Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1019

Lu Yun took Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua out of the camp, raised his hand to offer a command arrow, and the "brush" command arrow fell in the air, that is, a blue light bridge was born, straight to the flag.

Xiaohua and jiangmeihua with Luyun to big account before, bow to salute way: "report Longqi adult, Luyun see."

Who knows, Lu Yun voice falls place, there is no echo in big account.

Lu Yun didn't care. He stood up and waited patiently.

There are clouds of light and flame on the tent, which should be a very powerful immortal array, shielding the inner voice, but even so, "hum..." From time to time, the flame was stirred up by the movement in the tent.

Xiao Hua stood beside him, not realizing that he was in a bad mood.

For half an hour, "boom..." There was a loud noise on the tent. Guangyansheng was punched a big hole. An immortal general in gold armor came out in anger. He cried out: "Qin Xin, you old aunt, I just don't want to go. What can you do for me?"

The immortal general flies out and rolls up the strong wind, which really makes Xiao Hua and others fly, especially Jiang Meihua rolling like a bullet.

"Brush..." Without waiting for Lu Yun and others to urge Xianli to stand firm, a red drill flies out of the tent and rolls up Lu Yun, Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua. A clear voice without the smell of fireworks rings with the red drill, "Li Boyi, this is Chen Jin and Chen Buyao's decision. You can't go!"

"Hum..." The immortal general named Li Boyi hummed like thunder.

Xiao Hua and the other three immortals were involved in the tent by Chi Lian. As soon as Xiao Hua glanced at it, he saw many immortal generals standing five or six hundred feet high in the tent. Xiao Hua knew that this was Qiyao Moyi heaven. The law of heaven was different from Huang Zengtian. The immortal bodies of Qi immortals were pressed to the extreme. These immortals would have five hundred feet high, and Huang Zengtian might have eight hundred feet high.

Looking at the height of the tent, as high as the sky, a female immortal was sitting behind the military case. Her face was not covered by silver.

Red practice income female fairy sleeve, female fairy looked down at Lu Yun asked: "Lu Hu teach what's important?"

"To Qin Longqi..." Lu Yun quickly bowed himself and said, "when I received the urgent report from my subordinates, there was a change at JieChong on the 76th. Not only was there a problem with the immortal selection there, but also when I heard Tianxue's appearance of the water demon in the Lixing realm, I went to Huang Zengtian to listen to the thunder, Lu Qing and Liu Yunshu of Tianxue's pursuit of the fire dancing water demon also fell into the interface channel..."

"What?" After hearing this, the Dragon Rider named Qin Xin suddenly said, "thunder, they have fallen? How did they die? "

"These two are listening to Tian Xue and Lei Hu teach them how to kill the water demon in Li Xingjing together, immortal Xiao and Meijiang..." Lu Yun did not cover up the credit of Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua. He pointed to them slightly. "They brought back Liu Yunshu and Liu HuJiao's trump card. Liu HuJiao also recommended Xiao Zhenren to join us as HuJiao!"

"Let him be a tiger teacher?" Qin Xin has not yet opened his mouth. Some of the generals beside him have already laughed, and some even exclaimed, "is Liu Yunshu joking?"

"We have made countless achievements in the team before we can improve HuJiao. This immortal just stepped into the team, will he wait for HuJiao?"

"Don't say we don't agree. Even those riding and shooting, Changkong may not be convinced."

"Noisy!" Qin's heart suddenly turned pale. With a light rebuke, the red water came out all over the sky and covered all the immortals.

"Immortal Xiao..." Qin Xin looked at Xiao Hua and said, "what did Liu Yunshu give you besides the trump card?"

"My lord Longqi..." Xiao Hua looked around and knew that it was immortal. He quickly bowed and said, "what Liu Hu taught was taken by Meijiang. I don't know."

"My lord..." Jiang Meihua took out a nuxu ring from the fairy armour, respectfully presented it and said, "this is what Liu HuJiao gave me. He once told me not to take it out unless I saw Qin Longqi! And no one can tell me. I don't know what it is. I dare not explore it! "

"Good!" Qin Xin was overjoyed, but he didn't show his magic power. He took naxu ring with his own hands. After that, he swept her hand and said, "you've made a great contribution!

Jiang Meihua said with interest: "the credit to the lower class is nothing, but Liu HuJiao. Before he died, he still remembered the important affairs in the army. It's admirable!"

"Oh, yes!" Qin Xin sighed and turned her hand. Liu Yunshu's trump card was in her hand. She scanned it, looked at Xiao Hua and said, "immortal Xiao, please tell me the whole story!"

"Yes Xiao Hua doesn't dare to hide anything. From listening to Tian Xue's encounter with the fire dancing water demon, to finally killing two powerful enemies with a plot and triggering the interface turbulence, he says so.

In the end, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "I thought Liu HuJiao was very fond of me. I really wanted to recommend him. Now it seems that Liu HuJiao wants to use the recommendation to let me and Meijiang bring his naxu ring to Longqi, so I don't want to mention it."

Qin Xin ignored Xiao Hua, narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly asked: "can you freely shuttle between the high and low levels of heaven, free from the law of interface?"

Xiao Hua hastily explained: "it's not a free shuttle, but a different skill in the lower body. It can bear the power of the law's counterattack!""Well..." Qin Xin nodded slightly, then glanced at Xiao Hua and said, "immortal Xiao, in fact, you are wrong!"

"I was wrong?" Xiao Hua was stunned and naturally asked, "what's wrong with me?"

"If you can kill the fire dancing water demon, it shows that you are competent for tiger education!" Qin Xin said, "if you can bring back Liu Yunshu's naxu ring, it means that you have something to do with They have the ability to play against each other, so you should be more than enough as a tiger teacher

"Don't tease me, my Lord!" Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm afraid of managing people. It's my biggest expectation to join the team."

Jiang Meihua also said with a smile: "my Lord, other generals also have opinions. Even if you let Xiao Zhenren become a tiger teacher, it's not good for his development in the team. If you can make war achievements later, it's not too late to be promoted."

"All right!" Qin Xin said with a smile, "since you understand the difficulties of the Dragon riding, the Dragon riding can't say anything more than thank you. Don't worry. As long as you really have the credit after waiting, the Dragon riding will reward all the credit!"

"Thank you, Mr. Longqi!" Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua were overjoyed.

"Don't worry..." Qin Xin takes out two crystal cards that are the same as Liu Yunshu's trump cards, raises his hand to sacrifice in the air, and then grabs the Dragon riding seal with one hand on the military case. With "Pa Pa Pa", the seal falls on the crystal card respectively, and two gorgeous lights flash away in the crystal card.

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HuJiao can't be a teacher. Give it to Changkong!