Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1010

"Indeed Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I feel like I can't breathe, and there seems to be ice on my head!"

"Well!" Lei Ming, disappointed and fortunate, replied, "pingyutian already wants to pass through the dark light of heaven. Although there is the power of demon alliance stars and moon to block the dark light here, the law is more disordered. Let alone Juyuan immortal, which is Hualing immortal. If you haven't been here, it will make the immortal's power unstable!"

With that, Lei Ming took out a crystal card and handed it to Xiao Hua, saying, "this is the broken crystal symbol. You can sacrifice it with Xianli."

Xiao Hua took the crystal card and looked at it. It was almost the same as Jiang Meihua, but he didn't offer it immediately. Instead, he took it in his hand and hid it in his sleeve.

"Oh?" Thunder saw, strange way, "how don't sacrifice?"

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "I want to try again!"

"That's it Lei Ming understood and said with a smile, "this kind of thing is better not to be stiff. It's unnecessary!"

"Well, well!" Xiao Hua answered casually and did not comment.

Thunder also no longer said, with xiaohua again into the two barriers.

It's still the same as before, but the interface is more restricted than before. Xiao Hua finally understands why it took so long for Lei Ming and others to get to Liuli.

Seeing the green light in the middle of the eyebrow, Xiao Hua smiles and gives the crystal symbol a sacrifice. The flash of the crystal symbol is similar to that of the green light, but the fluctuation is more subtle than that of the green light.

Although Lei Ming flies in front of Xiao Hua, he always pays attention to Xiao Hua. When he sees Xiao Hua's offering the broken boundary crystal talisman, he is surprised: "this real Xiao doesn't seem to be the first level of Juyuan immortal, but he has the strength of Juyuan immortal's middle level. Moreover, he has strange means and sharp tools. Until Pingyu's offering the broken boundary crystal talisman, there is no one with this strength..."

Lei Ming just thought of this, "poof..." Suddenly, a heavy water bubble appeared between the interface barriers. The water bubble seemed to drift with the waves, but the whole interface barrier was rushed out in a moment!

"No!" Lei Ming's face suddenly changed, and he quickly said, "this is..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for thunder to finish, no matter his body was blocked by bubbles, his voice stopped abruptly.

"Damn it Where does Xiao Hua not know that he and others have fallen into ambush? He scolded a low, has been turned into a crown, wearing on the head of the Star Palace, immediately rushed out, thousands of stars and moonlight column from the void.

However, beyond the two barriers, the strong and incomparable pillar of star and moon light appears weak and twisted like a long sleeve!

"Zhizhi..." Inside the bubble, suddenly there was a hiss, and the black-and-white light patterns flashed around the monsters similar to Xiaoyin and rushed out of the bubble. These monsters were different from Xiao Hua and others in body shape, and they were not elongated. The law of interface barrier fell on them, which only caused the black-and-white light patterns to give off glare.

"Space monster?" Xiao Hua was a bit unpredictable, and he was surprised.

Without waiting for him to activate the magic power, the bodies of several monsters suddenly passed through the barrier and went crazy toward Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua thought they were going to escape, but after a few breath, a sharp pain came from his chest. Looking down, he did not know when those monsters had penetrated into his immortal body!

Xiao Hua was so surprised that he quickly put his hand to his chest, but his hand was distorted and he didn't know where to look!

"This is a barrier to space. What you see is not real. The space is distorted. Ordinary powers can't do anything!"

When he saw that a strange beast had penetrated into his immortal body, the broken crystal talisman was just like a piece of paper. When Xiao Huadun had a clear understanding, he hastened to urge the demon alliance's secret body technique.

"Brush..." Although the light and shadow of the stars and the moon are distorted, they still make Xiao Hua's body hard into the iron and stone, and those beasts are kept out of the body!

The space beast is very smart. Seeing that Xiao Hua is irresistible, he immediately turns around and pours on Jiang Meihua and others!

"Roar..." Jiang Meihua's body is distorted by the dragon, and there is a unicorn shadow, which naturally blocks the exotic animals in the space.

"Ah ah..." In Xiao Hua's ear, Liu Yunshu screamed.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to stay in the interface barrier. When he saw the gap, he hastened to fly out!

"Brush..." As if rushing out from the bottom, Xiao Hua felt breathed, but he couldn't see the situation around him at all, "Wu..." The wind suddenly, Xiao Hua do not want to, rushed towards the high!

It was just a thousand feet high. Suddenly, a powerful force came from the side. This force was the only one Xiao Hua saw in his life. When Xiao Hua saw the shadow coming, he just swung his fist to block the hard rock like ice, "boom..." With a loud noise, Xiao Hua's body tilted out!

A burst of numbness came from his right arm!

This is Xiao Hua congealed after the body so shriveled!

"Oh?" Surprised, Xiao Hua looked up and saw a shadow covering the sky of senlo road. The shadow was like a cloud. What just hit his fist was like a hurricane in the cloud!

