Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1012

But see flesh and blood into debris flying, human shadow also like dusk light and shadow hiding in the hurricane, just to avoid the hurricane Lu Qing rushed out again.

At this time, Lu Qing's silver light almost disappeared, and even his armor was a little crooked. The awe inspiring manner of flying out of the fire dance had long disappeared.

He looked at the blood where Liu Yunshu fell, where did he not know another robe left? He was furious and cried, "you You... "

"Wu..." Lu Qing's words just came out, and there was another hurricane falling over his head. Lu Qing quickly dodged, but Without waiting for him to fly out, the hurricane suddenly solidified, and a fuzzy human shape was brushing towards Lu Qing!

Lu Qing hurried to escape. Where the dust fell, his armor just excited the golden light, but the golden light seemed to have been seen by the human form, so it could not resist the dust.

"Puff, puff, puff..." As the dust falls, thousands of threads pass through Lu Qingxian's body. Not to mention the immortal baby in his body, even the immortal scar in his eyebrow is full of holes!

Lu Qing's corpse fell a hundred feet, the hurricane blew, "brush..." Pieces of flesh and blood were blown to oblivion.

"Wu..." Fuzzy figure standing in the air, the whole body of light and shadow flash quickly, a figure of more than 800 Zhang gradually revealed.

The figure was dressed in armor, but the armor was different from Lu Qing and others. It was made of a number of hexahedral scales and black-and-white silk tapers.

The human body is covered with silver light, and he can't see the real appearance, but he raises his hand to take Lu Qing's broken armor out of thin air. After Yannian sweeps it, he puts naxu ring and other things into his armor.

"Brush..." The shadow of the human figure flew over. It didn't show its body, but handed some scattered things to the man. Some hoarse voice said, "there's no one here."

"Strange!" That person shape strange way, "isn't it on those two immortal bodies just now?"

"Not likely?" The human shadow replied, "that thing is very important. How can thunder give two inexplicable immortals? Those two immortals are not the immortal generals of the team

"Kill them, whether they are in their hands or not!" The figure said faintly, "after all, they saw you!"

"Well!" The human shadow looked at the two barriers at his feet and said, "I'll let the shadow mouse force him out..."

The human shadow fell, but in a moment more than ten shadow mice rushed out. The human shadow trembled and exclaimed: "he They have escaped to pingyutian? "

"How is that possible?" The figure in armor was also inconceivable and said, "the space barrier of senlo road is special. Even if you and I have to fly through it, how can they easily pass through it?"

"You and I can do it, and so can they!" The human shadow calmed down and said, "it would be better if they were in pingyutian."

"Well, there's some trouble about it!" The man in armor sighed, "it's better not to have that thing. It's thunder. They are killed by fire dancing water demon!"

"No way!" The figure shadow lightly says, "they have seen my appearance!"

"Well, all right!" The figure in armor sighs again and murmurs a few words to the sky. The cloud that completely closed senlo road slowly falls and shrinks, and finally becomes a robe embedded in the gap between armor.

"Let's go!" The shadow of the human body gave a command, and the shadow mice scurried to the edge of senlo road!

Huang Zengtian somewhere, the breeze with Shen fufei fell to the top of a mountain, he looked around, said with a smile: "here it is!"

"Hee hee, it's high here, and it doesn't have enough vitality!" Shen he covered his mouth and said with a smile, "do you still want to absorb the mysterious light of heaven in Huang Zengtian?"

"Not at all!"

Qingfeng sits down on his knees and raises his hand to offer a strange gossip.

The eight trigrams grow in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, they are more than 100 li in size, covering the sky above the mountain top.

Shen can see clearly that the eight trigrams are different from the ordinary ones. In addition to the numerous empty shadows on each trigram, there are also unspeakable fine lines between each trigram. Shen's eyes fall into the fine lines, and she has the feeling that her mind is inhaled. Some inexplicable illusions rush into her mind like butterflies.

Shen Chen's face suddenly changed!

It's impossible for the ordinary illusion to make Shen Chang's color change, because it actually makes Shen Chang see what happened a long time ago.

"She er..." Seeing that Shen He was different, Qingfeng quickly reminded him, "this thing is so mysterious that even I can't completely control it. Don't provoke it!"

"um, um..." Shen Chen quickly closed his eyes, flew out of the hundred Li, and said in a low voice, "I I will protect the law for you

Breeze lightly a smile, that smile had a kind of indifference, say: "thank you!"

"You're welcome Shen chuckled and held the sacrificial utensils aside.

Shen Xun is putting on airs. This is Huang Zengtian. She is also a five element immortal. How many immortals will be her opponents?

Qingfeng still smiles, and the fairy formula in his hand starts to pinch, "Wu..." Xianjue moves, and the light in the tens of miles around is suddenly dim, and all the light falls into Qingfeng's hands.

