Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1018

With the sound landing, Jiang Meihua and Xiao Hua suddenly feel that there is an invisible barrier above their heads, which is as strong as gold and stone. Shengsheng blocks their flight.

Xiao Hua's color has really changed. If there were no generals here, he and Jiang Meihua would still be trapped in the collapsed senrodaone!

Fortunately, without waiting for Xiao Hua to think more, there was no need to wait for the fierce interface to rush to them. There was a golden light like a flying shuttle spinning down in front of his head to cover them.

"Whoosh..." Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua are light, but they feel that there are colorful light and shadow around them, sparks are splashing, and the golden light has already rushed into the interface barrier.

The golden light just rushes into more than 100 li. Suddenly, the golden light all over Jiang Meihua's body flashes rapidly, and the Kirin Faxiang on her body wails and wants to gather into her body!

"No!" Jiangmeihua low call, quickly a pat chest goggles, previously that broken crystal brand flashing Guanghua, will jiangmeihua protect.

Xiao Hua also wants to urge the breaking of Jiejing card. Unfortunately, he doesn't know when it has been lost. He has to shrug his shoulders and splash silver all over his body. His body is compressed again.

After about one cup of tea, the golden light stopped spinning, and the bodies of Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua stopped.

"No..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua to speak, a general said, "you are not the general of our Taichong team. Who are you waiting for?"

"Kaka kaka..." The voice of the general never fell to the ground. The golden light around Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua made a crisp sound. Thick chains came out of the golden light, and they were like snakes rushing at Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua!

Jiang Meihua was very calm. She patted her chest goggles, took out a heart-shaped crystal card and sent it to the edge of the golden light. She cried, "this is Liu Yunshu, Liu HuJiao's trump card. Please check it!"

"Take it out!" In addition to the golden light, an immortal in armor will stretch out his hand. As the immortal puts his big hand in, the golden light will melt.

All immortals are on guard to prevent any change.

Fortunately, the general took away Liu Yunshu's trump card, and there was no resistance from Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua!

"What?" The general Yannian swept the trump card, but he called out in a low voice, "how can a fire dancing water demon in Lixing land escape to listen to Tianxue? Damn... "

"My lord..." Jiang Meihua quickly reminded, "senlo road has collapsed, and And the interface turbulence is also coming up! "

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Cried the general, pale with fright.

Jiang Meihua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "I Do we have time to talk? "

"Let's go!" Without saying a word, the general said to the immortal soldiers beside him, "you should inform HuJiao immediately that there is interface turbulence at No. 760 boundary. I'm afraid it's going to be annihilated."

Later, the general grabbed Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua in the golden light, and rushed up to the sky. After a cup of tea, a huge fairy boat appeared in front of him. The fairy boat looked similar to Xiao Hua's previous star river crossing. The generals flew into the immortal boat, but the immortal boat did not urge them to "hum..." Inside the channel, the crazy interface turbulence is spewing out!

"Go..." At the height of the immortal boat, the immortal general who had been exploring for a long time roared. There was a flash of starlight on the immortal boat, which turned into streamer and rushed into the interface barrier.

Sparks flashed around the boat. At first, Xiao Hua felt the boat tremble, then his body floated, and the light and shadow in the space "brushed..." The fairy boat has been stretched out for a long time. I don't know how many miles it has been flying!

The general puts down the golden light that trapped Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua, raises his hand a little, and the chains that bound Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua disappear. The golden light also turns into a rhombus and falls into the general's sleeve.

The general looked at the back of the fairy boat with lingering fear, and said: "it's OK!"

"My lord..." Xiao Hua stood behind him, looking at Xuanli stretched and twisted, and said in a low voice, "can you recover after 760 JieChong?"

"It's hard to say!" The general shook his head and said, "JieChong is the balance between the demon alliance interface and the fairyland interface. The turbulent flow of the interface breaks the balance. It's not easy to recover..."

"What about the selection of Taichong immortals?"

"Oh, don't worry about that!" What did the general understand? He said with a smile, "senlo road doesn't have to be opened from this boundary. It's OK for other boundary to be opened!"

"Ha ha, that's good, that's good!" Xiao Hua was always relieved.

"You are Mr. Xiao!" The general turned to look at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "my name is Pan Zhan. You don't need to call me an adult. You can call me a name. Liu HuJiao highly praises you!"

"Liu Hu taught him..." Xiao Hua finally understood why Liu Yunshu had been in the interface barrier for so long. It turned out that he had been aware of the difference and arranged everything in it.

"Liu HuJiao left all that should be said in his trump card. As soon as he and Lei HuJiao came back from their mission, they saw something unusual at the entrance of Senluo road. Before they could report it, they went deep into Huang Zengtian with their subordinates. No one thought that a tragedy would happen." Pan Zhan said, "I've asked my subordinates to send a message to Lu Yun and Lu HuJiao on duty. When an order comes from his old man, you'll take this trump card to see his old man."

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua and both nodded.

