Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1013

"Well, I know that naturally, otherwise I would not have rushed to Huang Zengtian!" Qingfeng said decadent, "I've come here with a lot of effort, so The man ran away again. I I really have the impulse to bump my head to death. "

Shen Chen thought for a moment and reminded him, "are you sure that person can enter xuantai Pingyu heaven?"

Qingfeng didn't answer immediately, but pondered for a moment, shaking his head and saying, "it's absolutely impossible for that person to get xuantaiping to raise heaven!"

"Then put this possibility in the back first!" Shen Yu said with a smile, "think about it carefully. What clues can you see in the meeting just now?"

As soon as Qingfeng stretched out his hand, the eight trigrams fell into his hands. Qingfeng looked down and said with a bitter smile, "there are some weak lights, but..."

Speaking of this, Qingfeng brightened her eyes and said with a smile, "I see. Thank you, huo'er. Although those are some causes and effects that have not disappeared, there are traces. Let's go and look for them!"

"Cause and effect?" Shen Yu's heart was thumping when he heard it. He had a meaningful look at the inconspicuous gossip. It was the immortal tool that could explore the cause and effect. No wonder it made her lose her mind.

Not to mention Qingfeng's exploration of Xiao Hua's trace according to the cause and effect of the eight trigrams, but Xiao Hua's promotion of Guangdun's skill to cross a labyrinth like interface barrier, and seeing a thick light knot in front of his head in a strange arrangement to form a spiral shape, Xiao Hua knew that he was on the edge of Senluo road. He thought it was difficult for him to pass through the barrier, but who knew that his body shape was not limited It's just that some longitudinal pressure distorts his body, which is very little under the force of the transverse interface.

After crossing the barrier, Xiao Huaxian's power was exhausted. He didn't dare to take more risks. He quickly stepped out of Guangdun. However, before he stepped out of Guangdun, he still didn't forget to look back. The tadpole like silver light that had been following him for hundreds of years had disappeared. He was obviously lost in the mysterious palace of light and shadow.

"Brush..." Xiao Hua got out of Guangdun, and there was a light scurf falling like water all over his body. "Wu" was a heavy pressure falling all over the world. "Pu Pu Pu" Xiao Huaxian sent out a low rumble in his body, and his body was three points shorter.

"Ah?" Xiao Hua couldn't detect his own changes. He just looked around, almost lost his voice and whispered, "this Is this xuantai pingyutian

No wonder Xiao Hua was surprised. At this time, it was dusk, the sun was setting and the moon was rising. The world was in a state of inexplicable desolation, and the place where Xiao Hua stood was desolate. As the autumn wind blows, it rolls up the gravel on the earth and goes up to the sky. Xiao Hua's eyes are full of collapsed mountains, and even many of them are in dark abyss. There are wind howling or water waves inside. There is no life in the area of thousands of miles.

In the sky where the gravel rises, gray white textures are everywhere. These textures are like trees, which divide the sky. When the gravel touches the nearest texture, there is a faint black and white light and shadow flashing, swallowing the gravel.

Let alone the gravel, even if the wind is a little stronger, the texture around can also show the broken void.

It seems that this heaven and earth has been beaten to pieces for a long time. Not to mention the vitality of the fairyland, the laws of the fairyland are scattered.

"This It's not as good as Huang Zengtian here! " Xiao Hua was speechless, and understood what Lei Ming and others said, "Huang Zengtian's dust fairy wants to come to the high-level heaven, thinking that this is a paradise. How did they ever think of the cruelty here?"

"However, no one seems to have mentioned the danger of high-level heaven!"

"Well, it's normal that the friars of the fairyland want to fly to the fairyland one by one. They think the fairyland is wonderful. But who knows that the fairyland is more cruel than the fairyland?"

"The vitality of immortals is stronger than that of heaven and earth, and the treasures of genius are countless more than those of the ordinary world. Even the power of dust immortals is more powerful than that of the first world, but Is this the fairyland that the supreme ones want? "

"In fact, don't mention fairyland, demon League, dragon Kingdom and so on. I'm afraid that's the only way, immortal Can you be called a fairy

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua turned his head and looked behind him. Behind him was a mountain full of clouds. No one could have imagined that there was Senluo road running through the sky.

"Those two people attacked and killed Lei Ming and others, and they will not let Xiao go. If Xiao wants to escape, he must set up the battle here!" Thinking about it, Xiao Hua's eyes showed a fierce color.

After all, there are many faults in space, and the rules are messy. They have two opponents. They have monsters who are proficient in the rules of space. Even if they send Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei out, they are unlikely to be the opponents of the two opponents.

"What to do?" Xiao Hua hesitated and looked at the distance where the faults overlapped in space. "Why don't you stay away from here first?"

Xiao Hua hasn't decided yet. Suddenly, a shudder comes from the bottom of his heart. Xiao Hua almost doesn't want to think about it. His body is in a flash, and his body is full of colorful light and shadow. He turns into a phoenix and soars into the sky!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua's body has just disappeared, just behind him, in the scattered space fault, a hurricane like tentacle has passed through, which has already swept away the space of thousands of miles!

Xiao Hua had wings on his back, and though he was soaring, he could not reach the edge of the hurricane for a moment. His figure was still rolling.Although Xiao Hua didn't look happy after escaping the disaster, he held his figure in front of him and continued to fly high. He thought to himself: "Xiao is certainly a high-level strength of Juyuan immortal, but his magic power is still Qi immortal's means. The wind beast has the magic power of law, and Xiao can't fight with it. Then Xiao has to think about how to use the power of law!"

"Whoosh..." Just want to, a paint black knife shadow without warning, with the space wind silk general float to Xiao Hua's eyes!

Xiao Hua was so scared that he flew out of the sky. With a wave of his left hand, Ruyi stick came out and said, "Keng..." With a loud noise, the shadow of the knife was broken like a broken firefly, and it was scattered in the air. After the shadow of the knife, the human shadow appeared like a fallen leaf!

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua really did not understand, "how did they come here? What's the difference between Xiao's technique of light escape? "

"Brush..." Behind Xiao Hua, there is a space fault. The dust suddenly blows out, and the light filament passes by. The space is like a sieve for more than ten miles.

"Hum..." Xiao Hua had been ready for a long time, but he didn't panic. He patted his head and said, "boom, boom..." Countless stars and moon beams fall out of thin air, and Shengsheng beats these filaments to pieces.

Then Xiao Hua urged Guangdun to disappear again

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Qingfeng's causal artifact is comparable to the perception of the magistrate. Who knows where Qingfeng is going?