Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1016

"But..." Hearing the wind, he looked at the fengheng beast under him and said to himself, "if I enter the passage, Lingfeng is not easy to handle. It's fengheng beast. Maybe it will cause the passage to change!"

"But if you let it go and don't kill it yourself, you can't find it!"

"That's all!" After thinking about it, Wen Feng gave a cold smile and said to himself, "do you need the help of Wen Ying to kill a Juyuan immortal?"

With that, Wen Feng whispered to Feng Heng. The body of Feng Heng was shrunk again and fell on Wen Feng in the form of armor. Wen Feng looked at the flying gray beads, opened his mouth and swallowed them into his stomach. He didn't want to leave any trace here.

When you rush into the gap, you will face the familiar channel. This channel is not stable. From time to time, there are some inexplicable stars and moons, and some fierce interface fluctuations fall through the channel barrier. Occasionally, some residual water light of Fire Dance drifts out.

Wen Feng didn't release Yan Nian. He patted himself on the waist. Feng Heng's body trembled and released thousands of Qi threads to protect him.

Smell the wind and fly into the entrance of the passage for more than 100 li. Pause a little and wave to take out the dust. The dust floats with the wind and looks elegant. No one can imagine that it's a sharp weapon to kill the immortal. It just killed Juyuan immortal!

Ready to stop, smell the wind mouth smile, slowly flying, like a cat chasing mice, waiting to force Xiao Hua to the end.

The channel is not only curved, but also twisted. The force of the interface will crush the light of the stars and the moon occasionally exposed, and the faint light will shine on Wen Feng's face, showing a proud smile. It's like reviewing one's own achievements. Hearing the wind all the way, one's eyes swept through the passage. Although he can't say he is familiar with everything here, he won't let go as long as he can hide.

However, when I saw the end of the passage, I never saw Xiao Hua. I was a little nervous when I heard the wind.

"Could he..." As soon as I thought of this, in the dim light of the distance, I saw Xiao Hua's whole body flashing silver light, staring at his eyes like a trapped animal.

"Ha ha..." Hearing this, he laughed and said, "do you know what it means to catch a turtle in a jar?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and replied, "I only know what it means to die together!"

"Ha ha, it's up to you?" Smell the wind and look around, "are you sure you have the power to break the boundary? Besides, are you sure I don't have a backhand? "

Xiao Hua looked at Wen Feng retreating slightly. He had expected that Wen Feng was not sure. He asked coldly, "since you have a back hand, why don't you step forward?"

Wen Feng bites his lips and stares at Xiao Hua. He is not afraid that Xiao Hua will die together. He dares to enter the passage and naturally has the magic power to escape. What he worries about is the things in the hands of Lei Ming and others.

If you don't see thunder before, you will ignore it when you hear the wind. You can see that. Of course, you don't want to miss the credit. But Wen Feng can't tell Xiao Huaming that he's afraid that he's going to revolt.

Xiao Hua looks at Wen Feng and thinks the same as Wen Feng. He wants to enter because of Wen Feng and Wen Ying, but only Wen Feng comes in. Only Wen Feng was attacked and killed. Things were not perfect. He wanted to wait.

It's a pity that Wen Feng doesn't give him a chance, but seeing that the immortal dust in Feng's hand suddenly shakes and ten thousand points of blue light flickers, he wants to kill Xiao Hua as soon as possible.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua had made up his mind long ago. Seeing Wen Feng's hand, he hastened to activate Guangdun's skill. Under the light escape, the green light turned into needle shape, and the green light circled around. Xiao Hua tried to avoid the light and shadow, and flew over the edge of the wavy green light with his body.

"Ah?" Seeing Xiao Hua disappear suddenly, Wen Feng is very surprised. He releases Yan Nian in a hurry, but he doesn't find Xiao Hua's trace. And at this time, the wind of the wind constant beast suddenly trembles, the blue light of the dust also has some annihilation, look at that annihilation trace is close to himself.

"Damn it Hearing the wind, he was shocked. He didn't expect Xiao Hua to have such magical powers. So he scolded and moved. The wind beast rushed out of the hurricane to wrap Xiao Hua's body.

However, the tentacle of the wind beast just came out, "hum..." There are some wind whistling and whimpering in the passage, and the space is extremely shaking, obviously unable to bear the magical power of the wind beast.

Smell the wind helpless, can only one beat the wind constant beast, that tentacle out of a stop to hit Xiao Hua fuzzy trace.

"Brush..." What makes Wen Feng even more surprised is that the tentacles fall into the air!

"No!" Hearing this, he suddenly realized something and said, "he He wants to escape... "

"Brush..." At this time, after hearing the wind, there were blood stains and wind sounds. Xiao Huazu stepped on the broken light and showed his figure again in the passage.

"Want to escape? No way Smell wind grim smile, suddenly body a shock, "Wu......" Around the passage, thousands of wind filaments condense into a net, and they rush towards Xiao Hua, whose left arm is already rotten.

This wind silk was originally used for self-help by smelling the wind. At this time, it is appropriate to use it to trap Xiao Hua!

Who knows that Xiao Hua doesn't pay attention to Wen Feng's wind silk at all. He raises his left hand and waves the "buzz" frost sword. He sees the ice dregs around and freezes the wind silk. Wen Feng's eyes are wide open and says: "frost sword?"

