Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1008

Just thinking about it, Xiao Hua's heart moved to get out of the space.

"Xianyou..." The immortal general with the huge sword had already taken away the silver from his body and showed a thin face. He hesitated and said, "that Then... "

"Oh Xiao Hua woke up, quickly touched his right hand in his sleeve, took out some of the broken ice locks, handed them to the immortal general, and said, "I forgot. I'll take this away."

"Thank you, thank you!" The immortal general was overjoyed. He closed the ice lock and said, "I'm Liu Yunshu. I don't know how to call Xianyou?"

"I'm a monk. I call myself immortal Xiao!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Ha ha, my name is Meijiang!" Jiang Meihua also laughed and said, "I've met General Liu!"

Next to Lei Xian Jiang and Xian Jiang holding a long gun also have the same name. One is Lei Ming and the other is Lu Qing. They are all tiger teachers of the team!

Xiao Hua asked with a smile: "the three adults are Hu Jiao. The elder Gu she I just mentioned is Chang Qiong. I don't know who is in the team How are these different? "

"Jichong is a big team. We are one of the immortal generals in the team. There are also..." Thunder said here, waving his hand way, "there are many specific teams, Lei also needless to say, until you really become a team immortal, naturally know. It's the rank of the Butian general. Lei will explain it to you first... "

"What is mending the sky?" Xiao Hua was puzzled.

"Just It's the general name of the fairyland team that guards us against the demons, demons or dragons in the sky. "

"What?" Xiao Hua exclaimed in surprise and said, "follow Fight with demons, demons and dragons? Xiao Xiao thought that... "

"Do you think fairyland is a peaceful fairyland? Is it a fairyland without waves? Is it the fairyland where the door is closed, the house is played, the row is sat and the fruit is eaten? " Liu Yunshu laughed.

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "yes!"

After all, Xiao Hua's experience of the interface war is unprecedented, which is beyond his understanding.

"The fairyland in your eyes is the result of countless fairyland generals giving up their lives!"

"The fairyland in your eyes is the result of countless immortal generals giving up their lives..."

This sentence in Xiao Hua's ears, really let Xiao Hua enlightening! Yes, think about the inner struggle of those immortals in the fairyland, and then see that the immortals who have never met will die in JieChong. How can Xiao Hua feel that Huang Zengtian's inner struggle is boring.

"Maybe this is where Xiao should come from!" Xiao Hua thought to himself, the thunder beside him also began to introduce.

“…… The rank of the six immortals general is divided according to the team leader, flag leader, riding and shooting, commander, Changkong, HuJiao and Longqi. The same is true for all the air immortals in my team, except that the same rank may need more powerful immortals in the team to undertake in the future. Generally speaking, Changkong needs two air immortals to undertake! From Qi Xian's HuJiao and Longqi, they can be called generals.... "

“…… Above the real immortal, there are eight grades: hunting base, tunteng, Buyao, Yuexiao, changqiong, captivating demons, Shesheng and kongban. Among them, lielei and tunteng can be called generals, Buyao, Yuexiao, changqiong and Youyao can be called Shuai... "

“…… As for Shesheng and kongban, there is no special name, but we are all kings in private... "

“…… It's not strength or ability that makes Yuexiao look up. It's military merit. For example, Gu she, who was a Jiugong immortal in her previous life, was granted the title of commander-in-chief because of her outstanding military achievements. "

Lei Ming didn't say much about the secret. He just explained the rank of the army. The five immortals flew very fast, and then came to the end of the glass realm. This was originally a dark space barrier. At this time, there were more than ten swirls like stars hanging high. In addition to the influx of stars and moon, there was also the red water flow that had previously condensed the fire dancing water demon.

Naturally, there are some fire dances in the water, but the strength of fire dance is very low, which is not in the eyes of Xiao Hua and others.

"Xiao Xiaoyou..." Thunder is very enthusiastic, as if Xiao Hua is already his own robe. He quickly reminds us, "this is the entrance of Senluo road. The situation inside is not the same as listening to Tianxue. If you don't have armor, you'd better release silver light first!"

Xiao Hua let out the silver light according to his words, and thunder and others looked at each other. Thunder flew into one of the whirlpools first, Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua were behind, and finally Liu Yunshu and Lu Qing.

Flying out of the vortex, there is a huge funnel vortex in front of the head, which looks a little similar to the vortex of Youji. At the edge of the vortex, red water still falls.

Thunder doesn't fly fast, but the track is a little distorted. Xiao Hua has got his advice and follows closely. However, the thunder suddenly stopped and said, "why don't you see other immortal soldiers?"

Xiao Hua suddenly, he also quickly released Yannian, but Yannian just released, immediately there is unspeakable sadness from inside, vaguely, there are some inexplicable temperament, let Xiao Hua feel a little anxious.

