Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby

Chapter 382: Xu Tianyi: It's him again!

Chapter 382 Xu Tianyi: It\'s him again!

"Ye Mo! Ye Mo!"

After seven o\'clock in the evening, Su Yuqing came back with Yang Manni.

As soon as entered the door, Yang Manni hurriedly changed her shoes and rushed in.

"You are really amazing! You really fell, and you fell badly! My circle of friends is full of mourning!" She ran into the kitchen, her mature and charming jade face was full of excitement and excitement.

During dinner last night, Ye Mo told her that the stock market would fall today, and asked her to remind her friends that she still didn\'t believe it at that time.

I didn\'t expect that today, it really fell, and the fall continued. Now, the news is all about the stock market, and the Weibo has rushed to the hot search, and the circle of friends is even more mourning.

Behind, Su Yuqing smiled, took off her high heels, put on a pair of slippers, and walked in.

She took off her coat, and underneath was a slim-fitting white dress, which revealed her proud figure to the fullest. Under the skirt was a style that wrapped her hips, tightly wrapping her full buttocks, with a rounded curve.

A pair of slender and beautiful legs were wrapped with a pair of thin shredded pork, making them more straight.

The shredded pork is flesh-colored after all, very close to the skin color. Some people wear it, and they can\'t see it at first glance, but when you wear it on her leg, you can see it at a glance.

Her complexion was very white, dazzlingly white, and her legs were the same white and smooth.

Hanging up her coat, she raised her hand and tucked her hair together. A light makeup was applied to her fairy face, which was shrouded in a misty light under the light, which was as beautiful as a dream.

She just pursed her lips and smiled lightly, which revealed all kinds of style and soul-stirring.

"Manny, you forgot, this is what he is best at, don\'t you keep calling him a god!"

She smiled and walked over. .

"God of stock! True stock god!"

Yang Manni nodded and said excitedly.

This Ye Mo is really amazing!

"If I had known it earlier, I should have believed you, reminded my friends, and I could show it off." Then, she said regretfully.

"If you don\'t believe me, I have reminded several people, and they all praised me for predicting things like God!"

Su Yuqing smiled sweetly, a little proud.

"Alas! What a pity!"

Yang Manni shook her head, sighed, turned around, walked out of the kitchen, and went to the living room to see the baby.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing her go far, Su Yuqing came up, stretched out her hand and wrapped Ye Mo\'s waist, saying greasy.

"Red wine stew!"

Ye Mo lifted the lid of the pot and gave her a look.

"Yeah! It\'s really fragrant!"

Su Yuqingqiong wrinkled her nose and exclaimed when she smelled it.

She hugged like this, resting her cheek on his shoulder, tired for a while, then left, and went to the living room to take the baby.

After eating and packing up, Ye Mo continued to broadcast for a while, and it was after ten o\'clock that he went upstairs.

The next morning, after seeing Su Yuqing and the two out, he called a car and went out with the baby.

First went to Renhua General Hospital, and then went to Lingxiu Jewelry.

Then, went to Baoyue Hotel again.

The renovation of the hotel restaurant is almost done. It will open in a few days. At that time, it will be no problem to fight for a second diamond. Maybe you can get a Michelin star. If you reach this level, it will not be a shame for him. .

"Ye Dong, that tall star, even asked about you!"

Manager Luo from here showed him with a smile after showing him the restaurant.

"Tall star?"

Ye Mo was startled.


Then, he was stunned.

is that Gao Meihong!

"Why did she ask me?" he asked in surprise.


Manager Luo grinned and smiled bitterly.

Isn\'t it obvious!

That tall star is interested in you.

But looking at Ye Dong\'s expression, he didn\'t say clearly that Ye Dong\'s appearance didn\'t seem to care about that Gao Meihong. Last time, Ye Dong didn\'t give her any face.

In his opinion, that Gao Meihong is naturally very attractive. Not only is she beautiful, **** and glamorous, but she is also a famous star, but in the eyes of people like Ye Dong, it may not be anything.

"It\'s nothing, just ask, when are you coming, Director Ye, and tell me, if Director Ye is here, tell her."

Manager Luo thought for a while and smiled.

"No need!"

Ye Mo glanced at him and said lightly.

"Yes Yes!"

Manager Luo hurriedly nodded.

"The hygiene of the hotel, you must pay attention, and the restaurant, this is the most important thing, you must pay attention to it." After looking at it again, Ye Mo urged.

"rest assured!"

Manager Luo hurriedly responded.

It was already noon, Ye Mo simply ate at the hotel and fed the baby before leaving.

"Go to Huatian Building!"

got into the car, and he rushed to the driveway.

Next stop, it’s time to go to Huatian Security.

He is still very interested in the field of security.

The driver responded, navigated a bit, and drove out.

After about ten minutes, the car stopped in front of a brand new building.

"It\'s quite high!"

Ye Mo got out of the car with the baby and looked up, a little surprised.

This building must be 200 meters long, which is of course a little worse than his twin towers, but it is also a skyscraper, and this building is all guarded by Huatian Security.


He looked at it and chuckled lightly.

Put the baby in the stroller, and he will push it to the building.

At this time, on the street, a Bentley came and stopped in front of the building.

There were two people sitting on the back seat of the car.

One man and one woman, the man is wearing a blue suit and a pair of gold-framed glasses, his face is white and handsome, with a bit of gentleness, he looks like he is in his thirties, while the woman has a delicate and beautiful face, with a bit of an internet celebrity temperament.

It was Xu Tianyi and Zhao Yiman.

At this moment, Xu Tianyi was holding his mobile phone, constantly swiping, looking anxious and nervous.

His stock is still falling, especially Narenhe Wine Co., Ltd., which has fallen terribly. In two days, it has dropped by 40%, making him vomit out blood.

Looking at the green screen, his hands were shaking.

"Tian Yi, don\'t worry! It will definitely rise back." Zhao Yiman grabbed his hand and comforted him softly.


Xu Tianyi looked up at her and smiled.

He also felt that he would definitely rise back up a bit at that time, so that his losses would not be too great, but right now, he had to deal with the big guys who were furious because of their huge losses.

"Boss, it\'s time for Huatian!"

The driver stopped the car and reminded.


Xu Tianyi opened the door and walked out.

took a deep breath, he calmed down, and was about to go inside, but at this time, he glanced inadvertently, but saw someone pushing an extra-large stroller and walking into the building.

Looking at the figure, it was somewhat familiar.

"It\'s him!"

Taking a closer look, after seeing the profile face, his color suddenly changed.

Isn\'t this the kid!

Why is he here?

"Bad luck!"

He snorted and cursed in a low voice.

Zhao Yiman followed his gaze, his pretty face also changed, showing a bit of disgust.

It was this person who caused Tianyi to lose tens of millions!