Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1002

"Hum..." Naturally, Bao Qiong was not afraid of these fragments. With a cold hum, he raised his hand and waved a bunch of firelight to ignite these fragments. Then he looked into the distance and said, "generals..."

However, he did not wait for me to say, "whoosh, whoosh..." Of the thousands of pieces, half can fly out of the fire.

It seems that the water demon is very proficient in the laws of space, and these fragments are only a hundred feet away from baoqiong. After baoqiong found that the water demon fragments have been near.

Even if the water demon fragments were approaching, Bao Qiong would not care too much. However, what shocked Bao Qiong was that these water demon fragments even went straight to the immortal mark in his eyebrows. I think this attack was premeditated for a long time.

Bao Qiong was both surprised and angry. At this time, apart from retreating, he really had no good way to deal with it! And his retreat, not to mention the immortal will greatly reduce the morale, even the immortal array also has the risk of being defeated!

In Bao Qiong hesitation, "brush!" The sound, a five color fire curtain out of thin air, is blocking in front of his eyes!

Thousands of water demon fragments fell into the fire curtain and sent out "poop poop..." The light sound, like moths to the fire, is annihilated by the fire curtain.

"Xianyou is too careless!" Xiao Hua's voice sounded faintly in Bao Qiong's ear.

"More Thank you... " There was some cold sweat in baoqiong vest, he said in a low voice.

"No thanks, no thanks..." Xiao Hua raised his hand to take away the five colors, raised the two axes in his left hand, and said with a smile, "some family just forgot to take it away, just come back to get it!"

Bao Qiong said with a smile, "boom..." In the red waves, a tentacle with thousands of feet came out to catch Xiao Hua.

"Hum, I want to die!" Xiao Hua a sneer, body shape "brush" of the wind fly, that left hand in the axe "Wu" a raise.

"Poof..." The water demon's tentacle was cut into two sections when the axe was bare, and the strange withering spread around the crack of the tentacle.

"Boom..." The broken tentacle didn't break again unexpectedly, but in the broken fragments, the withering spread as usual, so there was no need for Xiao Hua to do it again, and the fragments of the water demon turned into withered leaves and fell slowly!

"Haw, haw..." Red waves, a huge water demon slowly emerged, the water demon tentacles Red Star flashing, is fast healing.

"Lord fu..." At this time, in the distant light of stars and moon, ten immortals will come with thousands of flying generals. At present, an immortal will see the water demon and exclaim, "this It's a fire dance. Be careful! "

"Leave me alone!" Seeing that the immortal was coming, Bao Qiong cried, "get up quickly and kill the fire dance. Don't let them..."

Unfortunately, he didn't wait for Bao Qiong's voice to come to the ground There is the sound of water flow again. In the dark of the distance, a few red lights and shadows come meandering!

"Damn it Bao Qiong exclaimed, "this What's going on? "

"Don't you need to say that?" Xiao Hua said coldly, "there must be some mistakes in the place where the interface is interlaced. The powerful demon clan has entered our fairyland!"

"You How do you know? " Baoqiong is so big.

"It doesn't matter how I know!" Xiao Hua said, "how to block these water demons is the most important thing. The strength of these water demons named Huowu is comparable to that of Er Qi Xian. If they enter Huang Zengtian, they will cause a disaster."

With that, Xiao Hua looked up and said with a smile, "do you want to be a onlooker

Bao Qiong didn't look up. He looked at Xiao Hua bitterly. He really didn't understand how Xiao Hua found Bao Shan.

Sure enough, with Xiao Hua's voice, Bao Shan flew out of the sky. However, at this time, Bao Shan had changed into another palace suit, and there was silver light on his face, which looked like a mask.

"You How did you find me? " Baoshan is also curious.

But how could Xiao Hua answer her? Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "it's not important anymore. Hurry to think about how to kill the fire dancing water demon!"

"It's not easy to kill the fire dancing water demon!" Bao Shan said with a bitter smile, "although the fire dance is a water demon, it has the property of fire. Not to mention its strength is comparable to the two Qi immortals. Even if it is the instinct of breeding with broken arms, we can't kill it!"

"So what?" Xiao Hua was very anxious and said, "can't let them enter Huang Zengtian?"

"What about entry?" Bao Shan lightly asked, "there are countless immortals in Huang Zengtian. I'm afraid that even the way of heaven will be happy to die!"

As Xiao Hua was about to speak, Bao Shan immediately said, "and Huang Zengtian's immortals have been at ease for a long time. They have forgotten the edge of Yujie heaven. Our immortals will protect their safety. All their lives are bought by the immortals of the team. Why can the generals of our country die, but they can't? "

"Bao Shan..." Bao Qiong frowned and said, "don't talk nonsense. Your Majesty's task to me is to guard the pillar of heaven and select qualified generals for the Taichong team! Moreover, since these fire dancing water demons can get to the glass realm, it must be because of the opening of senlo road that they can take advantage of. This It's also a mistake of our country! Since there is a mistake, then We have to correct the mistakes! ""Just you immortal soldiers and generals?" Bao Shan looked around and sneered, "do you know how powerful this fire dancing water demon is?"

