Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1015

Fuzzy figure heard the roar of fengheng beast above his head, and knew that fengheng beast's attack didn't work, so he gritted his teeth, raised his hand, sacrificed a gray bead, and then urged his body to chase fengheng beast.

Xiao Hua's body is free to fly up. He looks down at the ten wind pillars. He is crazy and sneers from the corner of his mouth! At this time, the situation is quite different from the previous attack. He is on Senluo Road, and fengheng beast is under Senluo road. How can he be afraid of fengheng beast's attack?

The more severe the hurricane is, the faster Xiao Hua's escape will be!

"Lend me three hundred feet of strong wind and soar ninety thousand li!" Xiao Hua couldn't help laughing.

"Damn, damn!" At this time, the fuzzy figure had already stepped on the wind and the beast. When he saw Xiao huaru's wings, he knew the secret. He couldn't help scolding him.

"Who are you?" Hearing this, Xiao Hua felt his heart moved and said, "how dare you kill the general of our Taichong corps?"

The blurred human body produced a distorted blue light, and the body began to fly by the force of the wind constant beast, ignoring Xiao Hua's question.

"Well, I know if I don't!" Xiao hualeng snorted, "it's just a generation who recognizes thieves as their father. I've traded my great righteousness of the fairyland for my own small profits. I'm bah! A little beast... "

"Roar..." Fuzzy figure completely angry, he roared, body suddenly disappeared. Then, an indescribable experience came from the bottom of Xiao Hua's heart. Xiao Hua was surprised. He didn't realize that the method of blurring human form was so strange, but he could kill himself in a few breath.

However, Xiao Hua still looked up at the magic power of the fuzzy human form. When Xiao Hua danced the Ruyi stick to protect his body, "poof..." A ray of blue light suddenly flew out of the hurricane, and the sword hit Ruyi stick!

At the moment when the green light was broken by Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua could see clearly that in the spiral hurricane, a cluster of lights, like swimming fish, were rushing towards him. At that time, there was a fuzzy human figure in each light.

"Xiao understands!" Xiao Hua spread his wings again and said in his heart, "Xiao has the power to live in the light, and that guy has the power to live in the wind. No wonder he can drive the wind beast! I don't know if this man is immortal or demon! "

Xiao Hua knows the law of the wind, but it's a good way to deal with the immortal who can live in the wind. So Xiao Hua looks up at the high place and still runs away. However, Xiao Hua keeps an eye on his body as he flies, so he won't be able to catch up with others.

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Hua seemed to be exhausted and his body slowed down. From time to time, he took out some elixirs from his arms and put them into his mouth.

"Little sample..." Fuzzy figure sneered, "I think you have the supernatural power! It turns out that you have a time when your immortal power is exhausted

"Wu..." But listen to a gust of wind roar, a piece of light into a sword light, overwhelming hit Xiaohua.

"Kill Xiao Hua saw that "it's too late to hide" and only waved Ruyi stick to fight!

Ruyi stick is ferocious, and the stick technique from the demon clan is also fierce. During the dance of Ruyi stick, it can't be splashed with water, even the wind can't blow.

Seeing that Qingguang FengSi was blocked by Ruyi stick one by one, the fuzzy figure was a little surprised. He didn't expect that a small tail behind thunder had such magic power.

"Hum..." Fuzzy figure cold hum, body shape in the light and shadow after condensation, raise the hand that whisk is about to wave.

However, when the fuzzy figure was about to push the dust, "ouch..." Xiao Hua screamed, staggering as if he had been hurt by a blue light. Then Xiao Hua did not dare to fight, and his whole body also gave birth to blue light and shadow. His wings suddenly shook, and he rushed over Senluo road like a sword!

"Damn it He said, "this guy is also proficient in the wind system, and he seems to have the blood of the demon clan. If I treat him alone, I'm afraid it's not easy to kill him. How can I smell the shadow? Why haven't you come yet? "

Misty human form naturally does not allow Xiao Hua to escape. He once again urges Feng Dun to catch up!

For more than half an hour, Xiao Hua looked tired, but he was also getting closer to Qi Yao Mo Yi Tian!

Feeling the heavy pressure of the interface, Xiao Hua's dancing with the Ruyi stick is more difficult. If he is not careful, he doesn't need to blur the human figure's hand. Xiao Hua himself is hit by the hand of fengheng beast and tumbles in the forest road!

Misty figure is proud to kill Xiao Hua again. Suddenly, Xiao Hua struggles to the edge of Senluo Road, "Oh?" Looking at Xiao Hua's hasty escape, it's a bit unexpected to see the vague figure.

But for a moment, when Xiao Hua rushed into a very hidden gap, he laughed faintly. He raised his hand and said, "there is a way in the heaven, you don't go, there is no way in the nether world, you step in! You deserve to die... "

With that, fuzzy figure didn't worry. He slowly took out the square box and said with a smile: "smell the shadow, don't worry about coming. That guy's life is good. He rushed directly into the JieChong channel opened by immortal tools before us. One side of the channel has been closed, and the force of JieChong is all around the channel. He has no place to escape."

"Hoo..." The voice inside the box let out a long breath and said, "that's good. I'm scared to death, but don't let him escape, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the voice was angry and said: "Wen Feng, you What do you call my name for? ""Oh, I'm sorry!" The fuzzy figure named Wen Feng woke up, patted his forehead and said, "I've forgotten. Alas, you don't know. I'm very angry with that guy..."

Speaking of this, Wen Feng woke up and scolded: "NND, don't you call my name too?"

"Even!" Smell the shadow light of say, "that Si isn't with fish loach beast slip don't leave a hand, if isn't you have wind constant beast, he long ago escaped?"

"Good, good!" Wen Feng gritted his teeth and said, "I've tried to sacrifice the immortal dust several times, but every time I was sneaked away by him, it's very hateful."

"I've arrived at Wen jutian. Just a moment!" Wen Ying said, "I'll be right there, but there's some trouble. Senluo road is being closed, and behind me is..."

Speaking of this, the sound of hearing the shadow is a little fuzzy. Seeing the light of annihilation, the wind knows that the sound of hearing the shadow is covered by the closure of senlo road.

Wen Feng waited for a moment, looked at the wavy gap on the edge of Senluo Road, frowned a little, and said in secret: "Senluo road is closed, this place must be annihilated, my hands and feet with Wen Ying will be erased, but the person who flies into it may have another change. If I wait for Wen Ying to come over, I may not have time to enter the channel to kill that person!"

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Xiao Hua has no intention of breaking into a desperate situation? Please