Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1001

"Boom..." Just as Bao Qiong was about to urge the tiger's head to seal the seal, Xiao Hua's voice sounded like waves. Poor immortal generals, they sacrifice immortal utensils. Although they have a lot of momentum, they can't keep up with Xiao Hua's figure at all. This blow is just a blow that hasn't been recovered. Seeing Xiao Hua fall again, all the immortals will be happy to push the boat down!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed. He rubbed his hands, and a thunderous hand burst out of the air. All of a sudden, he crushed the tiger's head, which was condensed by the immortal utensils!

"Ah, ah..." A group of immortals will be scattered everywhere with a scream!

Bao Qiong was silly. If Xiao Hua defeated Bao Shan because of his strange means, he could only use his strength to explain why he defeated the immortal array with hundreds of immortals.

"Damn it Bao Qiong was shocked and said in secret, "this This immortal should have the strength of Juyuan high level! I How did we provoke such a master? "

In Bao Qiong's cognition, how can Juyuan high-level masters hide their accomplishments to Erqi immortal? If you say that again, you have to be the same as yourself, right? How do you know that Xiao Hua is hiding in the five elements?

It can only be said that Xiao Hua is too unkind!

In the face of a high-level Juyuan master, the means are still so strange, Bao Qiong really don't think he has the possibility of escape? Because he just saw clearly that Xiao Hua was not unable to chase Bao Shan, but because he was fettered by himself, and he There is no one to help!

Do you rely on the ghost who turned Juyuan immortal into five element immortal?

"Kill As soon as Bao Qiong gritted his teeth, he first protected his immortal mark with the seal of tiger head, and then urged the body shape of the ring immortal to rush at Xiao Hua.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua looks at Bao Qiong in the middle stage of Juyuan fairy. Suddenly, he feels funny. He raises his hand a little bit. The Star Palace seal suddenly became powerful, "boom boom..." Countless stars and moons fell like hammers, which had already dimmed the light and shadow of the tiger seal and the ring fairy ware.

Bao Qiong looked down and then looked around. All the fairy prohibitions, fairy formations and body protection silver lights were extremely thin at this time. He was like a woman dressed in inch wisps. Of course, there were some shameful things, but they could be lifted with one finger

Xiao Hua naturally understood Bao Qiong's mood. As soon as he raised the corner of his mouth, the Star Palace seal urged him to lift the last inch!

At this time, the whole space produced a "buzzing" sound again, the space shook violently, and in the dark of the distance, "Wuwu..." Strange sounds gushed out like the tide of the sea.

Xiao Hua a Leng, turn to see to that place. Under the light column of stars and moon, the newly rising immortals will panic and say, "no, it's It's the demon clan of senlo road... "

"Demon clan?" Xiao Hua frowned and stopped the Star Palace seal!

If Xiao Hua didn't get the memory of several demons, he may not see these demons in his eyes, but several demons can come over. On the unreliable Senluo Road, can he lack other powerful demons?

Bao Qiong's face changed, and he said: "no, this This is the attack of a large number of demons! Come on, tell the general of Tianzhu to come and resist. Don't let them break through the glass realm. You can quickly form an array to fight... "

Although a group of immortal generals are in a panic, they are in good order. Some of them will fly away to send a message, and some of them will fly to where the sound comes from.

Bao Qiong finished his command and looked at Xiao Hua with no special look in his eyes.

Xiao Hua looked at Bao Qiong coldly, raised his voice and asked, "can I go now?"

"Ah?" Bao Qiong was stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of joy in his eyes. However, the joy flashed away, and he still replied faintly, "legs are on you, don't ask me if you want to go or not!"

"It's hard to say!" Xiao Hua smiles, turns and flies away.

"More Thank you... " Bao Qiong looked at Xiao Hua's back, hesitated for a moment, and could not help but speak.

Xiao Hua didn't answer and didn't turn around. He just raised his right hand and waved twice!

Unfortunately, he didn't wait for Xiao Hua to fly out of the glass realm There was a loud noise of the mountain torrent, a distant sound like the collapse of the Tianhe River, and a fierce red water wave rushed in!

Then hundreds of human figures flew out of the darkness and rushed towards the liulijing. It was obvious that they were the immortal generals who had just chased the demon clan.

"This This... " Bao Qiong was obviously unprepared. He flew up in a hurry, looked at the water and said, "what's this?"

"Wu..." Bao dome's voice did not fall to the ground. Fierce water waves rose like waves on the shore. The immortal generals flying around seemed to have a water demon in each water wave!

When the water demon rushes out, there is a "whine" in his mouth, while there is a frantic immortal general rushing into the air. Before the water demon can reach him, the water wave has fallen on the silver light of the immortal general's body protection. In the sound of "zilala", the immortal general has not been sacrificed to resist before, and his immortal armor and silver light have been corroded.

"Boom..." There was no other way for the immortal generals to resist. In the roar, some water demons were killed and fell into the water waves. Some water demons fell into the immortal vessels and fell on the immortal generals.

Whenever the water demon touches the immortal generals, the defense of the immortal generals is corroded. If the immortal generals have the means, they still have the strength to fight at this time. But if the immortal generals lack the means, the water demon will instantly penetrate into the immortal generals, not only devouring the body, but also the immortal babies in the body have no chance to escape."Damn it Xiao Hua could see that Bao Qiong could see it more clearly. He offered the seal of the tiger's head with a "woo", and exclaimed angrily, "look at my means!"

"Hum..." When the golden light of the tiger's seal falls, a group of immortals will give birth to the golden light all over nature again and quickly spread the immortal array.

However, Bao Qiong is the king of xuantianfu. He can urge the tiger head to seal the seal, but it's hard to expect his skillful dispatching immortal to resist the constant flow of water demons.

What's more, Bao dome's tiger seal has just been sacrificed, and a group of immortal generals have just been arrayed in the golden light, "boom..." In the rushing red, a strange tentacle suddenly appeared. It crossed the sky, as if there was no space distance, and fell on the seal of tiger head.

"Brush" tiger seal on the golden light suddenly disappeared!

Bao dome surprised, raised his hand a move, "whoosh" a firelight spin fly out, it is that shape if Yan Xi Sun ring!

The ring like a sharp blade cuts off the strange tentacles, and the water demon "chirps..." In the hissing as like as two peas, the quick tentacles were withdrawn, but the tentacles that had been cut off were suddenly retracted, then exploding, and turned into thousands of tiny pieces, and they flew towards the bow. Xiao Hua saw clearly that the tiny fragments were exactly the same as the water monster.

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Senluo road has changed. Immortal Xiao can't go!