Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1014

"Haha, it's interesting!" After the dust of Buddha, the vague figure appeared. At this time, his armor was still covered, and he could not see clearly. The figure looked up at the direction of Xiao Hua's disappearance and said, "this guy is not strong. His escape skill is really powerful!"

"Well, where can it be?" Human shadow is also cold hum, body shape a shock, the wind constant beast gives birth to a hurricane, will blur the human shape, turn into a whirlpool, faster than the lightning to chase Xiaohua!

It took about half a cup of tea for fengheng beast to disappear. Not far away from the space fault, Xiao Hua rushed out of the room with ease.

Xiao Hua disdained, looked up at the disorderly wind howling in the sky, and said faintly: "Xiao can't beat you, but if you talk about escape, you two can't beat Xiao!"

With that, Xiao Hua flew to the peak of Senluo Road, but after flying for more than a hundred miles, Xiao Hua's body swayed and rushed straight into the ground!

Seeing that there was a giant force in the earth, Xiao Hua urged the art of light escape again. Sure enough, layers of mountain like interface light and shadow appeared in front of Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua's body fell into the light and shadow, and flew down one layer after another. Although it was a little difficult, but after several breath, Xiao Hua's eyes lit up and turned out to be another heaven!

However, when Xiao Hua was just standing in the space, there was a stirring spirit in his heart, the immortal mark in his eyebrow was automatically activated, and the eight trigrams condensed by strokes and water rushed out. In the eight trigrams, the river map and the virtual shadow of Luoshu were generated, which washed the surface of Xiao Hua's body like water.

Xiao Hua didn't know that this was the cause and effect of Qingfeng's use of an immortal weapon to detect his whereabouts. He looked up at the flash of the fire above his head and swore: "it's shameless! Can't find Xiao, and even use the art of divination? "

With that, Xiao Hua's body swayed quickly and flew towards the river in the distance.

The river looks like Tianshui, falling from the clouds, but Xiao Hua knows that this is the appearance of Senluo road falling on he Tongtian!

However, just before Xiao Hua rushed to the water, he stopped again, pinched his chin, looked at the blue water, and said with a smile: "they said that when Xiao arrived at he Tongtian, he would have to chase him through Senluo road. If Xiao entered Senluo road now, would he not throw himself into the net? Wait a second... "

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua sat down with his knees crossed and hastened to activate the skill, "Wu..." Where the light is splashed, the black profile of a person's paint is produced instantaneously!

"Damn it..." Although Xiao Hua's estimation of the details is wrong, what he thinks is right. The shadow of the human figure and the fuzzy human figure directly catch up with the height of pingyutian, and they never see Xiao Hua's shadow. The fuzzy human figure suddenly wakes up and exclaims, "we've got that guy's plan. He He must have been lying around with a shot in vain... "

"Come on After hearing this, the figure hastily urged, "I'll wait for you to turn around quickly!"

"Don't worry..." Fuzzy figure pondered for a moment, said, "that guy after I wait, naturally will not stay in the original place, where is he most likely to go?"

"If I were you, I would return to senlo road. After all, it's a space passage, which can lead directly to wenjutian..."

"This guy is the most cunning. If you want to go to Wen jutian, he will not go to Wen jutian. When he enters Senluo Road, the first choice should be he Tongtian!"

"He might even run to listen to Tianxue!"

"It's impossible to listen to the snow!"

"Yes, yes, Senluo Road begins to close. Listen, the entrance of Tianxue liulijing has disappeared!"

"Not only the entrance of liulijing, but also the edge of Senluo road began to disappear. If he entered Senluo Road, he could not come out again..."

"Hey, you and I are two people. Why guess so much? You go to Wen jutian and I'll go to he Tongtian and kill him! "

"Come on The fuzzy figure nodded and urged fengheng beast to rush into the mountain. The mountain immediately raised a space vortex. Looking at the dim black and white halo around the space vortex, the fuzzy figure said with a smile, "the edge of senlo road has faded..."

Not to mention that the two immortals flew into Senluo road to pursue Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua was about to rush into the river when he urged TA Shenque to recover his immortal power. Suddenly, he found that the river was exhausted!

"Why? What does that mean? " Xiao Hua was quite puzzled. He clapped his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

Looking at the halo like Epiphyllum, Xiao Hua suddenly understood and said with a smile: "I see. This is Senluo road. It's going to be closed! Ha ha, Xiao finally escaped... "

However, after Xiao Hua laughed, he felt that it was not proper. He looked up at the sky and said to himself, "Xiao punished Zhou Xiaoming before. I don't know that he was slack! Although these two immortals don't know the origin, since they want to kill Xiao, how can Xiao spare them? And even if Xiao escapes now, they are Xiao's hidden danger. Now they have a good chance to kill the two immortals. Are you waiting for them to come and kill Xiao in the future? "

"Before, Xiao was an immortal baby. He didn't have a foothold in the fairyland. If he escaped, he would have escaped. Now if Xiao is still running, running, running, fear has become a habit, how to fight with people in the future? "

"Well, if people don't offend me, I won't do it. If people offend me, I will kill them!"