"Xiao Xiaoyou..." Seeing this, Lei Ming said in a hurry, "this is the passage from the heaven of desire to the heaven of color. There is also the smell of demon alliance in it. It's better not to use Yannian to explore the law of the broken interface between the two worlds. It's easy to hurt the spirit."

"Yes Xiao Hua quickly accepted Yan Nian."It's time to go back after killing the fire dance." Liu Yunshu also flew far away, looked at the edge of the vortex, and flew back.

Lu Qing pinched her chin and said, "no matter, go back first!"

Without saying a word, Lei Ming flew to his head again and led Xiao Hua to fly high. This time, Xiao Hua noticed that there was no immortal soldier on the way.

Seeing that the color of the whirlpool in front of his head was deepened, and there was a deep starlight in the texture, the thunder reminded: "Xiaoyou, this should be the interface barrier between Huang Zengtian and Yu Wantian. Please pay attention to it."

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua nods and looks back at Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua's whole body has been covered in the bronze armor. Now there is a dragon's faint roar in the bronze armor. He must be ready.

Just now, Lei Ming's figure has been distorted, even elongated, and looks like smoke! Xiao Hua knew that this was the barrier between the two worlds. He did not dare to neglect it. He urged Xianli to protect his body. What do you know? A heavy pressure fell like a tsunami, which made Xiao Hua's whole body extremely shaking. Drowning suffocation caught Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua felt his head buzzing. But at this time, Xiao Hua's eyebrows flashed a little green light. With the green light, there were 13200 green spots in Xiao Hua's body at the same time. Although the green light flashed away, there was no light on Xiao Hua's body The pressure and suffocation were swept away immediately.

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua couldn't help praising in secret.

It was only a moment, but Xiao Hua felt that his whole body was light, and the light and shadow around him were back to normal. Xiao Hua knew that he had reached the end of the jade sky, and then looked at the thunder in front of his head. His silver light was dim, and his body was shorter. Xiao Hua suddenly thought of his encounter in jiangqin TIANTI, and knew that when Qi Xian arrived at a higher level of heaven, his body would decrease. Suddenly, he said in secret, "why didn't I get shorter?"

When Xiao Hua had a close look at it, he could not help laughing. His own figure had already become only 500 feet.

"It must have been compressed just after passing the barrier!" Xiao Hua suddenly.

"Hoo..." Jiang Meihua also fell behind Xiao Hua. He let out a long breath and said in a low voice, "I remember that the interface rule of Yu Wantian is not much different from Huang Zengtian. How I can't get used to it this time? "

"Mei Xiaoyou is careless!" Lu Qingfei came out and said with a smile, "didn't Lei HuJiao make it clear before? The senlo road leads directly to the heaven, and the change of the inner law is naturally different from the change of the inner law. "

"Ouch!" Jiang Meihua patted her forehead and said with a smile, "a certain family understands!"

"There is still no sign of other immortal soldiers!" Liu Yunshu didn't open his mouth all the time. When he was exploring around, he just opened his mouth and said, "it's weird!"

"What's so weird about that?" Thunder roared with laughter, and then urged his body to fly up high, saying, "it's strange that Lei burst into the demon League and killed the solitary moon monster."

"Can you compare it?" Liu Yunshu also laughed and said, "that's the demon League. This is our own fairyland!"

"That..." Xiao Hua hesitated a little and said carefully, "I've got the crystal core of fire dancing water demon. Do you want to search for the memory of fire dancing first?"

"Ha ha..." Lu Qing said with a smile, "little brother, maybe you don't know that Huowu is a water demon in Li Xingjing. Its natural soul seal in the crystal nucleus can't be broken by our strength. Even if we can break it, our memory has been destroyed before the crystal nucleus explodes."

Thunder then added: "even if not completely destroyed, those memories also cause fragments. With our strength, it is impossible to find useful ones. Xiaoyou said that thunder had tried when he first joined the team!"

Xiao Hua's words are naturally meant to be tentative. Seeing that the three Juyuan immortals have said this, he already knows what he saw through the jade die Xiao Hua You can't say it directly.

So Xiao Hua's eyes turned around, catching up with thunder while he whispered: "although he can't explore the memory of the fire dancing water demon, it's strange that the water demon can break through the two barriers to get to Huang Zengtian."

"Of course it's strange!" Thunder nodded, "and it's very strange! The interface barrier of JieChong is different from that of ordinary people. The demon clan or immortal with too high level can't pass through it. It's easy to cause the law tide between JieChong... "

"What is the law tide?" Xiao Hua was puzzled.

"Have you ever seen the tide?"

"Yes, I have."

"Two different tides crashing together?"

"Oh Xiao Hua suddenly said, "what you said is Annihilation and fury when two different laws collide

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Why are the immortal soldiers gone? It's weird