Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1004

"Boom!" At this time, Xiao Hua's star moon light column had already been blown down, and at the end of the dry water flow, a water filament less than ten feet in size was revealed. The star moon light column did not annihilate the water filament, but with the fall of the star moon light column, a yellow and black star light and shadow flashed over the water filament!

Although the star moon column is fierce, it falls on the rotating stars. Most of it is absorbed by the stars, and only a small part falls.

Looking at the yellow and black stars, Bao Qiong was surprised and cried, "Xianyou, be careful, this is the demon tribe in the realm of Li Xing!"

With that, Bao Qiong was afraid Xiao Hua didn't understand, and added: "it's equivalent to my fairy world turning into a spirit fairy..."

"Silk..." Don't say that Xiao Hua took a breath of cold air. Even Bao Shan, who just noticed the abnormality here, also changed his face.

"Damn, I'm so unlucky! Even if you don't capture this immortal, you will be injured by others. Now there are more Li Xing fire dances. This It's hard to escape! "

"What happened at senlo crossing? Let the demons of Li Xing pass through... "

With that, Bao Shan looked around for opportunities.

Unfortunately, after Li Xing's flash, he said, "hum..." The sound of shimmering comes from that ray of water light. The shimmering covers the whole glass realm, and the rest of the water light rushes into the water silk like thousands of streams. High up in the space, all the stars and moons are falling madly, which seems to be several times stronger than the urge of the Star Palace seal!

In the water light, a huge fire dance is born in the blink of an eye, which is more than a thousand feet in size!

With the appearance of fire dance, star halo appeared in the surrounding air. The star halo is as thin as ox hair, and it rotates at a high speed, closing the glass realm!

"Ha ha..." Some obscure and extremely strange sounds came from the body of the fire dance. "It was meant to slip out. In that case, eat you all!"

"Poop, poop..." The sound of the fire dance never fell to the ground. The two farthest immortals burst the body of the immortal, and the bloody silk fell into the star halo. The two immortals in the immortal just escaped, "brush..." Star halo such as silk has been their baby body into holes.

Looking at the immortal general, he was shocked. Bao Qiong cried out: "the battle is over!"

Bao Qiong's voice had just fallen to the ground, and a tentacle came out of thin air on his head, "brush..." He was covered with a loud voice.

Seeing the tentacles fall, Bao Qiong's mouth is extremely bitter. There is no immortal vitality in the glaze, and the power of the stars and the moon is still eroding his body protection silver. The tentacle seems to be a virtual shadow, which is obviously the condensation of the power of the stars and the moon, but the virtual shadow is full of rotating stars, and the inexplicable fluctuation and light and shadow seal itself around. That mountain like power is really like the full blow of the spirit transforming master!

"Broken..." Bao Qiong didn't dare to neglect. He roared, pinched the formula with both hands, "boom boom boom" fire ring splashed, and the flame whirled out!

Unfortunately, the ring of fire just went up in the air, "poof..." Sound, the flame has long been shattered, a lonely ring in the mid air boring rotation, Bao dome can see from the light ring shy!

Bao Qiong was angry and patted his immortal mark with his backhand. Just as his immortal mark opened, he said, "break..." Another low roar, "brush..." I saw a flash of ancient copper light and shadow.

"Hum..." The flame on the ring rose again, and the shadow that trapped Bao dome broke in two!

In front of Bao Qiong's head, Xiao Hua flies out with a hatchet, and the seal of the Star Palace turns into a Taoist crown and falls on his head!

"Looking for Death... " Xiao Hua is afraid that he is the most scared immortal in the fire dance, otherwise he will not slip away as water silk. At this time, when he sees Xiao Hua's hand, he roars, and a firmer tentacle hits Xiao Hua.

This tentacle is not like the previous cover Bao dome, but like a fist towards Xiao Hua!

Where is Xiao Hua afraid of this? With a low roar, he waved his axe and slashed his fist.

"Poof..." With a loud sound, Xiao Hua felt that his strong tenacity came from his tentacles and resisted his strength. As soon as he touched the axe, his strength suddenly increased. Xiao Hua felt like the tide coming from the sea, forcing him to fly upside down!

"Poop, poop..." Xiao Hua's figure penetrates several star halos, and Bao Shan and others are shocked. Even Xiao Hua is not the enemy of fire dance in Li Xing's realm. Who can fight with him?

When the immortals were dejected, "whoosh..." There was a faint halo around Xiao Hua, and his figure disappeared suddenly.

"It's time to Death... " Fire dance is low scold, tentacles in half empty grasp, but after a few breath, the tentacles suddenly disappeared, and Xiao Hua's body has appeared in front of fire dance!

Xiao Hua appeared, the axe has disappeared, replaced by Ruyi stick!

But listen to him roar: "fight!"

Ruyi stick hit down in the air!

Although Xiao Hua's appearance is strange, he just appeared. Huowu was aware of it with the help of the star faint light silk. Naturally, the tentacle was in front of the demon body!

