Landing in the Fantastic World


"OK, I'll take you in."

So mu Yu pushed through the crowd and went out.

All around, everyone's eyes were on him.

"Younger martial brother, I can't help it at last!" Mo Xiangxiang's face is full of excitement. She is very confident about this mysterious younger martial brother.

"Ha ha, another one is not willing to die." The disciples of Chaotian Palace sniffed.

Under the attention of the public, Mu Yu finally stepped into the four Dragon Fire array, and the power of the fire rushed towards his body.

However, how powerful his body was, the so-called power of fire could not hurt him at all.

In the middle of the array, Mu Yu didn't feel any pain. It was like taking a hot bath. On the contrary, he felt comfortable.

Looking at Mu Yu's indifferent face, standing in the middle of the array without any pain, everyone was so surprised that his eyes almost fell off.

What kind of evil is this?

Why is the gap between people so big?

Everyone can't understand, but after all, Mu Yu represents the forces from outside. Their amazing performance makes them proud.

"Come on

"Come on! They hurt the faces of these Chaotiangong disciples. "

Many people have adored Mu Yu and began to cheer for him.

The faces of the disciples of Chaotian Palace are also a little ugly. I didn't expect that this boy not only didn't humiliate their success, but also slapped them in the face.

"You, hurry to the past, put the huoyunshi into the eyes of the array, and strengthen the array effect!" One of the leading Chaotian Palace disciples told one of the younger disciples.

"How many times stronger?" Asked the little disciple.

"Ten times." The leader of the Chaotian Palace disciple said with a cold smile: "I don't believe that if the array is strengthened ten times, this boy can hold on."

While walking in the array, Mu Yu communicated with Yao sun flame with his mind, "can you absorb the power of these flames?"

Yao day flame gave a positive answer, and then began to absorb the power of the flames around.

However, it seems that the power of flame is not strong enough. After absorbing for a long time, the level of yaori flame has not been significantly improved.

"Ke Ke..." Yao day flame some discontented cry way.

Mu Yu is also very helpless. He can't control the strength of the fire. He also wants to make the power of the fire stronger, but what can he do?

At this time, the fire on the fire dragon suddenly became extremely violent, and the endless power of fire rushed towards Mu Yu.

The trough!

Mu Yu's face is full of incredible. Is this array intelligent? It's a shame to give him so much face. He said that he would strengthen.

At the same time, the flame also felt the change of the power of the flame and made a joyful sound.

It opened its mouth, and all the fire forces around it poured into its body.

At this moment, the level of yaori holy fire finally got a slight improvement, but it was still not satisfied. It tried its best to urge itself to increase its absorption ability to the maximum.

After a while, because the four fire dragons around lost too much power of the fire, their flames began to fade.

Soon, the four fire dragons were completely extinguished, as if they had run out of energy.

"This What's going on? "

The leader of the Chaotian Palace disciple, looking at all this in front of him, was puzzled.

Why did the array, which was ten times more powerful, not only failed to win Mu Yu, but also collapsed.