Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1009

"Oh?" Thundering was a little surprised. Looking at Xiao Hua, he said with a smile, "do you know the rules?"

"So it is." Xiao Hua nodded slightly, "according to the predecessors, the place where the boundary rushes is not where the real interface barriers are, but where the barriers are unstable or shapeless. The rules there are messy. If the fire dancing water demon goes directly to dejiechong, it will trigger the rules. This kind of unstable rules will form tidal waves and collide with each other, making the interface barrier more unstable... "

"Are you feisheng fairy?" Thunder asked suddenly.

"Yes Xiao Hua did not hide!

"Oh, what a pity!" Thunder looks disappointed.

Xiao Hua knows that Lei Ming regrets that he is not alone, but actually he is not alone!

However, Xiao Hua didn't want to say much about it, but still Chunchun said: "since the fire dancing water demon can safely pass through JieChong, it must have another safe passage..."

"Oh?" Thunder suddenly Leng for a while, blurted out, "impossible!"

"Why not?" Xiao Hua smiles, and the corners of his mouth are mysterious.

"The whole territory of JieChong is blocked. There are immortal soldiers and immortal generals patrolling every place. There are immortal tools to explore every interface. There can be no safe passage!"

"How did the fire dancing water demon get in?" Xiao Hua asked, "and the fairyland doesn't even have the absolute silent barrier. Where is the solid blockade?"

"This..." Thunder hesitated.

"Besides, master Lei..."

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Lei Ming interrupted him: "you'd better call me Lei HuJiao. I always feel uncomfortable listening to this elder."

"Well, Lei HuJiao..." Xiao Hua said, "besides, Hu Jiao and other people can't have only three people here, can they? Where are the immortal soldiers? They will never turn around on their own! "

Thunder's face is more and more gloomy, although Xiao Hua can't see thunder's face!

"Wu..." He hesitated for a moment and reminded him, "what's the time, you Be careful, if you have any discomfort, send me a message immediately

"Good..." Xiao Hua has just agreed that thunder's immortal body has been distorted!

With the previous general appearance, Xiao Huamei heart green light slightly flashing, will immediately break through the boundary of the day to eliminate discomfort.

In addition to the barrier between the two realms, seeing thunder standing in the air waiting for him, Xiao Hua said in secret: "it seems that the next level of realms, Xiao needs to hide himself..."

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua miscalculated the situation and did not wait for him to stand firm Jiang Meihua rushed out from behind him in a panic, but at this time, the silver light around Jiang Meihua was scattered, and the golden dragon was also distorted.

However, at the dragon head of the Dragon phase, a rhombic crystal plate flashes crystal light, and light spatial fluctuations pour like water, stabilizing the Dragon phase and silver light.

As soon as Xiao Hua saw the crystal card, he knew that it was not good. Sure enough, Lu Qingfei flew out. Looking at Xiao Hua, he was surprised and said, "Xiaoyou is not affected by the changes of space rules?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'm also a Er Qi immortal. I'm more friendly than Mei Xian. However, it is estimated that the next day will not work. "

Liu Yunshu flew out, looked at Xiao Hua, and said, "I don't know the influence of crossing different celestial realms on immortal body, do you?"

"Is Liu HuJiao testing Xiao?"

"Liu HuJiao, Lu HuJiao..." Thunder some hang head mourn airway, "Xiao Xiaoyou is a flying immortal, he can't be long dome adult reincarnation!"

Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry. They haven't given up yet!

"Dear HuJiao..." Xiao huatuan bowed and said, "there's really no need to try again. Gu shegu's reincarnation has returned to the upper world..."

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, thunder interrupts Xiao Hua and asks, "do you know where the adult has gone?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "I can't go to the upper boundary!"

"Why can't you?" Thunder some break casserole to ask in the end meaning, "five elements fairy can apply for retrograde channel, you all gather yuan fairy."

Xiao Hua couldn't say that he was just an immortal at that time. He could only smile and say: "Lord changqiong has the ability to break the sky, but not small! So I don't know where he went! "

After hearing the urging, Lei Ming said, "let's go. Xiao Xiaoyou just reminded me that it's really weird for the fire dancing water demon to steal into Senluo road this time. We'd better be careful!"

"Ha ha..." Liu Yunshu chuckled and said, "just now I talked with Lu HuJiao. I think we are making a fuss. If there are any traps, how can all the immortal soldiers you and I brought disappear? This will definitely arouse our vigilance! No one is so stupid. "

Lu Qing also nodded and said: "it's estimated that the Dragon riders of the regiment have orders. They have already come back in groups. Because we are fighting against the fire dance water demon, the fire dance will block the space of liulijing. We haven't received any information!"

"Well..." Lu Qing did not refute, should be a, and is the first to fly.

However, after flying thousands of miles, Xiao Hua's ear suddenly heard a thunderous message: "Xiao Xiaoyou, I hope you can keep in mind what happened to Lord changqiong. Don't tell others, especially where the adult is going..."Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment and said, "why? Did Liu HuJiao and Lu HuJiao already know? "

"Alas..." Thunder sighed, "you've been in Huang Zengtian all the time. Naturally, you don't know the danger of high-level heaven. This subtle, you know later, I do not say much! As for the two of them, they have a clear idea. You should take care of yourself. "

"Damn it Although Lei Ming's words are very obscure, how can Xiao Hua say that he has experienced the disputes among Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and three religions in the four major continents? How can he not understand the secret? He couldn't help cursing.

Now, Xiao Hua is a little regretful. If he entered the team through the selection of the immortal, he would never attract the attention of others. However, he used the worst way to enter the team, which is totally contrary to his always clumsy idea!

By now, Xiao Hua already knows that the female immortal's corpse in his space must be Gu shegu's former life, and that qingniu is also Gu shegu's fighting with him. He fell into Huang Zengtian from JieChong. Now that he has Gu shegu's frost sword, it means that he knows where Gu shegu and qingniu's corpses are. After explaining, from the point of view of thunder's emphasis on Gu shegu, The team that mends the sky will definitely look for it. What if they can't find it?

Xiao Hua didn't dare to think about it later!

After flying more than 100000 Li silently, the huge whirlpool around had begun to contract, and there was a thick layer on the top of his head to stop Xiao Hua's flight.

"Lei HuJiao..." Xiao Hua said in a hurry, "is it time to go to pingyutian?"

"Oh..." Lei Ming replied in a dreamy voice, "by the way, are you not used to the change of interface rules?"

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Xiao Hua is finally going to join the team, mighty!