Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1017

At this time, Xiao Hua has no time to consider the life and death of Wen Ying, because the passage is annihilated, and the power of destroying heaven and earth roars and will also rush at himself.

Xiao Hua flies back in a hurry. The crack of the passage follows him, and the light and shadow from the shadow also follow him. Unfortunately, no matter how the shadows gather, they can't condense together, because he can't catch up with the speed of the passage breaking.

"Boom..." Xiao Hua flew into Senluo Road, and the turbulent flow of the interface rushed in. He had already broken Senluo road into two sections, but Xiao Hua could not take a breath, and then rushed to the interface barrier of the last heaven in the six days of Moyi heaven's desire world!

However, just as he was flying, Xiao Hua looked at his right hand, where the channel barrier was also surging rapidly. It seemed that there was room for turbulence.

It's true what you see when you smell the shadow. There is also a channel, which was discovered by Mohong. Xiao Hua learned from the memory of Mohong and fire dancing water demon that the two channels are not far away, and it is by means of the technique of light escape that he ventured through the interface to burst into the back of the shadow, which not only killed the two people, but also destroyed the two channels, eliminating the hidden danger of listening to the snow.

"Boom!" Xiao Hua just flew over, the passage barrier finally couldn't support it. It burst horizontally, and a black shadow brush flew out from inside and crossed in front of Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua's eyes swept away. Isn't it the dust? Xiao Hua is very happy. He has a quick eye and a quick hand. He has brought the shadow into the space.

But when Xiao Hua urged Guangdun to escape into the interface barrier, a hysterical voice called: "go to die!"

Then, a gray and black shadow of the knife flew out of the turbulent flow of the interface outside the Luo Road of Xiao Hua Sen and slashed to Xiao Hua's neck.

The light of the sword was so fast that it floated like a shadow. Xiao Hua only had time to hide. The light of the sword had cut off Xiao Hua's right arm!

"Ha ha, ha ha..." The laughter of hearing the shadow was drowned by the interface turbulence, and it became smaller and smaller.

Xiao Hua looked at the blade like a willow leaf that deeply penetrated into the interface barrier, and said faintly, "can you send an immortal to Xiao? Thank you very much... "

Then he looked at the arm he had cut off. The black Qi was certainly eating flesh and blood, but where can we understand the strength of shimuang's body?

After Xiao Hua took back the blade, the black Qi had been killed by Xiao Hua's physical radiance, and the blood of his arms had disappeared and gradually healed.

Xiao Hua looked at the interface under him and shook his head: "it's a pity!"

Then he urged Guangdun to rush into the interface barrier and disappear.

"Puff, puff, puff..." Xiao Hua just flew out of the interface barrier, a heavy pressure immediately came, Xiao Hua's body was compressed again.

"Silk..." Xiao Hua was already injured. He just tried to escape, but he didn't feel anything. Now under the heavy pressure of the interface, his whole body's blood light splashed again. Xiao Hua couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Xiao Huagang wants to use his skill to repair the wound, "Wuwu..." The interface barrier beneath him made a low roar like a cow moo, and the barrier began to rise and fall, as if a huge object had collided with him. Xiao Hua looked around the interface barrier again, and there were also chaotic waves at the edge. It was obvious that it would collapse soon.

Xiao Hua looked at the top of his head, but there was still no end. He thought about sending Jiang Meihua out for a moment.

Jiang Meihua appeared, and his embarrassment was even worse, "click..." During the sound, the body almost shrunk by 30%, "hum..." Jiang Meihua is also very good. Her body is full of earthy yellow light and shadow. There is Kirin Dharma in it. Shengsheng resists the force of the interface.

"Escaped?" Jiang Meihua looked around and asked anxiously, "what did Liu Hu teach them?"

"I'm hurt!" Xiao Huaji explained, "this is the Qiyao Moyi heaven of Senluo road. Senluo road is about to collapse. Take me to fly high. Let's go to JieChong entrance..."

"Good!" When Jiang Meihua heard this, she grabbed Xiao Hua with her big hand and rushed to the high place of Senluo road.

Jiang Meihua just rushed out of the ten thousand miles, "boom" Senluo road. Finally, the interface barrier finally collapsed, and the turbulent flow of the interface rushed into the air again, catching up with Jiang Meihua.

"Darling..." Jiang Meihua yelled, and her figure quickened!

Xiao Hua didn't dare to show the skill of stepping on Shenque in front of Jiang Meihua. He only took some refined elixirs, but it was obvious that these elixirs had little effect on Xiao Hua's body. After they had enough incense, Jiang Meihua couldn't help whispering: "Xiao Xiaoyou, your elixir doesn't work. Here I am..."

Just now, Jiang Meihua shut up. All the elixirs in his bag were given by Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua's elixirs are not easy to use, so is his fairy boat.

"It's all right!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I have already urged the secret skill. It's just that the artifact of the human shadow is so powerful that it can't show any effect for the time being. It will be fine later. "

"Liu HuJiao..." Jiang Meihua finally asked, "are they afraid they have fallen?"

"I saw Lei HuJiao and Lu HuJiao attacked and killed with my own eyes..." Xiao Hua said faintly, "after I put you in the space, I fled to the interface barrier. I didn't see Liu HuJiao fighting with them, but More bad than good! "

"Alas..." Jiang Meihua sighed and said, "even they have fallen. It's lucky that we can escape.""Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I've helped Lei Hu teach them revenge!"

"Ah?" Jiang Meihua was shocked. Looking at Xiao Hua, she said, "are you so powerful?"

"Of course I'm not so good!" Xiao Hua pointed to his wounds and said, "I just use myself as a bait to lead them into the interface channel and cause the interface channel to collapse."

After that, he grinned again and said, "I wanted to die with them, but heaven is merciful. When the interface collapsed, I had a chance to escape!"

"I'll go!" Jiang Meihua smashed it, smashed it, and said, "fortunately you escaped, otherwise I would die with you."

Just then, there was a voice in the sky: "who is in front of you? But under the command of the three tiger masters? "

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua were overjoyed and cried out: "exactly, exactly!"

Jiang Meihua also released Yannian in a hurry, trying to explore something, but he only released Yannian more than ten feet, and his Yannian was torn to pieces by the inexplicable turmoil around him.

"What's the matter?" On the top of his head, another voice said urgently, "not only the three tiger teachers don't come back, but also none of you will come back? Now it's time for senlo road to close, and the interface collapses... "

"Stop talking, pick them up quickly..."

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