Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby

Chapter 380: Su Yuqing: I miss you so much!

Chapter 380 Su Yuqing: I miss you so much!

"Good weather!"

Ligongyuan, at the door of the house.

Ye Mo got out of the car, looked up at the sky, and couldn\'t help laughing.

When I first got off the plane, the weather was still a little cloudy, but now the sun is out and it is very warm.

Looking around again, many flowers were blooming in the villa area, and he could smell the strong fragrance of flowers with a slight sniff.

The driver helped to take out the luggage, got in the car and left.

Ye Mo stood at the gate for a while, then walked in with the two babies in his arms.

opened the door, he went in first, put the baby down on the sofa, and went back to bring the luggage in.

"Just eat these!"

He went to the kitchen and looked. There were some discarded hamburger wrappers in the trash can. Apparently, they ate these last night.

He cleaned up the kitchen, wiped the dust, then hugged the baby and went upstairs lightly.


He gently opened the door to the master bedroom.

In the room, the light was dim, and the heavy curtains blocked the sunlight outside.

On the bed, the jade man was still sleeping.

She faced the door, lying on her side, with a thin blanket covering her body, which clearly outlined her graceful embossed, almost enchanting curve, half of her jade legs were exposed, and they overlapped gently, like beautiful jade. Snow white dazzling. .

A black silk like satin was spread out, covering half of his cheeks.

Although only half of it can be seen, this jade face is still breathtakingly beautiful and extremely bright.

Ye Mo walked over, sat down beside the bed, and looked at this fairy-like jade face.

She seems to be in a dream, her expression will move slightly, her long eyelashes will vibrate from time to time, and her two full, plump red lips will be sipped from time to time, looking very attractive.

Ye Mo looked at it and smiled gently.

Then, he put down the two babies in his arms.

The mattress was a little soft, and the two little guys didn\'t stand firm for a while, and sat down on one buttocks. Then, using both hands and feet, they crawled towards her. Two pairs of small hands climbed onto her body, and their mouths were still vague. , shouting Ma Ma in a milky voice.

One sound.

She opened a pair of misty beautiful eyes. After seeing Ye Mo, she was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes burst into a strong surprise.

"You\'re here!"

She raised her body and called out in surprise.

Looking at the two babies on the bed, she was about to crawl on her body. She smiled even more brilliantly, sat up, stretched out her jade hand, and went to hold the two babies.

The blanket slipped off, revealing her snow-white, smooth skin.

Her white is like cream, white and smooth, and it looks a little icy texture.

Her curves are even more beautiful, especially the two fragrant shoulders, which are like knife cuts, and down the neck of the swan is the delicate collarbone, which is slightly sunken, giving people a thin feeling.

But, further down, there is a snow-white abundance.

The curve is proud and has a sense of majesty.

When reached the waist, the curve suddenly shrank again, becoming tight and narrow, with a full grip, like a water snake.

The skin on her waist is also firm and smooth, even if she has given birth to two children, there is no trace of it.

"Let Mommy kiss!"

With one hand in each hand, she hugged the two babies, one on the left and one on the right, and kissed them several times, making the two babies giggled.

This difference is about ten days. She thinks about these two babies so much that she sometimes dreams about them when she dreams.

Of course, I miss him too!

After kissing enough, she raised her head and looked to her side, pursed her lips, and smiled sweetly.

Then, when he leaned over, he leaned over and leaned in front of Ye Mo with a refreshing fragrance, his two red lips were reprinted on his cheek, and he kissed him.

"I miss you so much!"

stepped back a little, she pursed her lips, her beautiful eyes fixedly looking at him, not for a moment, a little emotionally authentic.

"I miss you as well!"

Ye Mo stretched out his hand, caressed this beautiful jade face, and kissed it slowly.



For a long time, the two talents separated.

That Heavenly Immortal Jade face was a little red, and a pair of beautiful eyes showed a bit of moisture, and she was extraordinarily shy.

"What time is it!"

What came to mind, she asked hurriedly.

Ye Mo is here, it\'s very late! She won\'t sleep until the afternoon this time!

"It\'s only half past ten!"

Ye Mo smiled and said softly.

"It\'s so early!" Su Yuqing was startled, a little surprised, and then smiled embarrassedly, "It\'s not too early! However, Manni and I slept very late last night. She was watching the drama, so she didn\'t pull me to watch it. , looking at it, it\'s two or three o\'clock."

"You lie down again, I\'ll cook!"

Ye Mo got up and said.


She nodded, hugged the baby, and lay back.

Ye Mo went downstairs, opened the refrigerator and looked at it. There were still a lot of ingredients. It seemed that they bought it yesterday. He picked out some and got busy.

"smell good!"

After eleven o\'clock, Yang Manni came out of the room, yawning and a little sleepy.

She put on a pajamas, covering her graceful and plump body, but a pair of slender, snow-white legs were exposed, a little dazzling.

"How long have you been back?"

She stepped on her slippers and walked over, her graceful figure shaking with charming ripples.

"Not long!"

Ye Mo didn\'t lift his head, he was busy cooking.


He picked up a bottle of cooking wine and poured it into the pot. Suddenly, a fire burst out.

Yang Manni opened the refrigerator, took a bottle of water, twisted it open and took a sip.

Looking at Ye Mo again, she pursed her lips and smiled.

It\'s great to eat again!

stayed outside for more than ten days, and she and Yuqing missed his cooking skills every day when they were eating.

She went back to her room, washed her clothes, and came out, sitting in the living room, holding a mirror and putting on makeup.

"Does your company invite bodyguards?"

Prepare a dish and serve it on the table, Ye Mo asked what he thought.


Yang Manni was stunned and said in surprise, "Sometimes I invite them, usually when I participate in an event, but most of them are invited by the organizer. If the organizer doesn\'t invite them, the company will also invite them. "

"You don\'t know, some fans are so fanatical. In the past two years, there were fanatic fans who sent letters of love to Yuqing, and later they all called the police!"

"By the way, why are you asking this?"

"Nothing, just a little worried about Yuqing her."

Ye Mo smiled.

"It\'s alright, with me here, no one can hurt baby Yuqing!" Yang Manni patted her bulging chest and said confidently.

Ye Mo didn\'t ask any more questions and continued to cook.

After half an hour, Su Yuqing also washed up, dressed up, and came down with her two babies.

"Ouch! Two cuties, let Aunt Yang hug them!"

Yang Manni greeted her and snatched the baby from her hand.

"Let\'s eat!"

Ye Mo has already done it, set up the plate, and greeted them to sit down.

They weren\'t very busy today. After they finished eating, the two took the baby out for a walk.

went back to the room and sat down, he opened the stock market software.

The third chapter was closed last night, and it was released today during the day