Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1011

At this time, Xiao Hua has rushed to the two barriers. Jiang Meihua has not come out. He is afraid that Jiang Meihua will not be able to defeat those space beasts!

When Xiao Hua heard Lu Qing's cry, he was so frightened that he quickly dodged. When he turned to see the thunder, he couldn't help being very anxious.

But behind the thunder, there is a hurricane falling like water waves on the clouds. In the hurricane, a man in a cloak falls like a shadow!

This shadow is very light, and it is very faint in the hurricane. Without Lu Qing's warning, Xiao Hua may not be able to see it clearly.

Xiao Hua saw it, but thunder was unprepared. The shadow was too fast. Lu Qing had just called out, and the shadow had already fallen behind the thunder. When thunder Yannian swept away, his face suddenly changed. He knew that it was the sharpest kill in the ambush, so he thought a little. The golden light around him was flashing wildly, and then he turned into a huge sword and rushed up into the sky. He couldn't avoid stabbing at the human shadow!

However, Xiao Hua, who was far away from the two barriers, could see clearly that the shadow of human form was strangely divided into two parts when thunder came to the end. The huge sword of thunder pierced the air, and the shadow of human form was like a sharp butcher's knife "brushing" to split the immortal body of thunder into three parts!

And after the shadow swept, there was a hurricane involved in the shadow cloak like a spiral, stirring the thundering corpse to pieces!

Xiao Hua's color has changed, not only because the shadow's means are too fierce, but also because the shadow's quick attack on thunder. Since the shadow appeared, there is no fancy fairy formula at all. It's just a rush to kill the thunder!

"You are..." Lu Qing was naturally shocked, but as the shadow of the human figure swept down, he seemed to think of something and exclaimed. Before Lu Qing finished speaking, there was another hurricane "Wu..." under the clouds The sound of a hit over, this hurricane will really break up the space, Lu Qing where dare to say more? He hastened to get out of the way.

Just as Lu Qing flew away, the human shadow disappeared.

"Run away!" Xiao Hua didn't have any other idea at all. He rushed towards the two barriers.

"Brush..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to fly in, Liu Yunshu rushed out with Jiang Meihua in a bloody spot when he saw that the two barriers were broken by water like spring in the distance.

"What are you doing?" Seeing that Xiao Hua was about to break into the two barriers, Liu Yunshu was surprised and exclaimed, "you just flew out of the two barriers. How can you fly in again?"

"Ambush Xiao Hua had no time to explain. He only cried out, "Lei Hu Jiao has fallen!"

"Ah?" Liu Yunshu was so surprised that he shook his hand and sent Jiang Meihua to Xiao Hua, shouting, "run away!"

"Run away?" Xiao Hua grins bitterly and looks up to see that fengheng beast blocks Senluo road. There is a strange human shadow in fengheng beast. How can he escape?

The only way to escape is the two barriers, and Liu Yunshu said that he could not fly in again.

"You just flew from the low level heaven to the high level heaven, and the power of the law in your body just changed. Then you suddenly flew from the high level heaven to the low level heaven. Whether your immortal body can bear it or not, even your immortal trace will burst!"

Jiang Meihua is watching the hurricane hit Liu Yunshu, while explaining to Xiao Hua.

"Are you hurt?" Xiao Hua's eyes turned sharply to prevent the shadow of human form from flying out. He asked Jiang Meihua, "don't you hide in my space first?"

"Good!" Jiang Meihua also knew his interest and nodded without hesitation, "this is not what a family is good at, a family..."

Without waiting for Jiang Meihua to finish, a huge hurricane has already hit!

Xiao Hua takes out the Kunlun mirror and shakes in front of Jiang Meihua's head. His mind has already brought him into the space.

As soon as Jiang Meihua disappeared, Xiao Hua saw the faint human shadow in the hurricane rushing towards Liu Yunshu with the wind!

"Be careful..." As soon as Xiao Hua called out, the human shadow suddenly rushed to him. In the face of the shadow, Xiao Hua realized the horror of the shadow.

Xiao Hua just saw the shadow turn around, the shadow has rushed to his eyes, Xiao Hua can clearly detect the law of the wind in the law of space mixed with the sharp sword! And there is a strange deterrent in the shadow of human form, which makes Xiao Hua feel a kind of fear from the heart!

The shadow shot down in the air, Xiao Hua had no room to escape, he only hesitated slightly, and his body shape urged him to rush into the two barriers!

"Brush..." On the barrier, there was a twisted light. Xiao Hua's body had fallen into it. Looking at it, it was pulled very long by the law of space, and black and white bubbles gushed out from Xiao Hua's body. The shadow of the human figure "swished" across the edge of the two barriers.

Of course, the shadow of human form is just passing by. The light of the two barriers still covers one side of the shadow!

"Wu..." Just like the wind blowing, the shadow's legs plump up, but this plump is not controlled at all. The sound of "Pa Pa Pa" between the breath, flesh and blood burst out from the inside!

"Damn it Human shadow speaks!

In addition, Xiao Hua's body shape rushing into the two barriers is like a mortal diving into the bottom of the water, an unspeakable suffocation, a great thrust, blocking Xiao Hua's fall. However, just after the push, Xiao Hua suddenly felt numb and crisp. Immediately, some waves appeared in different parts of his body, and black-and-white light patterns appeared in the sound of "Pa Pa Pa"."No!" Xiao Hua's feeling and knowledge is the appearance of messy interface rules. At this time, he seems to have no other choice but to return, but behind him, the human shadow means too strange for him to face.

"Whoosh..." Just as Xiao Hua hesitated, hundreds of thousands of silver lights flashed under him. Those strange animals in the space, like mice smelling the smell of meat, rushed over one after another.


"Only Guangdun can escape between the two barriers!"

At the critical moment, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the situation when he was listening to Tianxue and urging Guangdun. He hastened to urge Guangdun.

Then, in Xiao Hua's eyes, there was a light and shadow fault that overlapped and disordered, and a little silver light swam like a tadpole.

Xiao Hua was surprised for a while. He still estimated what Jiang Meihua said in his heart. He simply entered the light and shadow and ran away flat!

As soon as he entered the light and shadow, Xiao Hua was dazzled. This light and shadow fault is totally different from the fairyland. It's like a labyrinth. Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and felt that as long as he was in Senluo Road, no matter which level of heaven was extremely dangerous, the best escape direction should be to get out of Senluo road.

With a plan in his heart, Xiao Hua's incomparable sense of direction in the void was felt, and he flashed into a layer of light and shadow

"Poof..." While Xiao Hua is on the run, Liu Yunshu, who has been injured for a long time, is rushed in by human shadow. Like thunder, he is killed without any special resistance!

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It's easy to hide an open gun, but it's hard to defend a hidden arrow. Poor three tiger teachers, they died in senlo road before they fell into the battlefield.