However, the Ruyi stick is no better than the axe. When the power of ten thousand soldiers falls, the tentacles are smashed. Although the water in the fragments flickers wildly, they still can't heal!

"Roar..." Fire dance also angry, low roar a, "brush" a not big fire regiment flies out from its body!This fire group is different from what Xiao Hua had seen before. There is a faint yellow and black color in the rotation inside. There is a crazy influx of stars and moon in the void around, just like there is a great suction in this fire group!

"Fight!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, still only use Ruyi stick, "Wu" of a hit, but, Ruyi stick has not fallen, "brush..." The fireball speeded up suddenly, with a wisp of shadow, "boom" on Xiao Hua's shoulder!

"Hum..." The Shengyan armor that Xiao Hua was wearing turned into a strange totem, but the totem light and shadow did not show, and the fire group had penetrated!

"Ah..." Xiao Hua lost his voice and flew upside down!

"At least the medium-term strength of Hualing!" Xiao Hua's face turned white!

Xiao Hua advanced to the early stage of Juyuan immortal. His strength is actually the high level of Juyuan immortal. Facing a medium level demon clan, he is afraid that he can only protect himself. The immortal generals in Liuli, including Jiang Meihua, will be killed!

Sure enough, Xiao Hua's figure never stood firm, "ah ah..." There were several screams again, and the immortal generals were crushed like chickens.

"Pa Pop "Ha..." Looking at the immortals around one by one by the invisible big hands, how can the remaining immortals form a battle again? Their mental breakdown screamed and fled everywhere!

"Kill..." Bao Qiong and Bao Shan looked at each other. The silver light all around them was dim. After several breath, only the shadow remained in the original place!

However, a moment later, their bodies were exposed in the depth of the glass realm. At this time, they were already wrapped with a lot of fire wires. It was obvious that the fire dance had already laid a dark hand!

Jiang Meihua had been flying to Xiao Hua for a long time. Looking at Xiao Hua, she asked in a low voice, "how is your injury?"

Xiao Hua looked down at his left shoulder. Although it had been penetrated and corroded by flames and water, those flames and water could not prevent his immortal body from healing. Xiao Hua also put down his heart and replied, "no harm!"

Later, Xiao Hua chased after him and said, "you can go to the space fairy."

"No!" Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "I won't go until I'm on the edge of life and death!"

Xiao Hua can't use many means at this time, and the fire dance in Li Xingjing is too fierce, it can't let Xiao Hua get close!

"Brother Jiang..." Xiao Hua looked at Bao Qiong and others who were far away and said, "I have some means, but I can't get close to them..."

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Jiang Meihua nodded tacit: "I understand. I'll help you!"

"Be careful..." Xiao Hua told him to cover the wound with his hand and fly up slowly. Pangu axe and wanmietiandou have been used. Now you can try the seven treasure tree of yudie Buddha and the magic knife of the devil killing!

"Wu that little demon..." Jiang Meihua flew out and waved her dragon gun in her hand. She said in a high voice, "how dare you fight with Laozi?"



Jiang Meihua's voice never fell to the ground. In the depth of the glass realm, several compliments suddenly rang out, and then he heard "Bang Bang..." With the sound of breaking through the sky, three immortal generals in battle armor fly out of the blue clouds. The three immortal generals are thousands of feet high, and their bodies are silvery and mottled. They can't see their faces clearly. However, the three immortal generals will fly out of the glass world with different immortal weapons, such as giant swords, long shouts, or long guns, threatening murderous, and thick blood!

Seeing this, Bao Qiong took a long breath and finally let go.

However, when the three immortals flew into the glass realm, they were shocked to see the yellow and black stars spinning in the stars on the surface of the fire dance. They lost their voice and said, "Li Xing, water demon?? This How is that possible? "

"Ha Ha... " Huowu laughed a little, but in the laughter, "pa pa pa..." A burst of noise, the immortal will be around the star halo began to crack, such as water like stars and moon light silk began to flood in the glass territory.

At this time, the star halo light silk is different from the previous, "zilala" makes a sound, corroding the void.

The three immortals quickly annihilated the silver light on the body surface. A moment later, they revealed their armor!

"Silk..." Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the three men's Fairy armour. He was surprised because the fairy armour was damaged, and the animal swallowing was not complete. There were even dark blood stains in the fairy armour, which could not be dispelled by the fairy light!

"Ha ha, you little demon..." At first, an immortal general was holding a long shield. He said with a smile, "it's a little smart. You know how to close our back roads, but you think you can't kill us and other three people And this little brother? "

"No..." Jiang Meihua, with a long gun in her hand, pointed to Xiao Hua and said, "the elder said that he missed it, and this Xiao brother!"

"Oh?" Another immortal with a long gun glanced at Xiao Hua and said, "I thought he was going to be with the immortal who escaped from the state of Kun! I'm sorry! "

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It's a water demon with the power of spirit transforming immortal. It's powerful. However, there is a real immortal in the future. We will fight the fire dancing water demon together!