Landing in the Fantastic World


"Mu Yu!"

Just at this time, a clear and familiar voice sounded from behind Mu Yu. Mu Yu looked back and it was Duanmu Qingling of Duanmu clan.

"I didn't expect you to come, too."

Duanmu Qingling's face is full of surprise. Since she parted with Mu Yu, she thought of Mu Yu's figure from time to time. Although she and Mu Yu haven't seen each other for only a month, it seems that a year has passed in her heart.

"It's a coincidence that you're here, too." Mu Yu responded with a faint smile.

"Wow, is this a fairy?" The little fat man looked at Duanmu Qingling and said with a smile: "little younger martial brother, you are really there. Such a beautiful girl can hook up with you. Tut Tut, after seeing this young lady, I suddenly feel that the Third Elder martial sister's appearance is really ordinary. I really don't know how there are so many blind people pursuing in the holy courtyard..."

In the middle of the speech, there was a sharp pain in his ear, which made him scream.

Mo Xiangxiang grabbed his ear and said: "are you impatient again? If the skin itches again, elder martial sister doesn't mind dredging your muscles and bones. "

"Ah Elder martial sister, I'm wrong. " The little fat man cried.

"So you're in the sanctuary." Duanmu Qingling looked at Mu Yu, then said with a smile to Mo Xiangxiang, Xiao Guichen and WAN Quanfu: "Hello, senior brothers and sisters, I'm Duanmu Qingling."

"Wow! You call us elder martial brothers and elder martial sisters just like Mu Yu. Is it your relationship... "

The little fat man seems to have found something extraordinary again. He opens his mouth wide and says with jealousy: "it's not fair, it's not fair. Why do all the beautiful girls like my younger martial brother, but no one likes me? Wuwuwuwuwu..."

"Are you all vulgar people? I only look at my skin, but I can't see my talent like a surging river. "

"Get out of here!"

Mo Xiangxiang was so angry that he kicked Wan Quanfu away. Then he took Duanmu Qingling by the arm and said with a smile, "sister Duanmu, since you are Mu Yu's friend, you are my friend. Come on, let's have a chat."

At this time, there is a huge flat ahead.

There are four golden fire dragons in the four directions. A huge array is formed in the middle of the fire dragons. In the center of the array, there are more than ten disciples of Chaotian Palace sitting on their knees.

Their brows were full of sweat, and their faces were full of pain, but they were all struggling, and no one left the array.

The guide disciple of Chaotian Palace looked at the people of each main sect. He turned his eyes and thought of something, so he said with a smile: "this is the place for new disciples to practice in Chaotian Palace - four dragons fire array. Since you are all guests, you can also go in and have a try."

"The longer you stay in the four Dragon Fire array, the more solid your foundation of practice will be."

Wen Yan, many other sects are eager to try.

"I'll try!"

Tianjiao of qingxuanzong, a second rate sect, strides towards the four Dragon Fire array with his head held high.

Unexpectedly, he just stepped into the range of the four Dragon Fire array, his face suddenly turned into a pig liver color, and the power of the fear of fire seemed to be able to scorch his whole body, making him extremely painful.

Within three breaths, he escaped from the four dragons fire array.

His face was still in shock and fear.

"Ha ha ha..."

Around, there were many disciples of Chaotian Palace, who laughed mercilessly, and their faces were full of contempt.