Landing in the Fantastic World


The four Dragon Fire extreme array is just a training place for the new disciples of Chaotian Palace. Its power is not strong at all. I didn't expect that Tianjiao outside could not even carry such an array. It's rubbish.

Hearing the jeers of the disciples of Chaotian Palace, the elders of other sects were not good-looking either. In order to face their own sects, they had to send their own disciples to challenge the four Dragon Fire array and be able to support it for a period of time.

After a while of noise, many outstanding disciples of other sects came out of the crowd. They walked towards the four Dragon Fire array with dignified faces. In order to keep the reputation of the sect intact, they had to stick to it for a period of time.

Mo Xiangxiang looked at Mu Yu and said with a smile, "little younger martial brother, why don't you try it on behalf of our holy courtyard."

Duanmu Qingling also blinked her beautiful eyes and looked over, with a trace of hope on her pretty face.

"Look again." Mu Yu said casually that this kind of low-level array can hardly influence him.

At this time, these disciples all walked into the four Dragon Fire array, and the fierce fire force came to their faces. Most of them suddenly changed their faces.

They thought that this array would not be simple, but they did not expect that it would be so terrible.

Just like the first disciple, with only a few breaths, most of them escaped from the array like running for their lives, limping on the ground and gasping.

The remaining few disciples, who did not last for half a moment, all retired.

"It's terrible!"

"If it's a little later, I'm afraid I'll die in it."

"How can such a terrible array be a place for new disciples to practice? I don't believe it!"

"They must have wanted to humiliate us, that's what they said!"

These disciples are still in fear, and even begin to doubt whether the intention of Chaotiangong is to humiliate them.

"Garbage is garbage. If you don't have the ability, you start to make excuses."

"How many cultivation resources have they wasted? They are such rubbish. I don't know how they have the face to live in this world."

"I think we are better at finding a dog in Chaotiangong than these people."

The faces of the disciples of Chaotiangong are full of sarcastic smiles. One of them even brought a dog that was fed in Chaotiangong.

After he patted the dog's ass, the dog immediately got into the four dragons fire array.

The power of the raging fire immediately enveloped the dog, and the dog immediately fell on the ground, whimpering, full of pain.

However, the dog seems to have the spirit of perseverance, even if it is so painful, it is still struggling to support, and does not shrink back half a point.

Time went by slowly. Half an hour later, the dog finally couldn't hold up and rolled out of the array with a trace of satisfaction on his face.



Even a dog in Chaotian Palace can't match them, which makes them look hot and embarrassed.

"See, you people are not as good as the dog in Chaotiangong, ha ha ha..."

The harsh sneers of Chaotiangong disciples pierced into their hearts like needles, making them unable to lift their heads.

Suddenly, Mu Yu's fingers had a trace of burning heat.

Is it the holy fire of yaori?

"Do you want me in that formation?" Mu Yu tried to communicate with the flame.

Yao day flame immediately made a response, issued a sound Ke Ke.