Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1020

"You wait to take these two military cards..." Qin Xin waved the two crystal cards to Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua and said, "HuJiao can't give them to you easily, but Changkong and the commander are more than enough thanks to you!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua took the crystal card and had to salute again.

"Wait for two and follow Han Yu!" Qin Xin thought for a moment and said, "I'll let her take care of you more. Step back!"

"My lord..." Seeing that Qin Xin was about to open the immortal ban, Xiao Hua said in a hurry, "I have an invitation from you. I hope you will do it!"

"You say it Qin Xin stopped and Xianli said.

"Can you give Liu HuJiao's trump card to Kui job as a memorial?"

Qin Xin looked at the trump card in his hand and said: "Liu Yunshu's trump card is made by his own blood essence. After he fell, the things in the trump card can't be taken out, so it can only be used as Mo Xiantong..."

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. He didn't know that there was something else in the trump card. Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "Liu HuJiao died. There is no skeleton left. This is his last relic. I just want to use it as a memorial. I have no other intention!"

"Well!" When Xiao Hua explains, Qin Xin also wants to understand. She sends the card to Xiao Hua and says, "it's useless. Keep it! Oh, by the way, don't let other immortals know about human shadow and blurred human form. "

Qin Xin lifted the ban on immortals, and other immortal generals appeared in the tent. Qin Xin looked around and said, "immortal Xiao and Meijiang have made great contributions when they first entered our Taichong team. Our general regards them as the commander and commander of Changkong. Who has any opinion?"

Lei Ming made it clear that within the period of mending the sky, only Hu Jiao could become a general. In fact, Changkong and the commander were similar to Huang Zengtian's flag leader, so all the immortals had no opinion.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Qin Xin took out the Changkong seal and the commander's seal and gave them to Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua respectively.

"In that case, this is the end of the discussion on the first day of this year!" Then Qin Xin said, "the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing was planned by Chen Buyao. It's imperative. If Li Boyi can't do it, he can do it. Han Yu, Xiao Changkong and Mei Tong are in the lead. You are in charge... "

"Yes, my Lord!" A female fairy's voice rang out after all the fairies.

Han Yu, as her name suggests, is a woman Fairy with a cold face. She takes Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua to her camp and randomly assigns a fairy soldier to arrange for Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua. She goes into the camp and ignores them.

After all the immortals left, Qin Xin's tent was deserted. She squinted at the top of the tent, as if thinking about something. After a moment, she seemed to say to herself: "miao'er, do you think it was the two who attacked the thunder? Are they intentional or unintentional? Do they want to stop Lord Buyao's plan? "

As Qin Xin's voice falls to the ground, a strange beast named meinujiao comes out of her armor. This meinujiao is a woman's head and a red dragon's body.

"My lord..." Meinu, who was named Miaoer, raised her head, and her pretty face was also full of reflection. She frowned and said, "according to the opinion of the Nu family, although these two immortals did not reveal their true appearance, they must be the Wen family. They have done it several times, but we can't grasp it all the time. They are stronger than Lei Ming, Liu Yunshu and Lu Qing. There is no big problem in attacking and killing the three immortals, so they didn't cover up their whereabouts. And the appearance of immortal Xiao Then they upset their plan. They had to chase and kill Xiao Zhenren. Who knows that stealing chicken can't eat rice. They trapped themselves. "

“…… As for their purpose, I don't think it should be that thing. After all, they lead the fire dancing water demon to listen to Tianxue. The fire dancing water demon is enough to kill Lei Ming and others. They don't know that immortal Xiao is listening to Tianxue. Lei Ming and others fall to listen to Tianxue, so naturally they can't get that thing... "

"Well, what you think is the same as me..." Qin Xin nodded slightly, "since this is the case, I will report it to Lord Jin, but what about frost sword?"

"Frost sword?" Meinu Jiao Leng for a while, strange way, "I don't know which frost sword!"

"Oh, I'm a little confused!" Qin Xin rubbed his temple with his hand and said with a wry smile, "I was angry with that Li Bo!"

"Behind Li Boyi is Xue mingbai and Xue tunteng. Naturally, he wants to say something to Jin Yuhan and Jin tunteng First of all, he questioned three points, but he also understood that it was all arranged by master Bu Yao. Why should he be upset? "

"It's all a team. It's so complicated. I feel tired!" Qin Xin waved his hand and said, "forget it. Let's talk about the ice frost sword. The ice frost sword is shot at the vault by Gu... "

"Ah?" Meinujiao exclaimed, "I know that frost sword! What's up? Is it Lord dome who has news

"Yes Qin Xin said something about Gu Sheyi, and finally said, "Liu Yunshu recorded the ice sword in the trump card with a secret skill. No one but me could see it. When immortal Xiao was going to leave the trump card, I had erased the record!"

