Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1005

"No harm, no harm..." Xiao Hua touched his nose and flew out with his wishful stick, saying, "it's OK to kill the water demon. Don't worry about the younger generation!"

"You were hurt by the fire dance?" The third immortal general was holding a huge sword. He looked at Xiao Hua's shoulder and nodded, "well, he's also a man. Here you are..."

With that, the immortal general threw a crystal box to Xiao Hua and said, "this is the elixir we used. It's the most..."

Without waiting for the immortal general to finish, "Wu..." The fire dancing water demon is the first to strike. The whole body is the mark of flashing star light. Suddenly, the fire light comes out. The fire light rolls up several tentacles and strikes at Xiao Hua and others at the same time!

Looking at the tentacles dancing like a meteor in the sun, Xiao Hua and others dare not neglect, hastily urge their bodies to fight. Xiao Hua's wishful stick was shot in the air again. He thought Huowu would fight back directly, but to Xiao Hua's surprise, Huowu's tentacles shot at Xiao Hua's side!

"Ouch..." In front of his eyes, Xiao Hua quickly danced the Ruyi stick and still hit the tentacle, but the tentacle suddenly split and turned into two fists, "haha..." Xiao Hua was helpless, and quickly took back Ruyi stick and hit it respectively!

"I'll come later!" Bao Qiong and Bao Shan solved the star halo silk around them, and each of them took immortal tools to fly. Although they had lost face before, their lives were important at this time, and they all joined the battle group with a loud shout.

The fire dances fiercely, and tentacles protrude from the water like demon's body to meet Bao Shan and Bao Qiong.

About half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua found something strange. He saw that three immortal generals had been separated between himself and Jiang Meihua, and seven of them had surrounded the fire dancing water demon in the middle of their attack.

"I'm afraid there's something strange..." Xiao Hua's eyes turn slightly. He doesn't mind treating others with kindness, but he can't believe others too much!

However, as soon as Xiao Hua thought about it, he heard the voice of the commander in hand: "little friend, you don't need to know my identity. This matter involves some secrets. I can't tell you clearly. But today, we will fight with the fire dancing water demon with the help of Xiaoyou. I wonder if Xiaoyou will! "

Xiao Hua looks at Jiang Meihua in a hurry. Sure enough, Jiang Meihua is also listening attentively. It is obvious that there are other immortal generals.

Xiao Hua blocked the fire dancing water demon's tentacles, and answered: "at this time, it's the key to life and death. I don't want to know what's secret. I just want to get out of danger. If there's any assignment, please tell me."

The general was just saying that he was hit by the tentacles of the fire dancing water demon on the armor without noticing. The general faltered, and the armor had been torn off! The general quickly waved his long voice to block his tentacles. Then he was relieved and said, "OK, I'll make a long story short! This fire dancing water demon has The strength of hualingxian is not that you and I can resist, and the fire dancing water demon is cunning. At this time, it is afraid that it is still waiting for other generals to come, so that it can catch all. But I'll tell you that there will never be any other generals coming. We must take advantage of the slack of the fire dancing water demon to kill them

"I've got a plan for the three of us to fight together, but you can't wait for the four of us to take part in it. So I hope you can divide the four corners equally to contain the fire dancing water demon, and we'll make a good start!"

Xiao Hua frowned and asked, "is it that simple?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"I don't think the three elders are the enemies of the fire dancing water demon even if they use the skill of joint attack!"

The general looked up and down at Xiao Hua and was surprised, but he thought a little and said, "you're right! Our joint attack skill is not the opponent of the fire dancing water demon, but Liu HuJiao, oh, the immortal general with a knife, has a special immortal weapon to restrain the fire dancing water demon... "

As soon as he said he was in a hurry, the general was knocked upside down by his tentacles, unable to say anything.

Waiting for him to fly back again, Xiao Hua said: "I understand that the crystal nucleus of the fire dancing water demon is uncertain. Even if master Liu urges the immortal weapon, it may not be able to achieve success. Moreover, Master Liu must have only one strike, so we need to cooperate!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua nodded and agreed without hesitation.

The general patted his shoulder and said, "hum..." There was a seal of HuJiao in the animal swallowing. At the same time, the other two generals also offered seals. These three seals gave rise to a ring halo to cover the three people.

"So..." The general said a few words in the halo, and then said to Xiao Hua, "little friend, listen to my command, attack the fire dancing water demon with all your strength!"

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua still agreed.

Seeing that Xiao Hua didn't ask much, the general was also very happy. At this time, the ring halo had formed, blocking the fire dancing water demon in the center. Previously, the three immortals had their own moves. At this time, the movement was uniform. It seemed that the power was three points stronger than before!

However, the fire dance water demon's attack also strengthened again. When Xiao Hua's Ruyi stick hit, the tentacle not only began to be hard connected, but also the defeated part began to decrease.

"The demon clan is too cunning!" Xiao Hua sighed a little, but when he turned to think about it, they all gathered the strength of Yuanxian. If they didn't even have this intelligence, how could they talk about Lixing demon clan?

"Start..." Xiao Hua's ear suddenly sounded the immortal general's order!

Xiao Hua didn't dare to be contemptuous. With a flash of his hands, he held up Ruyi stick and recited "Changchang..." in his heart"Hum..." Ruyi stick gives out a rumble, as if it wants to pierce the glass realm into thick and long, "Hoo..." Xiao Hua is full of strength, and his arms have already given birth to feathers, like Phoenix claws. He strikes the fire dancing water demon in the air!

"Wu..." The wishful stick broke through the air, and there was a whirlpool of wind annihilation on one side of the fire dancing water demon. Now, the whirlpool has annihilated the flame on the body surface of the fire dancing water demon, revealing the yellow and black stars inside.

"Oh?" The general was a little surprised by Xiao Hua's power. At this time, Jiang Meihua also roared. Her dragon spear turned into a roaring golden dragon, spitting out the tip of the spear and pounced on the fire dancing water demon. There was a flame burning on the tip of the spear, and the golden thread lingered around. The evil spirit of tearing everything had already covered the fire dancing water demon.

Needless to say, Bao Qiong and Bao Shan stood on opposite sides of the fire dancing water demon. When the ring and machete were sacrificed, they also imprisoned the fire dancing water demon!

"Kill, kill, kill!" The three generals were very happy and roared at the same time. In the rotating halo, there were three great lights immediately!

The first is the long gun like rock, coming from all directions, each gun has a golden light like electricity!

The second is the long cry like waves, which gives birth to the shadow of rosefinch, contains the flame, hides the secret of space, and follows the spear.

The third is the light of the sword. The light of the sword melts the snow and gives birth to clear water. Countless tiny green dragons appear in the continuous water light.


Xiao Hua's wishful stick was shot down carefully. In the wind annihilation, the tentacles of the fire dancing water demon were smashed. Moreover, the wind annihilation was more like an awl penetrating into the fire dancing demon's body, tearing the demon's body hundreds of feet in size!

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