"Brush" smell the wind quickly a shake to kill immortal dust, a wisp of very thin wind wire will be around the space sealed, although the ice is still unbeatable, but after all, the speed is a lot slower!"Hum..." Although the wind beast trembles, its huge tentacles stick out again, straight into the ice!

"Goodbye..." Xiao Hua suddenly gave a sly smile, took back the frost sword, raised his hands, "Wuwu..." Two fire dragons break out of the air and rush into the ice crazily!

At this time, the ice layer in the passage did not completely condense, and the fire dragon melted into the channel.

"What do you mean?" Smell wind some don't understand, after all his wind constant beast's Hurricane is also breaking ice.

However, when Xiao Hua raised his hand again, a crystal symbol fell into the "boom" space, and the wave burst in the ice, fire and wind, creating a great turbulence in the passage!

"No!" When he heard the wind, his soul flew out of the sky. He didn't dare to let fenghenghu drive the hurricane, just for fear of causing waves around the interface. Xiao Hua's law of turbulence is several times more powerful than fenghenghu's hurricane!

What Xiao Hua meant by killing himself!

Smell the wind body shape in a flash, Zhu Xianchen crazy play, that wind constant beast also suddenly leave the body, into clouds rushed to the law of turbulence, like dumplings general will turbulence wrapped!

"Boom boom..." The sound of countless blasts sounded, and the demon body of fengheng beast was riddled with holes by the turbulent flow of law. Outside the channel, the turbulent flow of interface also rushed like the tide of the sea, tearing the channel to pieces.

"Brush..." Wen Feng's body sank into one side of Feng Heng's body. In a moment, he flew out from the other side. But when he was breathing, his immortal body was already half broken.

"Oh?" Hearing the wind, he saw Xiao Hua again. Xiao Hua didn't fly far away. He said coldly, "do you want to do it again?"

With that, Xiao Hua picked up the frost sword again.

"Damn it When he was ready to break the cauldron and sink the boat, the voice of Wen Ying came from behind Xiao Hua, "accept my life!"

He was overjoyed by the wind. The immortal mark in his eyebrows and heart opened, and the strange light and shadow of the eight trigrams fell down. Where the light and shadow passed, the body shape blurred by the wind washed like water, revealing a slightly fat face.

But Xiao Hua couldn't see Wen Feng's appearance, because his waistcoat was full of unspeakable shudder. The human shadow of Wen Ying had already deceived him!

"This man is too fast..." Xiao Hua didn't want to urge Guangdun immediately. He said in his heart, "fight head on, I'm afraid it's not his enemy!"

Seeing Xiao Hua's body disappear, he heard the wind and said, "seal the passage and don't let him escape!"

I don't know what the wind means when I smell the shadow, but with a wave of his hands, he sealed the passage with a gray black knife light!

However, just after Dao Guang appeared, "boom, boom..." A roar of space came from Xiao Hua's disappeared right hand, but the firelight, water light, sword light and so on suddenly appeared like meteors and rushed to the thin barrier of the passage!

"Ah!" Wen Ying and Wen Feng were so surprised that they said in the same voice, "he He will die together

Xiao Hua's crystal symbol naturally contains the crystal symbol of space law. This time, it can be different from the first time. There is no fengheng beast to protect the cracked crystal symbol. The channel barrier at the crack is broken like paper paste. The interface floods into the channel, which not only separates the wind from the shadow, but also roars to both sides of the channel, and the channel inch by inch breaks at the place where the turbulence passes!

"Smell the wind..." Smell shadow big urgent, cry a way, "quick......"

Naturally, Wen Feng doesn't dare to neglect him. His body turns into wind and rushes into the turbulence of the interface. He wants to rush to the place where he hears the shadow. Wen Ying also reaches out his hand. Although the big hand is extremely twisted in the turbulence, it still slowly approaches Wen Ying

He felt as if he had caught the wind and the shadow. He was about to use a magic power. Behind him, Xiao Hua's voice rang out: "is this passage set by you? Today's first day will be the place where you and others are buried. It's revenge for thunder. "

"Ah?" Hearing the movie, he was surprised. He turned back, but saw that Xiao Hua's half immortal body was broken, and his whole body was bloodstained. In his right hand, he had a broken magic blade!

Xiao Hua's right arm suddenly gave birth to blood light, and thousands of demons poured out from the blood light. Then Xiao Hua waved the magic blade decisively, "brush..." After a blood light, the channel is broken, and the turbulent flow of the interface flows in from the broken place, drowning the space between Xiao Hua and Wen Ying!

"You How did you get behind me? " Smell the shadow quickly give up smell the wind, body shape into a shadow into the interface turbulence, he is just Juyuan fairy, how dare to fall into the interface hedge?

However, just as he turned around, he vaguely saw that besides the broken interface, there was also a place like a passage. He took out the light that was also collapsing and flashing.

But he didn't take a close look at the shadow. His shadow fell into the turbulence of the interface and immediately turned into hundreds of millions of light spots and rushed towards Xiao Hua

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It's not easy. Xiao Hua finally killed the two enemies by taking advantage of the channel where the demon alliance and demon clan broke into the fairyland