"I know!" Bao Qiong said word by word, "although I don't come here to break the sky, when I saw the water demons, I already knew that they were fire dance, but I only heard their names, but I didn't know their power..."

"Boom..." Without waiting for Bao Qiong to finish, hundreds of fire dancing water demons in the distance rushed out of the red water stream and jumped on the immortal soldiers who had formed a team!

Then the sound of "chirp" and "roar" interweaved into music, the burst of fire, the rising water, the tearing of silver, the broken flesh and blood into the invisible brush graffiti.

"See?" Baoshan said all the time, "your general is not their enemy at all!"

"If you are not an enemy, you must fight!" Bao Qiong said lightly.

"That's a dead end!" Bao Shan advised, "let's leave liulijing earlier. If these fire dancing water demons fall into Huang Zengtian, they will certainly kill some immortals, but Huang Zengtian also has countless Erqi immortals and Juyuan immortals. They can kill these fire dancing immortals at will!"

"It won't be a dead end!" Bao Qiong didn't plan to persuade Bao Shan either. He explained, "since these fire dances escape into the Taoist fairyland through Senluo Road, they will certainly attract the attention of the Taichong team. We just need to stick to it until the Taichong team comes over!"

Then Bao Qiong took a deep breath, bowed to Xiao Hua and said, "Xianyou, what happened before is not a misunderstanding. We all know each other. Our ancestors have a layout here, and we and our younger generation follow the orders. It's up to Xianyou to uncover the past. Now there are demons invading our fairyland. You and I are the only three people with the strongest strength in the glass territory. For the safety of Huang Zengtian, I beg you to help me! "

With that, Bao Qiong didn't look at Xiao Hua any more, and urged him to jump to one place!

Bao Shan hesitated for a moment, and waved to the well for the cold. He also rushed to another place.

Watching the two immortals fly away, Xiao Hua feels his nose and frowns. In fact, there is no need for Bao Qiong to open his mouth. In Xiao Hua's nature, he will never stand by. But Bao Qiong said so, let Xiao Hua not quite understand Bao Qiong's real intention. It's Bao Qiong. What's the plan? Or is Bao Qiong an open and aboveboard man?

However, after a little thought, Xiao Hua just laughed to himself: "how can Bao Qiong say that he is also a Juyuan immortal, and what is more, he is the ruler of Xuantian mansion. Although these people can calculate, they are absolutely aware of the overall situation. How can he use small means at this time? Look at Bao Shan. Although he had the idea of taking Xiao, he didn't use any sinister means to deal with Xiao at the beginning. It's just, it's just, since he got here... "

Xiao Hua had made up his mind. Just as he was about to move his body, a voice came from a distance behind him: "ah? What are you doing here? "

Xiao Hua laughed, turned his head and said, "I still want to ask you, what chance do you have in xuanguijing?"

Xiao Hua turns around, Jiang Meihua is flying to the nebula, looking at his face with excitement, where does Xiao Hua not know that he has benefited?

"And you?" Instead of answering, Jiang Meihua asked in reverse.

"What do you think I can get?" Xiao Hua also asked.

Jiang Meihua looked at the immortal soldiers and generals fighting in the distance, and the red water gushing out. She said with a smile, "it seems that you came early. If so, you might have run by air."

"Oh?" Xiao Hua eyebrows pick, strange way, "how do you know? Well, I see. You've got the river map! "

Xiao Hua naturally talks nonsense, and the river map is clearly in his space.

"Bullshit!" Jiang Meihua shrugged and said, "how can there be a river map in such a place? Don't listen to master Lian's nonsense

With that, Jiang Meihua patted his chest and "brushed" a spiral copper light from his chest. At the spreading place of the copper light, an ancient bronze armor appeared in front of Xiao Hua's eyes.

But see the birth of the copper light, it is a pair of goggles, the clear halo on the goggles, a lot of dragon patterns surging in the halo. Look at the armor. It's made of dragon scales. The animal swallows on the shoulders, knees, arms, etc. are all faucets of different sizes.

The copper light overflowed, and a dragon circled out to protect Jiang Meihua! That fierce dragon Wei really has a kind of out of body meaning.

The armour helmet obscures Jiang Meihua's appearance and replaces it with a ferocious beast head. This beast head is not the head of a dragon, but looks like a unicorn. In particular, Jiang Meihua has a sword hanging from his left waist, and the unicorn's shadow roars on the sword.

"My God!" Xiao Hua's tone is a little envious, "you are so lucky that you have such a treasure!"

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Jiang Meihua also has an adventure. It seems that the war is about to begin!