Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1007

"My lord..." The three immortal generals bowed quickly and said, "I can't wait for tiger general. You are the commander of changqiong. Even if you are reincarnated, you can't be called like this. It's really a loss to us!"

Xiao Hua simply took the frost sword and said, "I picked it up!"

"My lord..." Lei Xingxian said seriously, "since you are reincarnated, of course you need to find your own frost sword!"

Xiao Hua couldn't tell clearly, so he turned his eyes and said, "I see. What's the name of the commander-in-chief? I've saved a reincarnated Jiugong fairy.... "

"Ah?" The immortal Lei looked up and down and said in surprise, "you Isn't that an adult? "

Looking at Bao Qiong and Bao Shan in the distance, Xiao Hua said to the immortal general surnamed Lei: "that Jiugong immortal is called Gu Sheli. Is it your adult?"

"Yes, yes!" the immortal General of Lei was overjoyed. He rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "that's Gu shooting at the long dome, that's her old man! Do you know where she is? "

"How can I know where she is?" Xiao Hua explained, "she was forced to wake up after her reincarnation. At this time, she should be looking for a place for meditation."

"Well, well!" Lei Xianjiang nodded and bowed to his body, "at the end, Xie Xianyou saved my adult!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "since I'm not the reincarnation of your adult, I'll wait May I say goodbye? "

"No way!" Next to him, the immortal with a huge sword shook his head and said, "who knows if what you said is true or false? And the fall of Lord changqiong... "

Speaking of this, the immortal general hesitated for a moment, knew that he could not say it again, and simply said: "you, the immortal friends, should explain the cause of the matter to our team."

The immortal General of Lei family name is also a little excited, just about to say, "hum..." There is another vibration in the depth of the glazed environment, and the whole space is shaking.

"No!" The immortal general with a long gun said urgently, "there's another accident at the boundary of 760. Let's go back quickly!"

With that, the immortal general took a look at Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua and said, "the two immortal friends are brave enough to soar to the sky. They are very skillful. They are buried in Huang Zengtian. I dare to invite the two immortal friends to rush to the place where the fairyland and the demon Alliance are charged. I wonder if they can kill the demon clan and protect the safety of our fairyland?"

The immortal General of Lei family also woke up and said: "yes, yes, the immortal friend's method is just to attack and kill the demon clan. If he can join our team, he must be a fierce general!"

The immortal general holding the huge sword also added: "immortal friends, we can also practice in our team. The chance is no less than that of the immortal gate in the immortal world!"

Turning his eyes, Xiao Hua said tentatively: "I heard that there are some immortals in Liuli. It's hard to be..."

"Yes, yes!" "They're just the selection of the flag leader, riding and shooting. When the fairy friends go, they're also tiger teachers," he said

"Go, go!" Without waiting for Xiao Hua to answer, Jiang Meihua held up her dragon gun and said, "we are going to go to JieChong's place and shed our blood!"

"Well said!" "I like a man like you!" he said

Xiao Hua's original intention was to take part in the election of zhuochong immortal in order to avoid the pursuit of zhanglv palace. Now he is a coagulant, but he still can't guarantee that zhanglv palace has no other means. In addition, Xiao Hua finds that the penalty palace is also chasing him in Youji. Now there are more big kunguo. If he wants to avoid these crises, isn't the team fighting his best choice?

Seeing that he had turned around for a long time and returned to the old road, Xiao Hua sighed: "OK!"

As soon as these two words came out, Lei Xingxian, who had been waiting for a long time, laughed and patted Xiao Hua on the shoulder. Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and did not avoid it. The immortal general patted Xiao Hua and said, "that's right. Let's go! While walking, Lei tells you about JieChong. He has been holding it for a long time. It's really hard. "

As he spoke, the immortal general with a huge sword looked at Bao Qiong and Bao Shan, and said in a loud voice, "this time I'm attacked by the fire dancing water demon, I don't know if there are any surviving immortal generals in the selection of Kun state's Taichong immortal?"

Bao Qiong flew out and said with a bitter smile: "you have seen clearly that the fire dancing water demon is not even our opponent. How can the immortal who participated in the immortal selection survive? Not to mention them, even the generals of our country guarding here have suffered a great loss! "

"Well, I know!" The immortal general nodded, "although it's your country's requirement to open the gate of JieChong, it's also an accident for the water demon in lixingjing to enter. Our team is also responsible. We'll turn around and close the gate of JieChong, and report the situation here to the adults. It's up to them to decide how to deal with it."

"Thank you, my Lord!" Bao Qiong hurried to present the three immortals with Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua.

"Bao dome..." Bao Shan looked at Xiao Hua's back and whispered, "let them go?"

"My aunt..." Bao Qiong cried and said, "that's a big evil star. He can kill the water demon in Li Xingjing. Isn't it as easy as pinching ants to kill you? If you don't send him away, will you take him to the palace? "

"What's more, they didn't take the star lock in the immortal temple at all, but you forced them to stay just to prove it..."

"Oh, that's all!" Bao Shan sighed and said, "Weiying and Shenying also fell here. Shaoying house has been badly damaged. He is so severe that I can explain to your majesty.""You've only killed two shadow guards, but I'm a great immortal general!"

"In any case, we have done a lot to keep the demon clan in the glass realm. Let's go!"

Bao Qiong and Bao Shan have gone, and the glazed landscape has gradually returned to calm. The layout of Da Kun kingdom in the glazed landscape has finally come to an end. It's natural that Xiao Hua doesn't care whether he is still in the glazed landscape in the future.

At this time, Xiao Hua followed the three immortal generals and bowed his head to think. In fact, his mind had entered the space. In the void of space, there are mountains of things, which are all the things put by Zihuan kingdom in the immortal prohibition. Of course, Xiao Hua didn't release his thoughts and didn't enter, but he naturally took all the things left by Zihuan kingdom. Of course, the things of Zihuan kingdom can't be finished by one volume of mind. If one volume can't be finished, there will be two volumes and three volumes!

However, Xiao Hua didn't have time to explore these things carefully at this time. He raised his hand and took the crystal core of the fire dancing water demon. After a while, his brow was locked and he said in secret: "strange, from the memory of the water demon, it seems that someone has destroyed the gate of JieChong, so the water demon in Li Xingjing can break into it. Who is it?"

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Xiao Hua is finally going to join the team, mighty!