There are more than ten such hurricanes, large and small, distributed around the vortex of sendoro road. The rotation of the hurricane produces a great suction, which envelops the whole space.

Xiao Hua's body slants, and then it's not safe. He's already close to another hurricane, and the thin cloud filaments generated by the rotation of that hurricane are within reach!"Boom..." How dare Xiao Hua neglect! Almost without thinking about it, he raised his hand to hold out Ruyi stick, and when he explored his right arm, the light and shadow on his arm flashed quickly, and Fengwu's claws showed up!

"Wu..." Ruyi stick smashed out, wind annihilation power is infinite, the hurricane pierced, but the huge hurricane is still crazy volume to Xiaohua, a force like the tide of the interface rushed Xiaohua unstable!

"What to do?" Xiao Hua had never seen such a strange animal, and it was invisible and powerful. Even if Xiao Hua was gathering yuan Xian's high-level strength, he had a feeling that he couldn't start.

Xiao Hua can't open his eyes and eyebrows, and his silver light is torn. He rubs his hands, and countless thunders rush out. Xiao Hua wants to use the power of thunderbolt to stabilize his body in the fierce interface, but the effect is not good.

"The wind Wind beast A weak voice came from the lower left space of Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua could hear it clearly. It was thunder. His voice was elongated and helpless. "This How can these demons get to Senluo road... "

"Boom..." Thunder's words have not finished, the roar is loud, don't have to see, thunder is sure to be blown away by the wind constant beast!

"Wind beast?" A cry of thunder reminds Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua's mind turns sharply, and then he pats his eyebrows and says, "brush..." The immortal trace opens a silk, but sees the immortal trace star sky inside, a cyan star suddenly shines. Xiao Hua feels that the eyebrows are bulging, and his heart is slightly fixed, trying to urge the stars.

In the past, Xiao Hua was an immortal baby. He was so fragile that he couldn't bear the power of the law. Today, the first day is different. However, when the stars of the law of the wind flash, some Xu Qingguang shoots from the immortal trace.

"Wu..." When the blue light fell, it turned into a strong wind and filled the space around Xiao Hua. The force of the interface rushed into the interlayer of the space and made a "whoosh" sound, which annihilated most of the space in a moment.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He once again urged Xianli to use the technique of Feng dun. A flash of green light flashed, and there were phoenix feathers on Xiao Hua's body surface!

"Yes Xiao Hua's body shape gradually changed as soon as he saw it. He didn't dare to say that it was his old line to change Phoenix!

Sure enough, after Xiao Hua turned into a Phoenix, the law of Xianchen's stroke was easier to motivate, and he could barely keep his shape in the hurricane when his wings spread.

"Fight..." Xiao Hua stands firm, and the phoenix claw lifts the Ruyi stick again. At this time, the Ruyi stick is very thick and long. Under one stick, a hurricane under the cloud is half dissipated!

Just as Xiao Hua was about to kill him, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the cloud above his head, "Wu..." Between the wind howling, large and small space debris like a rainstorm!

"Damn it As soon as Xiao Huayan sweeps away, he has already discovered the danger inside. With a low scold, he spreads his wings and runs away.

"Roar..." Xiao Hua just flew away. Under him, Lu Qing flew out with a long gun. At this time, Lu Qing's armor was silver and mottled, and some demon like mice were still biting Lu Qing's immortal power!

Lu Qing was unlucky. As soon as he rushed out, space debris fell over his head. He was also shocked when he scanned it. Don't say Lu Qing, is his whole body biting space beast, see fragments hit, respectively chirp from Lu Qing body, toward the two boundary barrier slip down!

"Wu..." Unfortunately, without waiting for Lu Qing to fly thousands of feet, the hurricane like the tentacles of clouds had already hit Lu Qing. Lu Qing quickly patted the beast to swallow, and "Wu" a spirit bead flew out. The spirit bead had a withered yellow luster. Once the luster appeared, the wind around was calm.

However, the Pearl just protected Lu Qing, "boom..." Even though Lu Qing received the immortal formula and many flames came out, only a small part of the debris was burned to oblivion. She was still smashed in her left leg by the space debris and her little body was bloody.

"Roar..." Lu Qing roared and patted her chest goggles, "boom..." A flame burst out, the flame swept all over the room, a rosefinch light and shadow, rosefinch a, the law of fire will all of a sudden around several miles of space shrouded. Space debris and hurricanes fall in this space, although not completely annihilated, but also blocked half!

At the same time, "Keng..." The sound of the golden sound from the sky, and then you see the golden as the rising sun, thunder foot on the golden sword tear the clouds, rushed to Lu Qing!

Lu Qing was overjoyed and quickly patted his armor on the top of his head The blue light on the armor turns into pitching, and the thunder heart has a tacit understanding, and the blue light on the armor shoots out!

Just as the two green lights were about to touch, Lu Qing's face suddenly changed and he cried out: "be careful..."

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Who laid the ambush?? So powerful!