Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby

Chapter 381: Xu Tianyi: I'm so scared!

Chapter 381 Xu Tianyi: I\'m too scared!

After taking a sip of tea, Ye Mo raised his head and glanced at the computer screen.

At this glance, he had already used his Wisdom Eye skill.


The next moment, he was stunned, thinking he was dazzled.

You can open your eyes again and take a closer look. It’s still the same. All stocks are on the trend of falling sharply, and the decline will be very large, and some can reach a decline of 40 to 50%.


Ye Mo took a breath.

This is going to... a stock market crash!

He frowned and his face became solemn.

There are frequent stock market crashes, but this time it will be more serious.

Fortunately, he doesn\'t invest much in the domestic stock market, so he just needs to clear out the stocks he recently invested in.

"This may be... an opportunity!"

Suddenly, his expression changed.

He has been pondering how to deal with Tianhong Fund, but many of the other parties invested in domestic companies, so it is not easy to start. Unlike the currency circle, there are no restrictions.

And this stock market crash may be an opportunity.

"Renhe Wine Industry!"

He glanced down and found this stock.

This stock has been rising all the time, and Tianhong Fund has invested a lot, but this time, its decline will be very large. It will fall by nearly half, which will be very tragic. After the big decline, it will fall again for a long time. , can\'t rise. .

All he needs to do is to push the stock up and push it up again to attract Tianhong to invest more.

In this way, they will lose even more.

After pondering for a long time, he had a complete plan and started to act.

"Renhe Wine Industry has risen again?"

Dijing, a golf course, Xu Tianyi, who was wearing a polo shirt and slacks, swung his golf club, and with a bang, he simply hit the ball out neatly, and after it rolled down, he entered the hole accurately.

He smiled smugly, and was about to celebrate when his phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was the company\'s phone, so he picked it up.

Now, he doesn\'t have to keep an eye on himself like before. He has a bunch of traders and analysts under his command, but he needs to make many decisions, so he has to answer the call.

After picked it up, he smiled, not surprised.

This Renhe Wine Industry has been up for more than a year, and it is full of energy. It is a high-quality stock that is always red. He has invested a lot in it, and he has made a lot of money from this stock.

"In this way, the two inferior stocks have been cleared out, and all of them will be invested in Renhe!"

After thinking about it, he said.

Half a month ago, he stepped on a big pit. Not to mention he lost tens of millions, but also made the company\'s fund lose hundreds of millions. For this, he was not less scolded by shareholders. Those big bosses who invested money He was very dissatisfied.

Those days were indeed a bit difficult.

But fortunately, it\'s all over, he still had some reputation in the past, and after making a lot of promises, he reluctantly let it go.

However, he has to earn back the hundreds of millions he lost so that he can satisfy those bigwigs.

Just right, Renhe Wine Industry has a trend of rising, you can invest a little more and earn a little more back.


After a few more chats, he hung up the phone and stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

At this moment, he remembered what happened before, and his face was a little ugly.

Up to now, he still can\'t guess, whether it was his own bad luck, or... that kid set up the game, he was inclined to the latter at one time, but after thinking about it, how could that kid be so powerful.

Besides, he didn\'t provoke the kid, and he was very polite to him at the wine table. It stands to reason that the kid didn\'t have this motive.

"never mind!"

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head, throwing these thoughts out of his mind.

has passed, there is no need to keep entangled.

Anyway, I won\'t have anything to do with that kid anymore.

"Boss Xu, that shot just now was amazing!"

Beside him, there were several other people, all men in their forties and fifties. Although they were dressed casually, their wealth and the expensive watches on their wrists showed their extraordinary wealth.

"Haha! It\'s okay! It\'s okay!"

Xu Tianyi laughed immediately.

came up again, chatted with these people in a friendly way, and laughed freely.

These people are all people with some wealth in the Imperial Capital. If he used to, he would not have this qualification, but now, with hundreds of millions of net worth and tens of billions of funds in his hands, he is also qualified to step into this top circle.

He glanced to the side again, and saw the beautiful and **** figures of the sparring partners, and his heart burst into flames.

Those who can enter here as sparring trainers are not ordinary in appearance and young.

A short skirt and a tight-fitting top especially highlight the figure, it is sexy, and it is full of youthful vitality. Who wouldn\'t be tempted to see it!

"Boss Xu, you are amazing!"

An 18- or 19-year-old girl came up with a club, with a pure smile on her face, which made his heart skip a beat.

"not bad!"

swept over the girl\'s graceful body, and he smiled warmly.

The two chatted happily.

After playing football, we happily went to dinner together, went to the luxury shopping mall to buy a pass, and finally, went to the hotel.

At noon the next day, he was woken up by the ringing of the phone.


He opened his eyes and murmured.

He subconsciously felt that she was the wife of the family.

However, he didn\'t care at all. How could a successful man like him find only one person? The reason why he was looking for this Zhao Yiman and marrying her was because she was simple-minded and easy to deceive!

He didn\'t rush to take it, he turned his head to look at the girl beside him, and smiled.

After a while, he turned over, took the phone, and picked it up.

"Boss, something big happened!"

As soon as the phone goes through, the opposite is eagerly.

"Hi! What a big deal!"

Xu Tianyi smiled, somewhat disdainfully.

He rolled over, went to pour himself a glass of wine, and Meimei took a sip.

The last time he acted as a demon, and he was bad luck, that\'s why he lost so much, otherwise, the company would not lose money at all, and everything he invested was very stable.

"It fell! All fell! It fell badly!"

The opposite side smiled wryly.

Xu Tianyi made a move, and the smile on his face immediately froze.

"How much did it fall? Throw it all out!" He said hurriedly.

"It couldn\'t be thrown out, and the whole line plummeted. It was... a stock market crash! The stocks we invested in also all fell badly. Yesterday, Renhe Wine Industry, which increased its positions, fell even worse. In the morning, it fell by 10%, and it is still plummeted."


Xu Tianyi\'s hand shook, and the wine glass fell heavily.

He stood there in a daze, with a face of Bai Jun, no more blood, and then, his body began to tremble, intense panic, anxiety, and even fear, gradually came to his heart.

With trembling hands, he opened the software and checked the situation, but his face was getting paler and his body was shaking even more.

Finally, he slammed and fell to the ground.

"It\'s over!"

His pale lips moved and murmured like babbling, and the whole person was lost.

Last time, I only lost a little bit, it didn’t hurt my bones, I could make up for it, but this time, I really lost a lot, and it was fundamentally damaged.

The money of those small retail investors will be lost if they lose, and it is nothing. There is no way to take him, but what about those big bosses?

Thinking of the consequences, he shivered and shuddered a little.