu about the remnant of Zhuyuan! "

"Good!" The stupid Taoist got up and left.

Youlao cautiously urged xianjue, but seeing that the surrounding space was closed by wisps of green fire, Liu Yanyu took out a yellow book and said carefully: "youlao..."

"Put away the remains of Zhuyuan!" You old wry smile way, "I have never seen to build original remnant chapter at all, have what good cent say?"

"You are..." Liu Yanyu did not understand the book.

"Yan Yu..." Looking at Liu Yanyu, you said, "you promise first. What I said today, you No one can say! "

Liu Yanyu was shocked, but she still made a promise according to her words.

"Do you believe in air carriers?" You Lao's first words are like thunder splitting Liu Yanyu.

"Xiang I believe... " Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment and stammered.

"I don't believe it!"

You Lao's second sentence made Liu Yanyu's head black again.

"Then..." Liu Yanyu couldn't help asking, "Yan Zhen..."


"How could it be?" Liu Yanyu jumped up and cried, "it's impossible!"

"Why not?" You old light said, "Liu Yanzhen is the air carrier, who said?"

"Yes It's Sacrifice to the old in the clan

"To be exact..." "It's me, under the direction of my master That's right

"Boom..." Liu Yanyu was stupefied, her mind was blank, and a prophecy that she firmly believed in was a lie.

You Lao ignored Liu Yanyu's stupor, and then said: "the so-called Qi Yun is mysterious. Who can make it clear? Maybe today's Qi luck is like this, and Ming's Qi luck is like that! Where are the air carriers? "

"Besides, if there are really great fortune tellers, what can we little Jiugong immortals do? All of them are just some threads, some impulses and some hypotheses? "

"Well What the fourth uncle said about the little luck... " Liu Yanyu turned pale and said in a low voice, "no Is that true? "

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