Shen didn't dare to look at the eight trigrams, but the light in his eyes was an immortal formula that swept the breeze. However, this fairy rhyme is totally different from what Shen Yu had seen before. It seems simple, but the light and shadow are complicated. After half a cup of tea, the breeze shakes its hand to make the fairy rhyme into the eight trigrams!"Boom..." With the sound of the eight trigrams, an image of the Qian trigram soars up into the sky, like a pillar of light breaking through the sky When the images of qiangua are reflected in the sky, all kinds of demons rush out of the void and rush in madly. However, when these demons touch the light of qiangua, they are killed with howling!

"Heaven divination, ten thousand demons born?" Shen Yu was shocked. She was surprised to see the dignified breeze on her face. She didn't know what he wanted to do in Huang Zengtian's lower heaven!

It's half a cup of tea time again, and the breeze brings in the second immortal formula.

"Boom..." With the sound of eight trigrams, an image of Kun trigrams broke away, "Wuwu..." Not surprisingly, when the earth shakes, countless phantoms rush out from the bottom of the earth. These phantoms rush to the light column of the hexagram, whine and are killed immediately. Then thousands of waves sink into the earth and disappear.

"The earth hexagram is born, and a thousand traces are gone!" Shen Xuan's eyes widened. "Qingfeng said before that he was looking for something, but now why did he disappear?"

In the following half an hour, Zhengua, xunggua, kangua, ligua, gengua and dugua condensed into a pillar of light. With the appearance of hexagram images, the visions of space around the world surged, the wind and thunder on the sky roared, the water on the earth was surging, the hills, city walls, lingmu and flowers in the air, and all kinds of fairyland were like kaleidoscope.

Seeing that the eight trigrams are bright to the limit, Qingfeng recites some words. With the recitation, a kind of green light appears around him, which is as solemn as a mountain.

"Poof..." As the wind spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, the blue light rushed into the eight trigrams with the blood light, and the eight trigrams immediately cracked and turned into eight pieces of different sizes!

"Boom boom..." Thousands of miles of space is broken, countless inexplicable lights and shadows rush into the eight hexagrams, and then the sky and the earth are dark, the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling suddenly rises, and the eight hexagrams slowly converge

Qingfeng's body is extremely trembling, as if the integration of eight trigrams is extremely difficult!

"Boom..." after a long incense stick The hexagrams and images are in one, and countless thin lines of the dark are falling into the eight trigrams from all directions!

"Brush..." Qingfeng's body falters and falls out of thin air!

Shen Yu was so surprised that he wanted to fly over, but the breeze flew up again, and his figure fell before the mirror like eight trigrams.

However, looking at the empty mirror, the wind was dizzy, and he cried out inconceivably: "how How is that possible? So That man is not in Huang Zengtian? "

"Breeze..." Shen Fei's general came over and held the wind shaking the immortal body like chaff in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Qingfeng lost his soul, suddenly some wake up, quickly "Puff puff" three mouthfuls of blood essence directly into the mirror, and then push Shenxuan away, strong self driving force, but also hand pinching xianjue, "boom boom" after three incense, the mirror light and dark nine times, suddenly regenerate light, Qingfeng full of expectation to see!

"Poof..." Looking at the still empty mirror, Qingfeng gushes blood again and says, "jade Yu Wantian also There's no??? "

"Breeze..." Shen Chen seems to understand something, and flies over in a hurry, just about to speak.

"Boom..." There was a whirlwind around Qingfeng, and he said, "I don't believe it. Can you still run to pingyutian?"

Say, breeze again mouth spray a few mouth essence blood, that mirror surface is to twinkle light and dark phantom again.

"Be careful..." Shen's persuasion is useless. He can only remind in a low voice.

Unfortunately, for a little half an hour, the wind with a white face once again put the fairy formula into the mirror, and then the body fell more than a thousand feet.

Even so, Qingfeng still looks forward to the mirror!

It's empty!

The mirror is as clean as before.

Qingfeng finally can't hold on, "pa......" Fall on the top of the mountain!

Although Shen Xun had accumulated potential for a long time, he was still unable to catch up with the loss of Qingfeng.

"Breeze..." Shen Fei quickly flew down and held the breeze. He looked at the eight trigrams, whose light and shadow were gradually dim and began to fall slowly. He said in a low voice, "although I don't know what you are looking for, I can But the image of hexagram is the image of hexagram, not necessarily true.... "

"No, no..." Qingfeng waved his hand powerlessly, and said in a very low voice, "you don't understand. This hexagram involves the cause and effect of the fairyland, and there is absolutely no mistake!"

"If there are absolute hexagrams, then Fairyland is not fairyland! " Shen Yu whispered, "and And I've also heard grandfathers say occasionally that Huang Zengtian is the most peculiar. He can't make a good appearance in any hexagram. He's not as good as other celestial realms... "

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The poor breeze finally caught up with Huang Zengtian, but he was destined to be in the air. Xiao Hua had already left!