Pan Zhan seems to be used to life and death, and no longer mention Lei Ming and others, but squint at the boat, don't know what to think.The fairy boat is flying fast. Xiao Hua stands on the fairy boat and looks out. It's like the first day when he stands on the river of stars and shuttles between the two worlds.

After about one incense stick, a twisted chain appeared in front of the head of the fairy boat. The fairy boat flew in, and the chain flashed silver light all over the fairy boat. Xiao Hua didn't feel anything. Jiang Meihua was cold and shrank her neck. However, the silver light of the halo swept back and forth on Jiang Meihua's body and did not leave easily.

Pan Zhan frowned and said, "what's in Meijiang's little friend?"

Jiang Meihua was just about to answer, "brush" the silver light finally left and swept to it.

"In some family..." Jiang Meihua explained with a bitter face. Unfortunately, he just said half a sentence. Pan Zhan waved his hand and said, "don't say it. Since you are judged to be OK, you are OK."

"Well..." Jiang Meihua naturally didn't want to reveal her secret, so she took the opportunity to shut up.

During the conversation, a light curtain was pierced in front of the head of the immortal boat, and the immortal boat fell into the sky through the interface barrier.

Xiao Hua looked outside the immortal boat. The whole space was similar to that of pingyutian before. However, within a million Li radius, huge military tents were in the air, and there were light bands on the military tents. The light bands were tangled together to form an immortal array with endless momentum. Blood poured out from the immortal array and scattered around.

"Mr. Pan..." Xiao Hua hesitated and said, "I have a question. I don't know if I can ask you?"

The immortal array stops, but the immortal soldiers fly away. Pan Zhan looks at Xiao Hua, nods and says, "say it!"

"Except Huang Zengtian, are all other celestial realms like this?"

"What do you mean?" Pan Zhan was stunned for a moment and asked, "what is it?"

"In the six days of the color world, except for Huang Zengtian at the bottom, are all the other sky worlds as broken as here? For six days The same thing? "

"Oh, that's what it means Pan Zhan thought for a moment and said, "I've been in moyitian all the time. There are few other celestial realms. However, as far as I know, only xuantai pingyutian, Yuanming jutian and moyitian are affected by the impact of the interface. The edge of the interface is similar to here. As for the six days of desire... "

Just now, an immortal soldier came from the immortal boat and said, "report to pan Changkong, Lord Lu, let them pass..."

"Well!" Pan Zhan nodded, raised his hand, handed Liu Yunshu's trump card to the immortal soldier and said, "take them. This is Liu HuJiao's trump card."

"My lord..." The immortal soldier hesitated, "wouldn't it be better for you to go by yourself?"

"I'm tired!" Pan Zhan shook his head and said, "you'd better go!"

When the immortal soldiers received the trump card, pan Zhan bowed his hand to Xiao Hua and said, "if you want to know what the heaven in the world of desire looks like, don't you do tiger education first, and then go and have a look for yourself! Goodbye... "

With that, pan Zhanyang left without waiting for Xiao Hua to say anything.

"HuJiao?" The immortal soldier looked at Xiao Hua, slightly stunned. Then he looked at Pan Zhan with strange eyes, and said to Xiao Hua, "please..."

"This..." Xiao Hua looks at Pan Zhan's back as if he knows something.

Jiang Meihua urged: "go quickly. It must be Liu Yunshu who recommended you to be a tiger teacher. Pan Changkong is uncomfortable."

Pan Zhan's heart is naturally mixed. He has made countless achievements in the Taichong team, but now he is just a long sky. Before Xiao Hua entered the Taichong team, he was recommended by Liu Yunshu as HuJiao, and Liu Yunshu, leiming and Lu Qing have fallen. If there is no accident, Liu Yunshu's recommendation should be taken seriously.

Lu Yun is very clear about Pan Zhan's mood, so he sits behind the cloud case, squinting at Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua, tapping his fingers on the seat, as if thinking about something.

"Immortal Xiao..." After a while, Lu Yun looked at the trump card on the cloud case and said, "what Liu Yunshu and Liu HuJiao said in the trump card is true?"

"Lord Lu..." Xiao Hua frowned and said, "what did Liu HuJiao leave in the trump card? Xiao doesn't know, but since Liu HuJiao will listen to Tian Xue's story, it's true!"

Lu yunzhui asked: "is Mr. Xiao willing to join our team?"

"Of course I will!" Xiao Hua nodded, looked at Jiang Meihua and said, "otherwise Xiao would not come here with Meijiang!"

"So..." Lu Yun got up and said, "Lu can't decide this matter. Please follow me to see Qin Xinqin Longqi!"

In the center of the camp array, a big flag is flying into the sky. The light bands from the tents gather here and rush straight into the flagpole. Like a dragon, the rune goes upstream of the big flagpole. The rune rushes into the big flag on the flagpole. The purple "Qin" character on the flaggate is waving in the wind!

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When we arrived at the Bunian camp, what was it that welcomed Xiao Hua?