Xiao Hua's mind was fixed, and his mind immediately changed. He looked at the disappearing Senluo Road, and simply abandoned it. He rushed to the sky again and used the technique of light escape to cross the interface barrier.By this time, Xiao Hua already knew that his body was powerful. Ordinary immortals needed to use the retrograde channel to pass through the gap between the two heavens. As long as he used the technique of light escape, he could pass through.

If you need to pay money to use the retrograde channel, Xiao Hua finds a way to save money.

After flying into pingyutian, when Xiao Hua looked at it again, the mountain did not collapse. There was still a channel vortex. Xiao Hua flew 100000 Li high and rushed into Senluo road again.

In fact, Xiao Hua's heart may not have no meaning of gambling, but he really bet right. At this time, the vague figure had already rushed into Wen jutian, and the shadow of the figure fell into he Tongtian, which was all staggered with Xiao Hua!

As before, Xiao Hua flew along Senluo road for half an hour. During this time, he was a little nervous, and he was always on guard against the attack of shadow and dust.

Seeing the heavy pressure in front of him, Xiao Hua knew that Wen jutian's interface barrier was right in front of him, so he didn't hesitate to fly out again!

Sure enough, beyond Senluo road is the earth fire, wind and thunder, and the endless lightning seems to fall like a storm. When Xiao Hua urges Guangdun's skill, there appears the light that overlaps like a city wall. Xiao Hua is like a climbing child, jumping around in the light!

Out of light and shadow is Wen jutian. Wen jutian's inner pressure is even greater. But Xiao Hua clearly feels that an indescribable feeling of acupuncture and blazing comes from his body surface.

"It's time for the immortal light to pass through the barrier of heaven!" Xiao Hua has some insight. He turns his head to see that a rainbow is falling from the sky, straight down to the earth. Senluo road is like a rainbow bridge in Wenju sky!

Xiao Hua estimated that the two immortals might be guarding the boundary barrier of Wen jutian, so he stopped a little and rushed to the sky directly.

After flying more than 100000 Li, Xiao Hua felt hot on his body surface and impatient in his heart. He thought for a moment, simply sat down on his knees and urged him to step on Shenque again.

"Wu..." When the immortal light fell into the sky, there was a roaring sound. Immediately, the light column of "boom boom" condensed. Xiao Hua's body vibrated, and the unspeakable pain came out. The sting is not only physical and meridians, but also spirit. In surprise, Xiao Hua slowed down the skill of stepping on Shenque and increased the cultivation of Fuya.

After about a stick of incense, the tingling gradually disappeared. Xiao hualue laughed after a micro examination and said in secret: "so it is. Although Xiao used to practice with the immortal dark light before, it was not the real immortal dark light, but the immortal dark light blocked by the barrier of heaven. Those lights are harmless to the dust immortal, just as the ordinary sunlight. Today, the Yuan Dynasty's clear text raises the sky, and then the Qiyao Moyi sky. I'm afraid it's just a little bit of strengthening of the Xianling Xuanguang. Xiao first adapts to the transitional Xianling Xuanguang, and then directly uses the real Xianling Xuanguang to practice, and it's OK. "

Naturally, it's not as simple as Xiao Hua thought, but since Xiao Hua had been killed by white light when he was flying to the fairyland, it's normal for him to easily accept the fairy light!

"Oh, did Xiao just cultivate a stick of incense? How How can this cultivation effect be equal to the previous several hours

"Besides, Xiao thinks that the stars in the law sky are much bigger than before in the immortal trace. Is it that the immortal light is closer to the law?"

After counting all the gains, Xiao Hua accepted the skill and stood up. At this time, the fairy light shining on Xiao Hua was calm. Xiao Hua looked at the rainbow and urged Guangdun into it.

"Ah?" As soon as Xiao Hua's figure appeared, Sen Luo daonei was aware of the vague human figure thousands of miles away from him. He exclaimed, "you Why are you here... "

It's a pity that Xiao Hua looks down at the fengheng beast that completely covers senlo road. Where can he stay a little longer?

"Chase..." With a low roar of the fuzzy human form, more than ten whirlwinds appeared on the cloud like fengheng beast, which was like a huge tentacle rushing to Xiao Hua's back.

"Come on..." Fuzzy figure a pat chest, a black and white square box flew out, he rushed to the inside angrily called, "that man is actually in the Wen jutian!"

"What? Wen jutian, this It's impossible

"What's impossible?" He is not only in front of Wen jutian, but also in front of my head. Come here, this guy is really cunning

"Well, I will..." The voice of the human shadow sounded in the square box, "you leave the mark! By the way, since this guy is cunning, don't tell him more, as long as there is a chance to kill him immediately! "

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When it comes to escape, Xiao Hua said the second, I'm afraid no one dares to say the first!