Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby

Chapter 371: Jiang Shiyun: It's a little tight!

Chapter 371 Jiang Shiyun: It\'s a little tight!


In the bedroom, Huang Yiyi sat up, her face flushed with excitement.

"Rhyme! Poetry!"

She rolled over and got out of bed, climbed onto the opposite bed, lifted the quilt, and got in.

On the bed, the jade man was still a little dazed and didn\'t wake up.

Sensing the movement on her side, her long eyelashes trembled and she pursed her red lips.

She has a small cherry mouth, and the two red lips are slightly full, plump, moist, pink and tender, with the unique tenderness of a girl.

Her snow-white body also twisted slightly.

The girl\'s delicate body has lost the last trace of greenness, and the curve has become more graceful and rounded. Several plump and full, it is already very large, and it has a somewhat hot and **** taste.

Her skin is particularly white, that kind of milky white, as smooth as jade, without any flaws.

A jade-like face, very beautiful, with curved eyebrows, a straight nose, and a pair of half-open and half-closed, misty eyes, with a strong pure and sweet temperament.

Especially her eyes are very pure, without any impurities.

The girl half-opened her eyes and glanced at Huang Yiyi who was crawling into the bed. She murmured vaguely before closing her eyes and continuing to sleep.


Then, she sensed something, let out a low voice, and opened her eyes.

A white and moist face instantly flew two rosy clouds, and a pair of beautiful eyes showed a moist luster, which was extraordinarily shy. .


Her red lips parted lightly, and she snorted.

"Get up! It\'s half past eight!"

Huang Yiyi withdrew her hand and smiled.

"Shiyun, your figure is getting better and better! Obviously, I eat the same food as you, so why do you grow meat and I don\'t?" After a while, Huang Yiyi lowered her head and looked at her. The magnanimous chest suddenly collapsed.

She pouted and looked aggrieved.

Clearly, she is also trying very hard to eat. She eats whatever Shiyun eats, and she eats more, but as a result, only the flesh on her stomach grows.

"How can there be!"

Jiang Shiyun blushed slightly and whispered.

Recently, she is still growing, quite fast. The changes in her body have made her a little shy. Many of the clothes she used to wear can no longer be worn. Some of them will look very **** when they are on. Sometimes she doesn\'t dare to wear them. Put on.

As soon as she walked out, the eyes of those boys were all burning and swept towards her.

However, she was also a little happy in her heart.

At her current age, it is the last opportunity for her to develop. If she doesn\'t grow up now, she will have no chance in the future.

"Obviously there is!"

Huang Yiyi smiled and reached out to hug her.

"Oops! Your hands are so icy! Let me sleep again! It\'s only half past eight!"

After frolic for a while, Jiang Shiyun yawned, a little sleepy and authentic.

"I can\'t sleep anymore! I just told my cousin to stop by and see him, I have to get up now!" Huang Yiyi tapped the screen of her phone and glanced at the time.

Jiang Shiyun\'s beautiful eyes opened, as if she was instantly refreshed.

Seeing this, Huang Yiyi giggled.

She knew it would be like this.

She rhymes, secretly she still likes her cousin. When she is free, she will watch the live broadcast. She can see that little thought at a glance.

She thinks it\'s normal too. This girl\'s secret crush is very simple and hazy, and she may not be able to control the rhyme herself!

"Yiyi, what are you laughing at!"

Jiang Shiyun blushed slightly and said.

"Nothing! Get up!"

Huang Yiyi giggled, got up and got out of bed.

"So early?"

Hearing the movement, someone stood up on the other two beds, and it was Zhou Zixuan who looked into it.

Today, a group of girls in the class said yes, they were going to see their idols in the city, but it was one or two o\'clock in the afternoon, and it was only 8:30, which was a little too early.

"I\'m going to see my cousin!"

Huang Yiyi raised her face, showing off somewhat authentically.

Zhou Zixuan was startled.

She bit her red lips lightly, her eyes became a little complicated, she couldn\'t tell whether it was jealousy, envy, or both.

This Huang Yiyi was so ordinary before!

Among a group of girls in the class, she is not at all inconspicuous. Because of her cousin, she is now popular, not only in the class, but also in the department.

That cousin of hers is amazing now. He has become the No. 1 internet celebrity in Douyin. He has over 90 million fans. He doesn\'t know how much he earns from live broadcasts. Now he also makes clothes, which is very popular.

Hearing Huang Yiyi say that during the Chinese New Year, her cousin gave her millions of New Year\'s money, but she was shocked and envied.

"Do you want to go together?"

Huang Yiyi said casually.

This week Zixuan, I used to have a bad relationship with her, but now, it\'s pretty good, she\'s very enthusiastic, a little flattering.

"Go... go!"

Zhou Zixuan didn\'t even think about it, and nodded heavily.

Yiyi, this cousin, I don\'t know how many girls in the school like it! Go and see, and you can show off later, very face.

"Then get up quickly!"

Huang Yiyi shouted, walked straight to the toilet, and washed up.

Jiang Shiyun also got up, went to wash up, and came back to open the wardrobe.

"What to wear?"

She frowned slightly, a little distressed.

After thinking about it for a while, she chose a small fragrant black dress. It was a little slim and showed off her figure. The bottom was a style that covered her hips, and she just put on a pair of black stockings, which made it very complimenting.

Her temperament is very suitable for white, she wears very pure and immortal, but if she wears too much, she will sometimes get tired. She can also control black, and it looks very good and sexy.

"A little... tight!"

Putting on the clothes, she stretched her jade hands behind her back to zip the zipper, but halfway through, it felt a little tight.

Zhen Zhen\'s head was slightly lowered, and when she glanced at the full plumpness, a bit of shame appeared in her eyes again.

This dress is from last year, it was quite suitable back then, but now it is a bit small.

"let me help you!"

Huang Yiyi simply put on her clothes, a small sky blue skirt and a coat, she looked a little cute.

She turned around and looked, then reached out and closed the zipper for Jiang Shiyun.


Gently stroked his chest, Jiang Shiyun let out a deep breath.

Wearing it like this makes me feel a little stuffy.

However, after looking in the mirror, she was reluctant to change it. When she wore it like this, her figure looked particularly embossed and graceful, and she was extremely sexy.

"It\'s so pretty!"

Huang Yiyi looked at it and said with admiration.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Jiang Shiyun pursed her lips and smiled sweetly.

Then, she pulled up her hair, took out a pair of black silk from the cabinet, and sat down.

Fading the skirt to her hips, she lifted up a pair of slender, straight jade legs, and then put on a pair of stockings slowly, pulling them up, but this action was a bit tempting, lining her Zhang Qingchun, the sweet girl with jade face, is even more charming.