"It seems that this immortal Xiao is interesting..." Meinujiao said thoughtfully, "he actually got Gu's ice sword. Can't anyone use that ice sword except Gu she herself?"

"What did Lord changqiong say..." Qin Xin shakes his head and says, "but she has been reincarnated, so no one knows.""Do you suspect that immortal Xiao is the reincarnation of Lord changqiong?"

"No, I don't doubt it!" Qin Xin shook his head and said, "if Lord changqiong were reincarnated, she would not come so soon to mend the sky, and even if she came, she would never come to me. So, it's only possible that what immortal Xiao said is true. Although Lord changqiong was reincarnated, her old man's cultivation has not been restored. She has already gone to the upper heaven to find a place to practice. "

"What do you suspect?"

"I don't doubt anything!" Qin Xin said with a smile, "don't you also say that he is interesting?"

"Yes Meinujiao said, "he took the frost sword. It's because of the frost sword that he can get a place in mending heaven. He doesn't know the origin of the frost sword. It's just as if he already knew it, and he was so indifferent. It's really strange. It's different from many immortal generals? What's more, Hu Jiao is a general who can lead the army. It's essentially different from Changkong. He doesn't even fight. I wonder if he is a male immortal? "

"Such fairies have little desire!" Qin Xin said, "it's not easy to control. However, such a male immortal likes to do practical things. He can do some difficult things."

"Well, well, that's..." Meinu nodded.

"I have to report this matter to Lord Jin as soon as possible..." As Qin Xin spoke, he raised his hand and picked up his dragon seal.

Meinujiao suddenly thought of something and reminded: "have you given the military contributions of immortal Xiao and Meijiang?"

"Yes, yes..." Qin Xin chuckled and said, "people have also escaped from death to get the team. They are indispensable for such military exploits."

Qin Xin doesn't want to report to Jin Yuhan. He just says that the immortal soldier assigned by Han Yu hears that Xiao Hua is Changkong and Jiang Meihua is the commander. He can't help but look gorgeous in his eyes. He eagerly leads Xiao Hua to a space between the army's tent and says, "let's camp here, two adults!"

Xiao Hua looked around at the military tent with the same style and said with a smile, "how can we camp without military tent?"

Xianbing nahan said: "two adults..."

However, he just said here, suddenly wake up, urgent way: "two adults just joined the team?"

"Yes Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "so many things, I don't know!"

"My Lord, I'd better refine the general card first..." The immortal soldier looked at the two people's eyes and said carefully, "then if there's anything you don't understand, you can ask me about the despicable position again!"

"Yes Jiang Meihua patted her forehead and said, "how can I forget this?"

Looking at Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua, the immortal soldier waited respectfully. After they finished their sacrifice, he said, "do you have anything else to ask

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua's Yannian had swept the military card for a long time, in which the rules of camping and marching were clearly written, so Jiang Meihua waved and said, "no more!"

"That's the dirty job!" The immortal soldier said with a smile, "I'm called fan Qing. If you have anything to do, you can call me through the military card."

When the immortal soldier was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something. He reminded him, "I see that the two adults are using ordinary techniques. If the two adults have a heart, they can use the blood essence to refine the military card again to see if there is another secret!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua Wei Leng, strange way, "what is another mystery?"

Fan Qing said with a bitter smile: "I'd like to teach you to know that our ordinary immortal soldiers' military cards only have the ability to transmit information and store things. Your immortal generals' military cards will have the function of fairyland. Only the military achievements you get in the war can you bid for what you need in the fairyland..."

"What What? " Xiao Hua was stunned and said, "is there a fairyland in Butian? Also What other military achievements are there? "

"Yes Fan Qing said with a smile, "without military merit, what are you doing here? Without fairyland, where do the elixirs and techniques used in daily practice come from? You can use Qian Jing to compete for the training cost outside the team. In the team, besides Qian Jing, you have to have military merit, especially some rare skills. You can't compete without military merit! "

"Quick, quick..." Jiang Meihua was excited and said, "let's have a ritual to see if this military card has any secrets!"

"As soon as you enter the team, you can be in the leader and the sky. The military card given by Tiger education is naturally different from the ordinary one!"

Fan Qing's little flattery arrived, and then bowed away.

"Don't be in a hurry to sacrifice and refine yet!" Looking around, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's better to make a camp first."

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Is military merit system a system flow?