Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1003

"More than that!" Jiang Meihua's tone is that it's not worth his life to be angry. He patted the beast on his waist and said, "roar..." A golden light came out of the roar of the dragon head. Jiang Meihua's right hand grabbed it out of thin air, and a dragon fell into his hands. The dragon's body was cross knee, and the unyielding roar turned into a long dragon gun!

As soon as Xiao Hua patted his forehead, he was quite distressed and said, "it must be you who smell the smell of demons here, so come and show off. Go, go, don't let my younger brother look sad..."

"Ha ha..." As soon as Jiang Meihua's long gun was put, the sound of the dragon's roaring suddenly rose and said with a laugh, "you are really right. After some family sacrificed the armor, they immediately felt that there was a change this time. The Dragon spear didn't drink blood and eat meat for a long time, so it must have faded out of their mouth! Here you are, let a family kill a few demon clans... "

With that, Jiang Meihua gave birth to a golden light and danced his dragon gun to the dark.

"Ah, wise man!" When Xiao Hua saw that Jiang Meihua didn't ask about what he had gained in xuanguijing, he sighed. He could afford to put it down. This is the cultivation of the disciples of the aristocratic family!

However, looking at Jiang Meihua's back, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something and cried out: "be careful, these water demons named Huowu probably have the strength of Er Qi Xian and Ju Yuan Xian..."

"I'll go!" Jiang Meihua was stunned for a moment, and the whole body of the Dragon trembled rapidly, almost wailing, "how come the demon clan of the demon League is so powerful!"

Of course, Jiang Meihua just said one, the body shape does not stop, still without hesitation to the water demon.

"It's a real man indeed!" Xiao Hua praised, looked at the axe in his hand, and said to himself, "chongyunqian, if Xiao borrows your axe, he will be able to kill demons!"

"Buzz..." The two axes are blooming with bronze light and shadow. Although the light and shadow are weak, they are persistent, just like chongyunqian's low roar.

Before Xiao Hua rushes to the current, Jiang Meihua is already fighting with the fire dancing water demon. Although Jiang Meihua is the first stage of Erqi immortal, he has Dragon Armor and is not afraid of the erosion of fire dance. Moreover, his shooting skill is exquisite and his dragon gun is powerful. If fire dance is not careful, it will be penetrated by the point of the Dragon gun. The penetration of the Dragon spear is different from other immortal weapons, but it is similar to chongyunqian's axe, except that the dragon pattern of the Dragon spear kills the fragments of the fire dance, so it will not continue to evolve!

"Kill, kill, kill..." When she saw Xiao Hua coming, Jiang Meihua was in a great spirit. In a fierce voice, she broke off drinking, and the empty shadow of the Dragon spear flashed continuously. There were seven ways to produce, and "poop poop poop" stabbed into seven fire dances.

"Hum..." The fire dance naturally did not show weakness, and two of the great epicenters turned into flowing water and escaped the Dragon gun to rush into Jiang Meihua's close body.

One of them forced into Jiang Meihua's chest, the other rushed to her right side, and it seemed that her strength was not inferior to that of Jiang Meihua. Xiao Hua was afraid that Jiang Meihua would lose something and was about to sacrifice the thunder sword.

"Roar..." But listen to the sound of the Dragon howling in Jiang Meihua's heart mirror, and then you see the dragon pattern condensing into a black dragon. You open your mouth and bite the dragon dance. The "Ao Ao" Fire Dance screams with pain, fighting with the black dragon.

As for the fire dance on Jiang Meihua's right, before it could fly near, under the "brush" dragon pattern, there was a yellowish light and shadow rushing out, and a unicorn Faxiang flapped to the fire dance.

"Interesting Xiao Hua smiles. He knows that there are many ways for the disciples of the aristocratic family, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Ah..." Just want to, not far away an immortal will be fire dance into the immortal body, scream the immortal body is corroded.

"Kill..." Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect. He waved his axe and said, "brush..." Kill several fire dances one after another!

However, after killing for a while, Xiao Hua finds that the red water is coming in endlessly, and there are too many fire dances to deal with!

"Kill Xiao Hua had no choice but to sacrifice the seal of the Star Palace, and "boom boom" and "boom boom boom" and "boom boom boom boom" and "boom boom boom" and "boom boom boom" and "boom boom boom boom" and "boom boom boom" and "boom" and "boom" and "boom" and "boom" and "boom" and "boom" and "boom" and "boom" and.

After a while, the current on Xiao Hua's side has changed from a torrential wave to a trickle. Looking at the still weak fire dance in the current, Xiao Hua shrinks his head and doesn't dare to show his face. Xiao Hua thinks for a moment, and jumps to another place, followed by the fall of a star and moonlight column.

"Lucky..." Looking at Xiao Hua's great power, Bao Qiong said to himself, "I can't imagine that this man is so powerful, but he has just set foot in Juyuan immortal and has high-level strength. If it wasn't for the fire dancing demon clan to break into the glass realm, I'm afraid it would be folded in his hands. What's the matter with Bao Shan! That Huan Ji all said, this person is to return from forgetting Sichuan, can return from forgetting Sichuan immortal, that must have how big magic power

"Oh, I see. Bao Shan didn't take this sentence seriously at all. She thought it was cheating Huanji."

"Well, it's reasonable. This man didn't believe Huanji's words from the beginning, otherwise he couldn't let Baoshan fall for it."

"Just, just, I can't resist this man. I'm afraid xuantianfu garrison will get along with him in the first battle today. If xuantianfu garrison is allowed to fight with him in the future, where will my face go?"

"Bao Shan However, she is a little cautious. This matter belongs to Shaoying mansion. She will report it to your majesty. I can't control what happens after that... "

Just thought of this, "Wu..." The water flashed, and the fire danced out, and together with the previous two, they attacked Bao dome, "boom..." At this time, Bao Qiong also mastered the trick. He didn't directly cut the fire dance tentacles with the ring immortal weapon, but cut out a circle from it. First he killed the fragments in the circle, and then he looked for other fragments.After all, Bao Qiong is a Juyuan immortal. These fire dances are no more than the white star realm of Xingheng, which is equivalent to the strength of Erqi immortal. It's just a bit wordy to kill, but it won't be as shriveled as before.

About half an hour later, the light of the water began to dry up. Bao Qiong was relieved and told the surviving immortal in a low voice that he would continue to kill the water demon and fly out.

Bao Qiong looked around and saw that there were not many immortal generals who survived. As for the immortal generals who took part in the election, I'm afraid none of them were left. But it's also worth the price to keep the fire dancing water demon in the glass realm.

At this time, Xiao Hua had already stopped. He was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to kill many water demons. In his eyes, Huowu was also a life.

"Xianyou..." Bao Qiong thought for a moment and said, "I don't know what to call Xianyou? If today's first day is not a fairy friend... "

Who knows, Xiao Hua looked back at Bao Qiong, but for a moment, suddenly his face changed greatly. He pointed to the Star Palace seal in his hand and yelled: "where to go!"

The Star Palace seal urges the thick star moon light column to "boom..." A hit to Bao dome behind, that is exactly where the red water dried up!

The light column of stars and moon never fell, but it was very weak, but it sounded like the rolling sound of the waves in the ears of the Immortals: "Damn it

"Ah, ah..." With this sound, the three or five immortals will immediately cover their ears and fall out of the air. They can see that the blood around the ears is bulging up. Even one of the Immortals' blood has burst and blood is gushing out.

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The real fight It's just the beginning. Don't worry!